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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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You forget, because it didn't happen.


'Starting a fight for independence just when we were getting busy with the Nazis.'


Brilliant! You really know sod all about what you're talking about do you?


The Republic of Ireland - initially the Free State - won it's independence from Britain in 1922.


Britain didn't go to war with Germany until 1939.


No doubt you are an example of the well informed people who are voting UKIP.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 18:01 ----------



Yes the population over here is definitely denser.


The population of Ireland in the 1881 census was 8,175,124.


It was down to 4,228,553 by 1926.


Are you aware of the reason?




potato famine, all went to USA? irish navvies moving to uk to dig canals, railways etc? cant be sure so will have to check history books.


irish DID start an uprising in WW2. i watched it on a tv documentary.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 22:55 ----------


nope on both counts lol


morts female, ivanava is male


they are supposed to be neutral...sorry, impartial.:hihi:

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nope on both counts lol


morts female, ivanava is male


Your kidding me?


Seriously? Morts female?


No problem with ivanava, other than the user name, avatar and posting style appear to be of the female persuasion to me.


But Mort? This is mind blowing! And a little bit frightening to be honest.


Was she a Nun originally? Because that would make some kind of sense.


Oh, and before someone accuses me of being misogynist I'm not.


I love women, they are without doubt the better gender. I had an Irish mother, Irish aunts, was taught by Nuns at an early age and have a wife, two daughters and a granddaughter. When a woman speaks, I listen.


It's me and the grandson against all odds. :o


All joking aside, women have a perspective on life denied to men. Men such as Scudamore and Paxman with their recent remarks are, in my view beneath contempt.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 23:06 ----------




not in the least...what's eating you? :confused:


Nothing whatsoever, you put a smiley after a comment, indicates amusement, yes?

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Nothing whatsoever, you put a smiley after a comment, indicates amusement, yes?
No, it was a wink-and-nod at you, that you had left out the fact that the immigration curve which you outlined in your post had started reversing in 2008, then progressed quite drastically. Of which I'm sure you were well aware. I don't believe you were being disingenuous though.


Bit touchy, mj ;) (that's another wink-and-nod, meant as a light-hearted banter note...just to be sure)

Edited by L00b
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potato famine, all went to USA? irish navvies moving to uk to dig canals, railways etc? cant be sure so will have to check history books.


irish DID start an uprising in WW2. i watched it on a tv documentary.


---------- Post added 22-05-2014 at 22:55 ----------




No, they did not all go to the USA.


Over one million died of starvation, over one and a half million emigrated.


There was no Famine, a Famine is a shortage of food. During the period of the Famine Ireland produced enough food to feed the population more than twice over.


The food produced in Ireland was exported to England under armed guard.


What took place in Ireland in the mid 1800s was genocide.


It wound up costing Britain it's Empire.


As to some of the Irish supporting Germany at the beginning of the war, who could blame them?

No one knew about the Jewish Holocaust at the beginning of the War it just looked like the usual European dispute.


It was the memory of that none Famine atrocity against a people who were supposed to be part of the Empire which fueled the uprising in 1916.


That uprising led to the first successful armed struggle against a colonial power in the history of the world.


From that time on the other colonies realised that the bully boy was beatable and the end of Empire was inevitable.

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No, it was a wink-and-nod at you, that you had left out the fact that the immigration curve which you outlined in your post had started reversing in 2008, then progressed quite drastically. Of which I'm sure you were well aware. I don't believe you were being disingenuous though.


Bit touchy, mj ;) (that's another wink-and-nod, meant as a light-hearted banter note...just to be sure)


No I wasn't being disingenuous, it had no relevance to my point, which was simply that inward immigration by non nationals had become commonplace during that period, and although it was very unusual in Ireland it was mainly accepted in good grace.


Not touchy, perfectly reasonable point, you appeared to be amused at a situation which I don't consider amusing.


We have talked before, do you mind if I inquire as to your nationality?


Your English is excellent so I would guess Dutch or Belgium?


So what is your Sheffield connection?


I'm sure you will have revealed it previously but I missed it.

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