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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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The Huffington Post :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Don't believe anything in there... not even the date on the top...


Fair enough,


How about the BBC ?




Or the Times ?




Or the Guardian ?



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Can I pre-empt Ellco's reply?


"We don't care we're all still voting UKIP" :roll:


After all, that's his arch-type 'get out of dodge' post once he's cornered in the debate.


I really don't know why you guys still bother with these pro-UKIP posters.


Anyone with even a smidgeon of critical-thinking faculties can spot UKIP for the vacuous, self-serving and politically-inept populists that they are, and thankfully that's most of the population according to polls, save for their self-declared would-be electorate.


Stop giving them the oxygen of attention and publicity, and they'll just go the way all bad smells eventually go, i.e. dissipate into nothingness.

Edited by L00b
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Anyone with even a smidgeon of critical-thinking faculties can spot UKIP for the vacuous, self-serving and politically-inept populists that they are, and thankfully that's most of the population according to polls, save for their self-declared would-be electorate.


That statement could apply to any political party... nobody has majority support.


Stop giving them the oxygen of attention and publicity, and they'll just go the way all bad smells eventually go, i.e. dissipate into nothingness.


I think that is wishful thinking.


UKIP continue to go from strength to strength despite the media, other political parties and non-supporters jumping over every gaff and trying to smear at every opportunity. The reason for this is simple... the majority of UKIP's support is based entirely on their policies re immigration and EU membership. People aren't backing UKIP because of their views on the NHS, or welfare, or Trident or breast feeding. People aren't backing UKIP because of the quality of the candidates. People are backing UKIP because the other parties dismiss their concerns on two key issues and that doesn't change no matter how many gaffs UKIP make.


The other thing to remember is that it isn't just UKIP voters who have issues with immigration and EU membership. Polls indicate that the majority of people do and that means there are others who may swing to UKIP if those issues become more important to them. Each time we have a 'Rotherham', or an Islamic terrorist attack, or an unexpected billion pound bill from the EU, more people reach a tipping point where they will switch to UKIP to register complaint at the policies of the main stream parties. Just like the UKIP gaffs, those stories just keep on coming and they win UKIP more votes than the gaffs lose.


I think UKIP will eventually dissipate into nothingness but not until we get a vote on EU membership and tighter immigration controls. Until then you better get used to the smell or get a peg!

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That statement could apply to any political party... nobody has majority support.
Not really: none of the 3 main parties, nor the Greens for that matter, can be objectively described as populists.

I think that is wishful thinking.
Again, not really: all of the 3 main parties and the greens (at least) are well aware of the British public opinion (at least since the last European elections, if not before) in these matters and have clear immigration and EU policies.


UKIP have served their 'purpose' (inasmuch as it was ever needed), continuing to beat their drum (and actually voting for them) just paints the beater as bereft of intelligence (as a party, and this close to the GE, they have so far failed to demonstrate any of cohesiveness, stability, aptitude, principles and more, all of which you'd expect at least a modicum of to place any amount of confidence in their running any aspect of British life).


Unless of course, the beater in question believes that the sort of immigration policies as already implemented (with more proposed) by the Tories and their commitment to an EU referendum sooner than originally-announced are still far too pinko-fluffy-liberal, and what that beater is really after is more the BNP sort of immigration policies. Which would explain a lot, actually - fancy that ;)

Edited by L00b
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