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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Salaries based on business performance.


It will make jobs in places like factories, supermarkets, hotels etc. more desirable.


How will it be administered and will people be happy to take a lower wage when the business goes through a rough patch?

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How will it be administered and will people be happy to take a lower wage when the business goes through a rough patch?


I don't know how it would be administered.


I know that Sky TV charge publicans for the sports package based on takings behind the bar. It's a similar thing I guess.

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Nigel Farage targets hedge funds as key to Ukip’s financial future

Nigel Farage, who has pledged to build a “people’s army” separate from vested interests, has identified hedge funds and their owners as crucial to Ukip’s financial future.


A leaked internal report shows the party’s leader argued that “the key to money for us will be the hedge fund industry” as he addressed Ukip’s executive committee in 2012.


He also recounted a meeting with a billionaire businessman in Switzerland as he urged the party to capitalise on improvements in the polls.


The documents will be embarrassing for members of the anti-federalist party who have been keen to argue that the Tories are underwritten by the City.


UKIP may be a "people's army" - the question is do their supporters know who will they be fighting for? :suspect:

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Yeh Yeh Yeh!! The Guardian and over two years old. Surely you can do better than that?




The article is from today. Just because it's only just come to light doesn't mean it's not relevant.


I notice you avoided commenting on the point of my post. UKIP claim they're the party for the common man to attract Labour voters - yet here we see the efforts they make to cosy up to hedge funds. It begs the question are UKIP really going to represent the interests of disaffected Labour voters?

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Nigel Farage targets hedge funds as key to Ukip’s financial future


UKIP may be a "people's army" - the question is do their supporters know who will they be fighting for? :suspect:


The Finance sector of the economy provides hundreds of thousands of jobs, and £billions to the exchequer, it's time we moved on from 2008 and stopped demonising The City like it's something we can do without (let's see how well the country would do without a thriving Financial sector).

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The Finance sector of the economy provides hundreds of thousands of jobs, and £billions to the exchequer, it's time we moved on from 2008 and stopped demonising The City like it's something we can do without (let's see how well the country would do without a thriving Financial sector).


Criticising UKIP for misrepresenting themselves is not demonising the city.

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