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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I wonder if UKIP will be around as a political force in 12 months time.


Looking at the election forecasts it seems that we are certainly heading for a hung parliament with UKIP perhaps taking 12% of the vote. But this looks like giving them 2 seats to show for it.


According to the latest polls it is predicted that we will have around


Conservative 285

Labour 270

LibDem 27

SNP 48


Green 1


Plaid 4

Others..around 8 or 9


Cameron as PM gets first dibs at setting up a government. The LibDems say they will give priority to the largest party to form a government. So I would expect a coalition of Conservative & LibDem after the election, propped up by whoever they can find to support them.

No doubt the Labour Party along with the SNP will force a vote of no confidence as soon as they can and will probably bring the whole show tumbling down.


But here is where life gets interesting. UKIP supporters have ploughed £millions into the party hoping for electoral success. 2 seats is hardly that. Similarly a million or so UKIP voters will have seen their votes wasted. So if we have a 2nd election in 2015 I would expect UKIP to concentrate on seats where it might actually win, and UKIP voters turn to other parties where it is clear UKIP have failed.


i think a 2nd election in 2015 will bring a very different outcome from the first. But I doubt UKIP will take more than a couple of % of the vote whilst holding on to the seats they had.


My bold - The fact is that most votes are 'wasted' because it is rare for more than 50% in any constituency to vote for the winning party. I haven't done the maths but I suspect that if you also added in votes that are not cast then perhaps only 20% of votes wouldn't fall into your definition of 'wasted'.


I would suggest that the polls indicate there is every chance of us needing another election. In the forecast above, only Labour could realistically form a workable coalition and that would require a deal with the SNP... which they have ruled out. In the event of another election, I would argue that the UKIP vote would have been the least wasted because it would become the most influential. A strong vote for UKIP would determine the battle ground on which the main parties would need to fight it out to win the UKIP vote and secure power i.e. immigration and the EU. If those are things that concern you then a vote for UKIP is a way to influence the future direction of this country and is therefore anything but wasted.

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UKIP can play the game too?.........I thought it's claim was that it was different to other parties and politicians..........looks like they are liars as well.


Politicians ..... liars ...... no way jose :o

Particularly, Labour politicians, they are a joke, the working class are gradually waking up to their nonsense !!!

Edited by Michael_W
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The numbers are far from unbelievable and the financial, social and security implications of taking in these immigrants are huge. Everyone knows it but still it is only UKIP that dare say it. Both Labour and the Tories remain constrained and silenced by political correctness and if they don't even have the courage to talk about it then there is no chance they will find the courage to do anything about it.


And they do,


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Political Correctness gone mad.


The UK Independence Party has asked Scotland Yard to investigate the BBC, claiming that comments made about Nigel Farage during an episode of Have I Got News For You might hinder his chances of electoral success.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 11:18 ----------




Good :), did you spot Bunny Laroche after her Question Time stint popping up yet again in another BBC report.

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It's OK,the Germans have managed to solve all that,take in the refugees and still come out as the top economy.




The 10,000 Syrians they plan to let in aren't even there yet... how do you figure that currently economic performance is therefore evidence that they have solved all the problems associated with these migrants? :huh:

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My bold - The fact is that most votes are 'wasted' because it is rare for more than 50% in any constituency to vote for the winning party. I haven't done the maths but I suspect that if you also added in votes that are not cast then perhaps only 20% of votes wouldn't fall into your definition of 'wasted'.


I would suggest that the polls indicate there is every chance of us needing another election. In the forecast above, only Labour could realistically form a workable coalition and that would require a deal with the SNP... which they have ruled out. In the event of another election, I would argue that the UKIP vote would have been the least wasted because it would become the most influential. A strong vote for UKIP would determine the battle ground on which the main parties would need to fight it out to win the UKIP vote and secure power i.e. immigration and the EU. If those are things that concern you then a vote for UKIP is a way to influence the future direction of this country and is therefore anything but wasted.


I think you have missed the point, probably deliberately. That point is that many folk are expecting UKIP to take dozens of seats. The opinion polls are running out the numbers of 15/16% and many will see it as a way to dislodge Labour or Conservatives in their local constituency because they think UKIP is going to sweep the board and have no idea that they have little chance.

However following the ballot on May 7th the polls will reveal the truth that UKIP have returned a couple of MPs and are not the new force in British politics that they imagined. Sure some will vote for them in a 2nd election, but rather like the other small parties that will be mostly restricted to seats where they are in with a shout.

It will be far more interesting to see where the UKIP votes are cast in a second ballot, because that is more likely to return us to the 2 party system we are used to.

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And every one of them has the right to come here, your point is?


Where are they?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 12:03 ----------


The 10,000 Syrians they plan to let in aren't even there yet... how do you figure that currently economic performance is therefore evidence that they have solved all the problems associated with these migrants? :huh:


Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria in 2011, nearly 40,000 Syrians arrived in Germany; 32,000 applied for asylum.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 12:05 ----------


Politicians ..... liars ...... no way jose :o

Particularly, Labour politicians, they are a joke, the working class are gradually waking up to their nonsense !!!


But UKIP are different........they told us,they tell it like it is............none of this PC nonsense.:D

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I think you have missed the point, probably deliberately. That point is that many folk are expecting UKIP to take dozens of seats. The opinion polls are running out the numbers of 15/16% and many will see it as a way to dislodge Labour or Conservatives in their local constituency because they think UKIP is going to sweep the board and have no idea that they have little chance.

However following the ballot on May 7th the polls will reveal the truth that UKIP have returned a couple of MPs and are not the new force in British politics that they imagined. Sure some will vote for them in a 2nd election, but rather like the other small parties that will be mostly restricted to seats where they are in with a shout.

It will be far more interesting to see where the UKIP votes are cast in a second ballot, because that is more likely to return us to the 2 party system we are used to.


I don't think most people voting UKIP expect them to win dozens of seats... I certainly don't.


What I expect to see after 7th May is UKIP will a massive increase in share of the vote and 'some' MP's. The party is clearly on the up and a failure to win dozens of seats will not be the start of it's demise. The demise of UKIP will only happen when/if the main parties address the issues that cause people to vote UKIP. If that happens then UKIP supporters will not care because it is all about the outcome.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 13:16 ----------


Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria in 2011, nearly 40,000 Syrians arrived in Germany; 32,000 applied for asylum.


The fact that their economy may be strong enough to take the financial strain doesn't mean they have found a way to prevent it being a strain... which it obviously is. It also doesn't evidence in any way that they have found a way to solve the longer term social problems or security threats.

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Where are they?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 12:03 ----------



Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria in 2011, nearly 40,000 Syrians arrived in Germany; 32,000 applied for asylum.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 12:05 ----------



But UKIP are different........they told us,they tell it like it is............none of this PC nonsense.:D


They're behind you, WHOOOO! in the dole queue.

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They're behind you, WHOOOO! in the dole queue.


What,the 26MILLION,the 29MILLION........or all of them together?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 12:28 ----------


The fact that their economy may be strong enough to take the financial strain doesn't mean they have found a way to prevent it being a strain... which it obviously is. It also doesn't evidence in any way that they have found a way to solve the longer term social problems or security threats.


None of which alters the fact that the UK need not worry about the 'problem'......Germany is sorting it,and still coming out as top economy........which is what I said originally.

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