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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I wonder whats tommorrows news?


Farages wife caught wearing her Tuesday knickers on a Wednesday :)


Or she prefers white knickers.... this of course make Nigel a racist... The Guardian will no doubt claim....


"Racist Farage Refuses to Have Sex With His Wife When She Wears Black Knickers" Brian Gunn a party insider who left the party in 1932 claims Farage also makes all female staff wear white knickers....


UAF have arraged a demo outside M & S to ensure that retailers force women to wear black knickers to ensure more diversity in knicker wearing.


The Green Party's knicker spokesman said, "This is further evidence of the racist intentions of UKIP, in the Green Party we all wear rainbow coloured ones to highlight how nice we are."....

Edited by Ellco
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Its hardly fair to slate ukip like this. We have never a party like them before, yet we have had the other parties on and off for a long time. The world is changing but it seems dinosaurs still amble around the forum..........


Unfortunatly,they will learn the hard way.The problem is will they drag the rest of us down with them?


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 20:26 ----------


Some Germans once said that about the Nazis.


oh my are we one post from blaming the jews?


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 20:27 ----------


we should def have a like button.

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Its hardly fair to slate ukip like this. We have never a party like them before, yet we have had the other parties on and off for a long time. The world is changing but it seems dinosaurs still amble around the forum..........


Agreed... There's no left or right anymore. That's very outdated thinking. Times are changing and the said dinosaurs are dying out slow but sure... The hippy generation is mostly to blame for all the nonsense we have to endure these days..


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 20:29 ----------



[/color]we should def have a like button.


It would scare them senseless to see how out of touch they are with public opinion..

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In the interests of balance during the forthcoming election this thread will be reopened. However it comes with a warning - if you start down the route of abuse and ignoring warnings accounts will be suspended and the thread may end up being closed again. That, of course, will be entirely up to the contributors.

Edited by mort
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