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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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He's also forgotten that both UKIP MPs went to public school, one to Marlborough College and the other to Charterhouse.


A snob as well eh? Why should someone's background be used against someone? Its important to have a mix of all people.


You really have some questionable personality traits.

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A snob as well eh? Why should someone's background be used against someone? Its important to have a mix of all people.


You really have some questionable personality traits.


Actually it was a UKIP supporter who questioned whether public schoolboys should hold public office;


....spoilt private school kids,who have all their old class mates around them and often that's the only qualification for holding the positions they do.


Yesterday you were saying a UKIP MEP was useless. Today you're saying a UKIP voter is a snob with a questionable personality trait.


You really know how to look after your own, don't you.

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Interesting development in Rotherham;


"Rotherham's three Labour MPs say they are suing two UKIP politicians over remarks made about them in relation to the town's child abuse scandal.


Sarah Champion, John Healey and Kevin Barron are taking action against MEP Jane Collins for libel and slander for comments she made at a UKIP conference, which they believe are defamatory.


They are also suing Rotherham UKIP group leader Caven Vines for libel.


The three MPs are taking action against Mr Vines for remarks he made in a Sky News interview."




Jane Collins has form. She apologised a couple of months ago for calling the head of a charity a paedophile, describing herself as hot-headed;




Well rumour has it that this is another dirty ploy by Liebour. While they await the legal wrangling to be settled Jane is not allowed to mention the disgraceful behaviour of Liebour officials in the scandal..


Liebour don't want any mention of their grubby little involvement in the issue... is this because there's a general election due?

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A snob as well eh? Why should someone's background be used against someone? Its important to have a mix of all people.


You really have some questionable personality traits.


I agree, unfortunately it's your fellow UKIP supporters that seem to have that chip on their shoulder regarding someones background. The posts were made only to point out that the poster's hypocrisy.


is it just me that thinks that the way the big parties are behaving they arnt fit to run a corner shop never mind a country.

They are no more than out of touch bullsh... spoilt private school kids,who have all their old class mates around them and often that's the only qualification for holding the positions they do.

the way they are behaving is discusting,and they havnt even started yet.

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Well rumour has it that this is another dirty ploy by Liebour. While they await the legal wrangling to be settled Jane is not allowed to mention the disgraceful behaviour of Liebour officials in the scandal..


Liebour don't want any mention of their grubby little involvement in the issue... is this because there's a general election due?


Jane would be best not saying much at all given her track record.


I can't see how Labour isn't mentioning the issue. Three Labour MPs are suing for defamation in a public court. That's hardly a cover-up. The MPs will sue as individuals, not as representatives of Labour.


Jane Collins is a loose cannon with a big gob and small brain. She's obviously perfect for UKIP in that regard but this could cost her a lot of money and her job.

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Is that why UKIP is trying to recruit as many of them as it can?


I do know why they're trying to recruit them. But they're slagging them off, saying they're useless and corrupt and should be replaced. While they're trying to recruit them.


There are a few amongst Labour, Conservative and Libdem that are sensible and have some integrity. Frank Field for Labour is a good example but a bit old now.

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I agree, unfortunately it's your fellow UKIP supporters that seem to have that chip on their shoulder regarding someones background. The posts were made only to point out that the poster's hypocrisy.


The big difference between UKIP and the others is UKIP wants whats best for the people,not for themselves.


Brazil put a very high tax on importing vehicles some years ago and because of that their car industry is seventh biggest in the world.

We import everything and we keep being told that's best for us and theres no other way or were all doomed.its far from the case,we have the money to not only invest in us and our people,its just not being used for that,its instead being piped to the EU and bongo bongo land where ever that is.

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The big difference between UKIP and the others is UKIP wants whats best for the people,not for themselves.


Which contradicts what you said before. You claimed it's all the fault of public school boys;


"is it just me that thinks that the way the big parties are behaving they arnt fit to run a corner shop never mind a country.

They are no more than out of touch bullsh... spoilt private school kids,who have all their old class mates around them and often that's the only qualification for holding the positions they do.

the way they are behaving is discusting,and they havnt even started yet".


Now these out of touch public school boys who can't run a corner shop suddenly want the best for the people.


Make your mind up.

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Jane would be best not saying much at all given her track record.


I can't see how Labour isn't mentioning the issue. Three Labour MPs are suing for defamation in a public court. That's hardly a cover-up. The MPs will sue as individuals, not as representatives of Labour.


Jane Collins is a loose cannon with a big gob and small brain. She's obviously perfect for UKIP in that regard but this could cost her a lot of money and her job.


So are you saying that the Labour representatives are blameless in the affair? Its just a ploy to stop people talking about it...

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France terrorists..............West is culpable,Farage claims



Nigel Farage has urged the West to admit some “culpability” in the Charlie Hebdo attacks as he claimed mass immigration, foreign policy and political decisions had contributed to recent events in Paris.

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