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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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If the banks leave, the UK economy and the UK being in the EU will be less of a concern to them, paying more in tax is what concerns them more.


Paying more tax may be what concerns them most but they are concerned that us leaving the EU may reduce their profits - whether that be from lower turnover, increased taxes or whatever. Hence the prospect of us leaving the EU is one of the factors that might contribute to them leaving the UK. Remember, I was replying to Frederick1's assertion that the only reason they might leave is taxation.

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Farage is going to struggle to take South Thanet. Labour might even get in there, with their opposing vote split.


that clown should have stood in the Eastleigh by-election which he would have won.


He's 9% ahead in a poll today. He'll win.

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Most UKIP supporters are either too stupid/ill-informed to realise that what their voting for are right wing extremists, more right wing than even to the Tory's own liking, and contains politicians too dodgy for the Tories like Neil Hamilton, LIKE MOST OF THEIR DONORS AND MEPS !!!!!

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Most UKIP supporters are either too stupid/ill-informed to realise that what their voting for are right wing extremists, more right wing than even to the Tory's own liking, and contains politicians too dodgy for the Tories like Neil Hamilton, LIKE MOST OF THEIR DONORS AND MEPS !!!!!


Really? Is it extremist to want your own country back?

If you really want to study criminal activity within politicians, look no further than Labour and Tories!!!

Expenses frauds, paedephilia, rape, attempted murder etc.



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Well Politics are corruption are one ..UKIP are as bad as them. Farage wants to get rid of Discrimination laws. Nearly 4000 people logged a complaint last year regarding discrimination at work. Farage says Discrimination laws are outdated, its HIM who is outdated.

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Well Politics are corruption are one ..UKIP are as bad as them. Farage wants to get rid of Discrimination laws. Nearly 4000 people logged a complaint last year regarding discrimination at work. Farage says Discrimination laws are outdated, its HIM who is outdated.


So when Gorgon Brown says British jobs for British workers, it's OK,


but when Farage says more or less the same it's not.


Are you desperately clutching at straws?

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So when Gorgon Brown says British jobs for British workers, it's OK,


but when Farage says more or less the same it's not.


Are you desperately clutching at straws?


Farage didn't say more or less the same thing though. He said the laws against discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. are outdated.

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Farage didn't say more or less the same thing though. He said the laws against discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. are outdated.


Perhaps they are when you can advertise for Polish speakers only jobs.

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