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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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What if there is a vote of no confidence?


For example, if the Tories were the biggest party and they tried to form a minority government, but the number of MPs that they and the Lib-Dems had were smaller than the SNP and Labour. Wouldn't Labour and SNP vote against the Queens speech and force a vote of no confidence that they'd win.


They wouldn't have to pass a vote of no confidence. If Cameron had the largest number of MPs but couldn't form a government then Miliband would be asked to form a government which he could probably do with the Lib-Dems and SNP. I'd guess only UKIP and the Ulster Unionists would side with the Tories and between them they wouldn't get 326.


Something similar happened in 1923/4 and the first Labour government. The Tories had the largest group but couldn't put together a coalition. Labour and the Liberals could. And in 2010 there was a short period when Brown tried to put together a coalition but couldn't get the numbers.

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What do UKIP actually do? What is the point of them?


They've had strong representation in the EU parliament for years. What have they actually done from the inside, from Brussels where they say all our laws are made, to actually change things? Surely as our representatives they have a duty to at least try and make things better until their nirvana of EU exit arrives.

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What do UKIP actually do? What is the point of them?


They've had strong representation in the EU parliament for years. What have they actually done from the inside, from Brussels where they say all our laws are made, to actually change things? Surely as our representatives they have a duty to at least try and make things better until their nirvana of EU exit arrives.


They do what all political parties do and try to get elected representing the views of the people.

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What do UKIP actually do? What is the point of them?


They've had strong representation in the EU parliament for years. What have they actually done from the inside, from Brussels where they say all our laws are made, to actually change things? Surely as our representatives they have a duty to at least try and make things better until their nirvana of EU exit arrives.


I didn't vote for UKIP MEPs to cooperate in the usurping of our democratic rights to a foreign power. I want then to cause as much disruption and not co-operate as much as possible, or do anything that confers legitimacy on the EU, such as voting on anything that only our own parliament should have any say in enacting for the British people.

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I didn't vote for UKIP MEPs to cooperate in the usurping of our democratic rights to a foreign power. I want then to cause as much disruption and not co-operate as much as possible, or do anything that confers legitimacy on the EU, such as voting on anything that only our own parliament should have any say in enacting for the British people.


So you want Farage to stamp his feet, pull his trousers down and pull a moon to the rest of the EU?


And you wonder why nobody takes UKIP seriously?

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So you want Farage to stamp his feet, pull his trousers down and pull a moon to the rest of the EU?


And you wonder why nobody takes UKIP seriously?


Yes screw the EU. I believe in the supremacy of our own Parliament, not in having the collective will of 26 other nation states imposed on us. The sooner we are out the better, and I expect UKIP to do anything that furthers that cause and only that cause. UKIP don't exist to pay lip service to Strasbourg / Brussels and it's unelected President.

Edited by SevenRivers
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Yes screw the EU. I believe in the supremacy of our own Parliament, not in having the collective will of 26 other nation states imposed on us.


Remember a couple of years ago, when the English Democrat Peter whatsisface, the name escapes me, became Mayor of Doncaster?


What was the first thing the other parties did?


Did they offer to work alongside him, to improve Doncaster?


No! The openly promised to work against him. Despite the fact that it was the people of Doncaster who had chosen their mayor.


So what eventually happened in Doncaster? Did the town improve? Did it become South Yorkshire'ms first city, as they had hoped?




That's right, the government ended up taking over the running of Doncaster because the incompetent boobs running the show couldn't do their jobs properly.


Do you want the UK to become another Doncaster?


And you know full well that Our Nige' doesn't have the balls to stand up to Mr Angela Merkel.

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Remember a couple of years ago, when the English Democrat Peter whatsisface, the name escapes me, became Mayor of Doncaster?


What was the first thing the other parties did?


Did they offer to work alongside him, to improve Doncaster?


No! The openly promised to work against him. Despite the fact that it was the people of Doncaster who had chosen their mayor.


So what eventually happened in Doncaster? Did the town improve? Did it become South Yorkshire'ms first city, as they had hoped?




That's right, the government ended up taking over the running of Doncaster because the incompetent boobs running the show couldn't do their jobs properly.


Do you want the UK to become another Doncaster?


And you know full well that Our Nige' doesn't have the balls to stand up to Mr Angela Merkel.


That's could present a problem, the people elect a UKIP council and the lefty public sectors works will do everything possible to make them look incompetent.

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That's could present a problem, the people elect a UKIP council and the lefty public sectors works will do everything possible to make them look incompetent.


No, Our Nige' does that all by himself.


Remember when he ran away from a bunch of placard-wielding protestors in Rotherham a couple of months ago?


If Our Nige' can't stand up to them, how will he stand up to Mr Angel Merkel?

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Yes screw the EU. I believe in the supremacy of our own Parliament, not in having the collective will of 26 other nation states imposed on us. The sooner we are out the better, and I expect UKIP to do anything that furthers that cause and only that cause. UKIP don't exist to pay lip service to Strasbourg / Brussels and it's unelected President.


Hmm, but they sort of did pay lip service to Strasbourg when they formed a group with Polish far right MEP Robert Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewic - he's the one who made jokes about wife-beating, by the way.


At the time, Farage said that without bringing Iwaszkiewicz on-board, Ukip MEPs would be silenced. "All of us in the European Parliament have to make compromises to make sure our voice is heard.


"We find ourselves in a very difficult position. It's difficult because my job is to try and represent the party that came first in the European elections. Those voters want us to have a voice in this parliamentary assembly."


That doesn't sound that much like an anti-establishment renegade to me. He sounds a lot more like a gravy train pocket filler, courting racists out of convenience.

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