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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Yes it does actually. It shows that someone who questions a key aspect of the Holocaust is also a UKIP supporter. It also shows that UKIP is happy to be associated with someone who denies a key aspect of the Holocaust.

No, it doesn't, "actually". A counter-signatory is not thereby a 'supporter' nor an 'associate'

Don't you know how nomination works, please?

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Dos the Janner case make it a question of vote Labour, get PIE?


Labour doesn't support paedophilia. It doesn't take a complacent view of paedophiles in the same way UKIP takes a complacent look on Holocaust-deniers. I doubt if any of the mainstream parties would knowingly accept the public support of a paedophile.


---------- Post added 20-04-2015 at 17:30 ----------


No, it doesn't, "actually". A counter-signatory is not thereby a 'supporter' nor an 'associate'

Don't you know how nomination works, please?


Yes I do. But it's not a question of how it works. It's a question of support. People who nominate candidates do so because they support that candidate. Party members usually do the supporting including the signing of nomination papers. In this case it was a supporter who has very complacent views about the Holocaust, something that was known to UKIP given that the supporter had been a UKIP member who had in the past been disciplined for his views.


Why don't you stop disrespecting Holocaust victims just because you'd prefer to support a party with complacent views about the Holocaust?

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Labour doesn't support paedophilia. It doesn't take a complacent view of paedophiles in the same way UKIP takes a complacent look on Holocaust-deniers. I doubt if any of the mainstream parties would knowingly accept the public support of a paedophile.


---------- Post added 20-04-2015 at 17:30 ----------



Yes I do. But it's not a question of how it works. It's a question of support. People who nominate candidates do so because they support that candidate. Party members usually do the supporting including the signing of nomination papers. In this case it was a supporter who has very complacent views about the Holocaust, something that was known to UKIP given that the supporter had been a UKIP member who had in the past been disciplined for his views.


Why don't you stop disrespecting Holocaust victims just because you'd prefer to support a party with complacent views about the Holocaust?


I remember reading a story about senior Labour MP's and their links to PIE.

And all the scandal now about pedophiles in government, then there's the thousands of Lab/Con/Lib supporters that have committed various crimes and you find the time to worry about a UKIP supporters poor history lessons. :roll:

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I remember reading a story about senior Labour MP's and their links to PIE.

And all the scandal now about pedophiles in government, then there's the thousands of Lab/Con/Lib supporters that have committed various crimes and you find the time to worry about a UKIP supporters poor history lessons. :roll:


I'm pretty sure the two Labour MPs were Harriet Harmen and her husband Jack Dromy, she laughed it off as a by product of the swinging 60s, a poor excuse i'm sure you agree.

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Labour doesn't support paedophilia. It doesn't take a complacent view of paedophiles in the same way UKIP takes a complacent look on Holocaust-deniers. I doubt if any of the mainstream parties would knowingly accept the public support of a paedophile.


UKIP doesn't support any racist, Nazi or fascist policies. It has also been quick to expel from the party anyone who expressed opinions such as denial of the holocaust... including the person in question.


UKIP policies are not extreme and your tenuous efforts to pretend they are dishonest and pathetic. I truly hope that people read your posts and realise for themselves that the Left have not heard the message about immigration and Labour will do even less than the Tories to tackle the issue... and it has actually become worse under the Tories.

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UKIP doesn't support any racist, Nazi or fascist policies. It has also been quick to expel from the party anyone who expressed opinions such as denial of the holocaust... including the person in question.


I.e. the person who denies there were gas chambers at Auschwitz and who signed UKIP's nomination papers. Nice of them to expel him and then let him sign their nomination papers in the absence of anyone who might not want to make excuses for the Third Reich. No, they have no links with Nazis.

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UKIP and The SNP have at least invigorated politics and shook them all up... I reckon lots of Tories will tactically vote UKIP in the North to stop Labour. It will be a very interesting night. I predict UKIP will get 18 seats and the tories will win the election..

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UKIP and The SNP have at least invigorated politics and shook them all up... I reckon lots of Tories will tactically vote UKIP in the North to stop Labour. It will be a very interesting night. I predict UKIP will get 18 seats and the tories will win the election..


I think that the Tories will win the most seats, but I don't think that they and the Lib-Dems will get more seats than Labour and the SNP combined.


So what will happen is that if the Tories and Lib-Dems try to form a coalition Labour and the SNP will force a vote of no confidence which will force another General Election, or Labour and SNP will form a government.


It would be interesting to see how it would pan out with the largest party not in government, although if a Labour/SNP alliance does force another General Election people may turn against Labour in that General Election for teaming up with the SNP after spending some much time denying that they were going to.

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UKIP doesn't support any racist, Nazi or fascist policies.


Funny then that in Kirklees, UKIP has sought the help of the BNP to sign UKIP nomination papers for Oliver Rees, a UKIP council candidate with a sad fetish for guns.


"Two names stand out like sore thumbs on Oliver Rees' application form, the husband and wife duo of Jonathan and Deborah Wright, both BNP veteran activists and candidates."




---------- Post added 21-04-2015 at 09:46 ----------


I predict UKIP will get 18 seats and the tories will win the election..


And I predict that if you wagered money on that you'd lose it all.

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