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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Yes,it's solved the problem of the UK having to do more to take them in......It can just let Germany keep on doing it while Cameron gets on with avoiding the 'problem' and losing votes in the general election..........I mean,when did humanitarian needs come before votes,especially when Farage is making sure that this remains so..........Germany will keep on taking your share of the 'problem',not to worry.


It isn't our problem so why take a share of it? As for Germany continuing to take on the problem on behalf of everyone else in Europe... who are you trying to kid!?!


I also don't agree that taking in refugees/immigrants is ultimately humanitarian. I think it is short-term folly designed to make us in the West feel better. It is a strategy that will contribute to the perpetuation of the problems in the countries from which they. It makes change less likely and without change the misery goes on. It is a strategy that simply means the death count goes on out of our sight and in a place where we feel less responsible.


I honestly believe that sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they can find the motivation to drag themselves up and out. I think that our endless interference in other countries has kept them just above rock bottom and allowed us to become a bogeyman to blame instead of people realising it is their doing and facing up to the challenge of turning their own lives around.


We need to leave them to solve their own problems. Bringing them here only brings the problems here, whilst perpetuating it over there. It is a terrible idea.

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It isn't our problem so why take a share of it? As for Germany continuing to take on the problem on behalf of everyone else in Europe... who are you trying to kid!?!


I also don't agree that taking in refugees/immigrants is ultimately humanitarian. I think it is short-term folly designed to make us in the West feel better. It is a strategy that will contribute to the perpetuation of the problems in the countries from which they. It makes change less likely and without change the misery goes on. It is a strategy that simply means the death count goes on out of our sight and in a place where we feel less responsible.


I honestly believe that sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they can find the motivation to drag themselves up and out. I think that our endless interference in other countries has kept them just above rock bottom and allowed us to become a bogeyman to blame instead of people realising it is their doing and facing up to the challenge of turning their own lives around.


We need to leave them to solve their own problems. Bringing them here only brings the problems here, whilst perpetuating it over there. It is a terrible idea.


Of course it's our problem! Do you really believe that we (the richer countries) can pull up the drawbridge and wash our hand on what goes on in the rest of the world without any consequences?

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It isn't our problem so why take a share of it? As for Germany continuing to take on the problem on behalf of everyone else in Europe... who are you trying to kid!?!




It wasn't your problem in the past,but that didn't stop refugees being taken in from loads of countries over decades,all of a sudden it seems like that has come to a halt.........seemingly coinciding with an oncoming election and a rise of UKIP.....although that hasn't stopped Farage from proclaiming that it is/was a problem created by NATO,and that the UK should be taking more refugees,although that may well be a well set trap by him for Cameron.

I don't need to speak further on Germany,they speak for themselves with their policy and actions,everyone can see that it is way up above anything else most other EU countries can match,that says everything about them.

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The trouble with the opinion polls is there is such a huge gap between them, UKIPs range is somewhere between 10 and 18%, and this doesn't take into account the silent vote.


But the one thing they do all agree on is that that support won't amount to more than 2 or 3 seats. Won't you be discouraged when that happens?

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But the one thing they do all agree on is that that support won't amount to more than 2 or 3 seats. Won't you be discouraged when that happens?


It's a daft system isn't it? They regularly poll at around 15% but will get less than 1% of the seats...

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---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 15:16 ----------




Because if UKIP got in power then it would get a lot worse, if ya think its bad now then wait til they get in.. look at the bile that comes out of their mouths .. every other week, one is muttering racist drivel which goes right up to the leader


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 15:19 ----------


'' It was God's revenge for the Somerset Floods for legalising Gay marriage ''


Said David Silvester who defected to UKIP in 2012 .. Now do you really what people like this in power ?


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 15:21 ----------


UKIP are an a even extremer version of the Tory Party, their very much alike ... Their no different .. its a myth if ya think they are any different..


Why not we had Bliar and Camoron.

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It's a daft system isn't it? They regularly poll at around 15% but will get less than 1% of the seats...


It certainly is. If I lived in Rotherham I might consider a UKIP vote on the offchance it broke up the red insanity. But as I live in Hallam I will be voting for whoever stops the same madness engulfing Sheffield. So probably Libdems as things stand.


Now when the next election happens in October 2015 it will be a whole new world and a completely different set of targets.

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Chalga few points from my side as an average bloke.

1. According to all current and projected studies of German population, it is in decline as is Italys. Germany NEEDS immigration to pay for their projected elderly population.

