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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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The Tories will win but expect Cameron to renege on his pledge for an EU referendum


The Lib Dems will not block its vote and may even back it to finally put a nail in the coffin of the Euosceptics. Remember Cameron has promised to campaign in favour of remaining in the EU, just like Clegg will do.

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I just caught the end of an interview on the radio this morning where it was stated that all parties have had their members stray from the straight and narrow but the UKIP ones seem to get more publicity than the others.


The point about Ukip though is that they have been in existence since 1993 which is surely long enough to have got their act together.


They are far smaller than the rest of the parties which should mean that they have more control over them.


They only have two MP's and twenty three MEP's and yet are a shambles when it comes to selection and actually doing anything when in a position to do so.




They are the laziest politicians of any of our European representatives but are not so dilatory when it comes to picking up their salaries and expenses.


Two Ukip MEP's have served time for fraud and another has been suspended recently for the same offence.




Meanwhile Farage took time out from his busy electioneering campaign to fly to Brussels and vote for MEP's expenses to be kept secret.


When challenged he said he had voted the wrong way " by accident ". :)


He sounds like just the man to entrust with national decision making!

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UKIP will never succeed as long as their supporters and candidates keep making mistakes, that's what the media love to jump on. Wasn't there an incident last night?


But I'm sure all parties have members like this, but they don't make the news so quickly.


Is it because UKIP is less picky? Or do they not vet their candidates and supporters enough? Or, do they attract the loons like Cameron claimed?


This is true, two labour candidates suspended in past week for fraud and one on the same day for drink driving ??? UKIP have said that they will look at the vetting procedure after the election, seems to me that all of the parties need to do the same.

Edited by crazybaby
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The point about Ukip though is that they have been in existence since 1993 which is surely long enough to have got their act together.


They are far smaller than the rest of the parties which should mean that they have more control over them.


They only have two MP's and twenty three MEP's and yet are a shambles when it comes to selection and actually doing anything when in a position to do so.


If their growth had been steady since 1993 then you might have a point but it has been very rapid over the last few years and that causes a lot of problems. Growth that is too rapid can easily kill off a business and it isn't that different for a political party, which faces the same sort of issues that come from rapid growth.


Finding the time and resource to get to know activists and wannabe candidates has been a problem for them as we can see from some of the idiots who have slipped through the net. However, if they survive this period of rapid growth, things will settle down and the image and reputation will improve. And I think they will survive it because the bottom line is their policies have popular support.

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If their growth had been steady since 1993 then you might have a point but it has been very rapid over the last few years and that causes a lot of problems. Growth that is too rapid can easily kill off a business and it isn't that different for a political party, which faces the same sort of issues that come from rapid growth.


Finding the time and resource to get to know activists and wannabe candidates has been a problem for them as we can see from some of the idiots who have slipped through the net. However, if they survive this period of rapid growth, things will settle down and the image and reputation will improve. And I think they will survive it because the bottom line is their policies have popular support.



For the size of the operation they have experienced far too many 'glitches' which suggests a lack of professionalism and standards.


Their policies are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator, the taxi driver who tells you all about the problem in the country and how to resolve it in an £8 taxi ride.


The bloke in the pub who's convinced it's all the fault of the immigrants and knows what should be done to return the country to the 'Sceptered Isle' it once was.


The anti EU obsessives ( who have a point in that it is badly in need of reform ) who don't get the fact that the decision to stay or leave the EU will be decided in The City and corporate boardrooms.


Ukip are in the lovely position of being able to promise us anything to get our vote because they will never be called to account.

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For the size of the operation they have experienced far too many 'glitches' which suggests a lack of professionalism and standards.


Their policies are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator, the taxi driver who tells you all about the problem in the country and how to resolve it in an £8 taxi ride.


The bloke in the pub who's convinced it's all the fault of the immigrants and knows what should be done to return the country to the 'Sceptered Isle' it once was.


The anti EU obsessives ( who have a point in that it is badly in need of reform ) who don't get the fact that the decision to stay or leave the EU will be decided in The City and corporate boardrooms.


Ukip are in the lovely position of being able to promise us anything to get our vote because they will never be called to account.


They are all in that position, but only two can be held to account for not delivering, yet despite the fact they didn't deliver they still are not held to account.

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They are all in that position, but only two can be held to account for not delivering, yet despite the fact they didn't deliver they still are not held to account.


Tomorrows the opportunity to hold them to account then isn't it?


The problem being that there is no viable alternative, Ukip certainly isn't, they are little more than a bunch of opportunistic chancers who are taking advantage of the bigots and the gullible to get their snouts in the trough.


We had enough of them in the other parties without forming a party specifically for the purpose.

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Tomorrows the opportunity to hold them to account then isn't it?


The problem being that there is no viable alternative, Ukip certainly isn't, they are little more than a bunch of opportunistic chancers who are taking advantage of the bigots and the gullible to get their snouts in the trough.


We had enough of them in the other parties without forming a party specifically for the purpose.


You've just described some of the people that will hold them to accounts as bigots and gullible, so presumably you don't want them held to account. The status quo will continue with the same group of MP's having their noses in the trough.

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For the size of the operation they have experienced far too many 'glitches' which suggests a lack of professionalism and standards.


Which can only be improved with practice and being given responsibilities


Their policies are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator, the taxi driver who tells you all about the problem in the country and how to resolve it in an £8 taxi ride.


You were doing well try not to be elitist or a snob.. taxi drivers are people too.


The bloke in the pub who's convinced it's all the fault of the immigrants and knows what should be done to return the country to the 'Sceptered Isle' it once was.


Yes its time their views were given proper respect and consideration


The anti EU obsessives ( who have a point in that it is badly in need of reform ) who don't get the fact that the decision to stay or leave the EU will be decided in The City and corporate boardrooms.


Right again ..its time we took that power away from them and gave it back to the people who want the country to be run on our behalf for us not in spite of us, and not to increase the wealth and power of a few.


Ukip are in the lovely position of being able to promise us anything to get our vote because they will never be called to account.


For once I think you are right lets give Ukip the opportunity to live up to their promises, all the other parties have let some or all of us down at some time or other maybe it is time to let UKip have a couple of terms in office.


They are not tried and tested its true but the others have tried and consistently failed, trying the others again is just insanity.


A lot of people do not like what the conservatives (with cleggs lot) have done, and no thinking person wants a repeat of what labour have done to us. No one in England wants to be dictated to by the snp with a milliband led labour party as their puppets. There is not enough support for the greens ...thankfully.. and the lib-dems are basically just an ineffectual bunch of traditional also-rans.


Yes you surprise me indeed I have surprised myself but I'm with you lets try Ukip.


Edited by Tommo68
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For the size of the operation they have experienced far too many 'glitches' which suggests a lack of professionalism and standards.


Their policies are popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator, the taxi driver who tells you all about the problem in the country and how to resolve it in an £8 taxi ride.


The bloke in the pub who's convinced it's all the fault of the immigrants and knows what should be done to return the country to the 'Sceptered Isle' it once was.


The anti EU obsessives ( who have a point in that it is badly in need of reform ) who don't get the fact that the decision to stay or leave the EU will be decided in The City and corporate boardrooms.


Ukip are in the lovely position of being able to promise us anything to get our vote because they will never be called to account.


Sorry but I can not agree with you. I find UKIP representatives give direct answers to questions whether the answer is popular or not.

Did you watch the Victoria Derbyshire TV programme this week from Sheffield where the UKIP rep. Steven Woolfe was far more credible than the other panelists ?

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