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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I came across these official stats recently:

in this article about PEGIDA in Germany.


Just to plant a little bit of factual information in the thread, as no doubt the issue will be kicked up again soon, the nearer we draw to the GE :)


Germany is in turmoil with mass demonstrations every week... Italy want out of the EU... Sweden is a country paralyzed by PC idiots where women are dying their hair black to avoid becoming a victim of rape by Muslims... France? Well look what happened there..

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Germany is in turmoil with mass demonstrations every week... Italy want out of the EU... Sweden is a country paralyzed by PC idiots where women are dying their hair black to avoid becoming a victim of rape by Muslims... France? Well look what happened there..

The whole EU thing is just being propped up by a few unelected has beens like Mr Blair who's only interest is the wages.£125,000 a year isn't it?

You can certainly see the attraction for Blair giving away all our rights when hes favourite to become a leading member.

Many of them cant even put a proper sentence together never mind know what day it is,but then they wernt chosen cos they were bright,they were chosen cos they say yes.


youtube the EU and see foryouselfs this bunch of out of touch has beens are.Nige makes mince meat of them,and many unsaid agree with him.

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The whole EU thing is just being propped up by a few unelected has beens like Mr Blair who's only interest is the wages.£125,000 a year isn't it?


Tony Blair has had absolutely no role to do with the EU except for being a Middle East envoy on behalf of the UN, EU, Russia and USA from 2007.


You ought to start doing some basic research before posting your factual inaccuracies.


Here's a start; https://www.google.co.uk/

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Tony Blair has had absolutely no role to do with the EU except for being a Middle East envoy on behalf of the UN, EU, Russia and USA from 2007.


You ought to start doing some basic research before posting your factual inaccuracies.


Here's a start; https://www.google.co.uk/


To be fair to the poster, he believed that the main reason that the west wasn't getting involved with the current atrocities in Nigeria was because there wasn't any oil in Nigeria. :hihi:

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Who is it that you think gave the Eu all our rights?


The Tories. Heath took us in in 1973. Thatcher signed the Single European Act in 1986. John Major signed Maastricht. This is the party that Farage, Reckless and Carswell all joined, apparently oblivious to what they were doing. You seem to be equally clueless.


Anyway, what's this £125,000 about then?


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 22:17 ----------


Theres no oil in it.


To be fair to the poster, he believed that the main reason that the west wasn't getting involved with the current atrocities in Nigeria was because there wasn't any oil in Nigeria. :hihi:


That's brilliant. Thanks for pointing that out. Happ Hazzard has a rival for most clueless poster.

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Oh great,someone stuck in the seventies lol


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 22:20 ----------


Keep up old lad


Any other pearls of wisdom that you'd like to share with us, you have been particularly entertaining as of recently. :hihi:

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The Eu in the seventies was intended to be something very different to what it's become.

If something or someone changes,then we're entitled to change our minds and many have and are now doing that,and with very very good reason.


---------- Post added 15-01-2015 at 23:10 ----------


In the same way Tony Blair got a landslide yet most of his voters today wouldn't spit on him never mind vote for him.

Things change,so do opinions,and that's why the main party's will never give a fair vote on the Eu.they already know the answer.

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The Eu in the seventies was intended to be something very different to what it's become.

If something or someone changes,then we're entitled to change our minds and many have and are now doing that,and with very very good reason.


I don't think that the EU was around in the 1970s, it come into being in the early 1990s after the Maastricht Treaty? Prior to that it was the EEC.

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