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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Mate you must live in a room with no windows.You need to open the door and have a good look at reality.


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"What Labour and their snake oil salesman of a health spokesperson Andy Burnham are trying to obscure with this constant attack on Ukip, is that they in government did in fact privatise large chunks of our National Health Service.


They outsourced things like cleaning contracts, with results that we all know have been pretty disastrous.


But their really big project was the Private Finance Initiative deals which that doyen of finance, Gordon Brown, signed off on.


Fifty billion pounds was raised, and spent on many shiny new hospitals. So far, so good, you might think.


But unfortunately the terms of these deals were so favourable to private capital that it has left a repayment bill of a staggering £300bn to the British taxpayer.

And this process of outsourcing has continued, albeit at a slower pace under the Coalition Government. This lot doesn’t even learn from the mistakes of their predecessors. It’s just continuity Labour.




What has that got to do with the yearly funding of the NHS?


The fact of the matter is, compared to other countries we pay less towards the funding of our healthcare, but we expect the same, if not better levels of treatment.


Something has to give.

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What has that got to do with the yearly funding of the NHS?


The fact of the matter is, compared to other countries we pay less towards the funding of our healthcare, but we expect the same, if not better levels of treatment.


Something has to give.


some expect the same, some expect it to fall over very soon lol and when you keep loading a service,it will/has.

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As would someone born here, so what is the issue? My point still stands.


---------- Post added 23-01-2015 at 18:31 ----------



Our hospitals are struggling because they're underfunded. We want a Premier League NHS and only want to pay Championship funding.


Fewer immigrants would mean more money for the NHS and fewer patients.

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The tax paid on £30,000 would be very unlikely to cover the cost of the public services used by someone working in the UK.


Over the same period from 1995 to 2011, immigrants who lived in the UK endowed the UK labour market with human capital that would have cost about £49bn if it were produced through the UK education system, and contributed about £82bn to fixed or ‘pure’ public goods.







Immigrants already have 131 Billion of credit to take into account from what they are contributing before talking about how much they need to earn to cover.............if you know better,you give a full detailed survey of the costs of public services that an immigrant uses............otherwise you have nothing but your opinion.

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How do you know that the government is going to allocate the money saved to the NHS?..............they could spend it on anything but the NHS.


Its the obvious place to allocate extra money because spending on the NHS is a vote winner.

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No it would not, tax receipts would increase, the benefits bill would fall, the cost of living would fall and public services would improve and the deficit would fall.


Even with the influx if immigrants, we still have plenty of vacancies for further immigrants. So getting the people off the benefits to take those jobs will not be an overnight fix. In the mean time those jobs need doing.

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