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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Whilst at the start of this thread I will openly declare that I intend to vote UKIP in the coming election. My reasons for doing this are my own as I believe the other parties offer nothing for the future of my children in this country.

My question is that when I speak to people and the election comes up the vast majority claim to be going to vote UKIP. How true this is I cannot say, but if true then UKIP should win many seats by a landslide.

I live in North Sheffield with a sitting Labour MP who won in 2010 with 17500 votes compared to Conservatives who came second with 14500 votes. I was surprised that Conservatives did so well but the seat does include the Penistone area which is quite affluent. The UKIP vote was less than 2000 so you can see the mountain they have to climb but, if people keep to their word, they may well do it. Thoughts please.

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My question is that when I speak to people and the election comes up the vast majority claim to be going to vote UKIP. How true this is I cannot say, but if true then UKIP should win many seats by a landslide.


Strangely enough, whilst I do know a few 'Kippers, I know many more people who utterly despise UKIP and would never vote for them under any circumstances.

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I just wonder if some of the 14500 tory voters may go UKIP together with disenchanted Labour voters. I believe that the vote was hard won and each person votes as they see fit but at the moment I think that Ed Milliband is the most uncharismatic leader of the Labour party for a long time.

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Guest sibon

My question is that when I speak to people and the election comes up the vast majority claim to be going to vote UKIP.



Thoughts please.


I think that you should widen your social circle.


Roughly 6% of the electorate intend to vote UKIP, according to the latest polls.

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One way of guesstimating is by looking at the ward results of that constituency (Penistone and Stocksbridge) in the 2014 local election which should give you a good idea of voting intention for this election.


The wards are East Ecclesfield, Stocksbridge, Upper Don and West Ecclesfield (in City of Sheffield) and Dodworth, Penistone East and Penistone West (in Barnsley Metropolitan Borough). You can view these results on the Sheffield and Barnsley council websites.


You could look at (national) opinion polls for that date and now to see whether nationally support has increased for UKIP and Labour (realistically the only parties who are likely to be in contention for the seat).


Also bear in mind that the higher turnout for a general election tends to boost support for the Labour party.

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Overall: no, UKIP is most unlikely to enjoy a national landslide.

But it might hope for at least 5 and maybe 20 MPs.


Locally: I doubt that it will succeed except perhaps in Rotherham, what with the Council's plight there...


I agree with Jeffrey, if anywhere, it will be Rotherham, but there is a considerable immigrant population in Rotherham, so it will be difficult for UKIP to get through there as well. We could do with landslides, whether UKIP or another party, but it isn't likely to happen in a hurry. However, the more often we get a coalition, the less likely it will ever be a two-horse race, over time people WILL begin to vote who they want to vote for rather than who they think they should vote for.


There is a reason Cameron is shunning debates.

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I think that you should widen your social circle.


Roughly 6% of the electorate intend to vote UKIP, according to the latest polls.


the thing with polls are that the people who respond and answer the poll are usually politically motivated anyway, the greater volume of the general public are not until it comes to the actual day or down the pub.

it will be interesting to see the volume of UKIP votes a lot more than 6% i will wager.

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