2. We are a small island and one of the most densely populated countries. We cannot take them all in. Why is it that earlier immigrants such as the Afghans were 90% young males, few females and kids. Were only young males persecuted? and now that we have spent a lot of money and heroic service personnel lives to make Aghanistan safe have they not gone back.Surely they should rebuild that country rather than working in car washes here.

3. Most of these immigrants are coming from countries which fought protracted wars to get rid of the European colonial powers that ruled them and gave them peace and stability, now they are desperate to live under these colonial powers.

4. If you ever need NHS or DHSS help in the future and do not get it remember your hard earned tax dollars have been spent providing succour to these needy immigrants and that is why you did not get it. There is only so much public money to go round.


Last but not least, getting excited for first time over an election. My vote may be wasted in voting UKIP but I have my fingers crossed that there may be some upsets.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 21:13 ----------


Chalga just another thought. I know you have mentioned the strength of European economies and you are quite right however some of the richest countries ( not with a high performing economy ) are arab and muslim such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia etc. The majority of immigrants are muslim and or arab but you do not see the aforementioned countries offering them shelter. I also have to wonder if the traffic was the other way with white Christian immigrants trying to get into arab and African countries if they would be waiting to welcome them with open arms. I know you may now decide to brand me a racist etc but these are thoughts that occur to average people who do not have any particular political views but just wish to see themselves/family and fellow brits of all persuasions/colours/creeds/religions cared for in a country that is already under pressure.

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Chalga few points from my side as an average bloke.

1. According to all current and projected studies of German population, it is in decline as is Italys. Germany NEEDS immigration to pay for their projected elderly population.

2. We are a small island and one of the most densely populated countries. We cannot take them all in. Why is it that earlier immigrants such as the Afghans were 90% young males, few females and kids. Were only young males persecuted? and now that we have spent a lot of money and heroic service personnel lives to make Aghanistan safe have they not gone back.Surely they should rebuild that country rather than working in car washes here.

3. Most of these immigrants are coming from countries which fought protracted wars to get rid of the European colonial powers that ruled them and gave them peace and stability, now they are desperate to live under these colonial powers.

4. If you ever need NHS or DHSS help in the future and do not get it remember your hard earned tax dollars have been spent providing succour to these needy immigrants and that is why you did not get it. There is only so much public money to go round.


Last but not least, getting excited for first time over an election. My vote may be wasted in voting UKIP but I have my fingers crossed that there may be some upsets.


---------- Post added 30-04-2015 at 21:13 ----------


Chalga just another thought. I know you have mentioned the strength of European economies and you are quite right however some of the richest countries ( not with a high performing economy ) are arab and muslim such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia etc. The majority of immigrants are muslim and or arab but you do not see the aforementioned countries offering them shelter. I also have to wonder if the traffic was the other way with white Christian immigrants trying to get into arab and African countries if they would be waiting to welcome them with open arms. I know you may now decide to brand me a racist etc but these are thoughts that occur to average people who do not have any particular political views but just wish to see themselves/family and fellow brits of all persuasions/colours/creeds/religions cared for in a country that is already under pressure.



There's a difference between refugees and immigrants,Germany doesn't need to take in refugees,but it does.....the same has been said about the UK,that it needs immigration to pay for its ageing population,but we are talking refugees here.......I am not saying anything about taking all refugees in,I am pointing out the difference between what Germany is doing and what many other EU countries are doing,and a lot more people are saying the same thing.....if countries don't want to take in refugees,that is up to them,it's their policy.......comparing what different countries are doing about refugees is valid,whether they are EU,muslim or anywhere else in the world,I held Germany up as an example for what can be done,nothing wrong with that.......others can do more,including muslim countries.

Not all people that want to live peaceful lives in stable countries are the same people that have been fighting to rid their countries of colonial rule.......you can't lump everyone together,different people want different things.........people might have wanted colonial powers out of their countries,it doesn't mean that they wanted them replaced with militias and jihadists,but they got that in some cases,and dictators too,which a lot put up with until outsiders decided that they should not have to put up with them and helped organise violent overthrows which resulted in more refugees.

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Looking at the election forecasts it seems that we are certainly heading for a hung parliament with UKIP perhaps taking 12% of the vote.


nationwide they have no hope of getting that. 10% would be brilliant. But it is more likely to be quite a bit less than 10%.


they have not had a good campaign and UKIP have not stood up to scrutiny really. The voters are not stupid.

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