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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Voting UKIP around here would not let the Tories in. The last Tory MP was Patnick in Hallam, they are a spent force there,however voting UKIP elsewhere such as Ecclesfield, Stocksbridge, Penistone could well oust the sitting labour MP. I think there is a fair chance as there are now 8 confirmed UKIP votes, we are getting nearer to overturning the 3000 labour majority.

Just as an aside we had a road sweeper round High Green last night, this is significant for two reasons. Firstly it was a Sunday on a bank holiday weekend. Secondly the last time we had a road sweeper was about 5 years ago. Is this a bribe as there is some thing happening soon or am I being cynical. Well to you sad labour people my vote costs more than a road sweeper every half decade.

Labour do nothing for this area, they shut chap baths which had to be run by the community, shut Stocksbridge baths, shut high green high school which was the newest in sheffield. All the local parks have no equipment in them,Yet where my wife works at heeley they have lovely new parks with new equipment, Firvale school has money thrown at it. They are not bothered here because traditionally we voted libdem in local elections and labour in national so they can bribe us with a road sweeper,pathetic.

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Hello everyone!


The opinion polls have put UKIP on around 12% of the vote. I find this surprising when the last 3 bi-elections were so close and UKIP also won the European Elections.


Are the poles accurate?


Are you considering voting UKIP?


Will UKIP hold any power after the next election?


Have your say!


Thank you


I am voting for UKIP, but I honestly do not know how well they will do in the election. Nearly all of my friends and family are also voting UKIP.


I am unable to say if they will hold any power after the election. If the conservative and labour party both have the balance of power then perhaps if UKIP managed to get about 8 MPs they could make a difference. Both main parties say they will not do a deal with the SNP.


I do not think the poles are always accurate. I remember when Neil Kinnock and John Major were both standing for election. I am sure the poles predicted Kinnock to win and he did not. The Labour Party spent a lot of money trying to promote their man. I am sure John Major toured the county and just stood on a soap box. However they may have got a bit better at predicting the out come since then with all the new technology.


We will soon find out. Not much longer to go.

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Still showing a landslide for labour in my ward due to the high number of people on benefits and their inability to see past short term self-interest no doubt.


But on the plus side UKip now look like being first runners up. Given that I have been down to my local shops almost daily this last week and never seen or heard of anyone actually taking a poll it's possible labour's predicted majority here is just a guess based on past performance.


Well people can learn to see sense so maybe Ukip are the best option in this constituency.


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Still think UKIP are going to do well. My two sons and in laws are voting UKIP. So on this thread we now have 10 confirmed votes.You should read the 2 page UKIP spread in the "Look Local" or on LOOK LOCAL website to see just how close this election is in the Stocksbridge/Penistone ward. 36 hours to polling opening and all the fuss will be over until the re-run in July. This will be the first time I am going to get up early to see the result, its better than Christmas. Vote UKIP - HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN.

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Absolutely will be voting for the only party to make a change! UKIP all the way, i think the turnout and the share for UKIP will be far larger than the polls show with normal non voters turning out. a likely outcome will be a coalition with the Conservatives.


What are they going to change exactly?



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a likely outcome will be a coalition with the Conservatives.


What are they going to change exactly?




They're going to introduce fantasy governments based on not having enough MPs to form a coalition but let's pretend anyway.

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You've never voted in the UK before, have you?


It ain't like Russia. You won't be killed if you vote for the "wrong" candidate.



Apparently,according to one UKIP member,you will be killed if you are the wrong candidate.:D

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This is a party that have had to get rid of a man who was employing illegal immigrants.




Another one who was connected to a kidnap gang in Pakistan.




Now this racist moron joins in.




Their vetting and selection processes appear to be somewhat less than rigorous.


And people are considering voting for them to' make a difference'? :hihi:


I just caught the end of an interview on the radio this morning where it was stated that all parties have had their members stray from the straight and narrow but the UKIP ones seem to get more publicity than the others.

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