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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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A joke like the one Farage is telling in that video the Daily Mail has published today? The one where he laughs about a gay bloke being killed and refers to him as a "fag"? Yes, they're a really witty bunch aren't they?


oh please get a life :roll::roll: black humour is everywhere get over it.....or maybe i cant call it black humour???:suspect:

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And the Tories?


As I live in a constituency where the Tories cannot win I will be voting UKIP as they stand a chance of removing the parachuted in apparatchik Labour representative who surfaces once every five years to renew his mandate.


My vote is therefore against Labour rather than for Conservative and I sincerely hope that this country does not make the catastrophic mistake of voting in the living embodiment of Wallace and Grommitt.


If I was a betting man I still think a Tory win is possible and by god I hope so.

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oooohhhh i think it was a Joke??? dont you get humour? you should change your user name:hihi::hihi:


A joke! Ha ha! Why didn't you say so then! :hihi:


kippers love jokes! :hihi:


like the one Camilla Long made about Our Nige' on Have I got news for you! :hihi:


Our Nige' found it so amusing, he contacted the police to complain about the BBC! :hihi:


Because kippers love free speech and humour! :hihi:


But only when it's directed at someone else! :hihi:


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A joke! Ha ha! Why didn't you say so then! :hihi:


kippers love jokes! :hihi:


like the one Camilla Long made about Our Nige' on Have I got news for you! :hihi:


Our Nige' found it so amusing, he contacted the police to complain about the BBC! :hihi:


Because kippers love free speech and humour! :hihi:


But only when it's directed at someone else! :hihi:



Or the one where she was glad he'd lost a testicle to cancer, really funny:rolleyes:

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You misunderstood my fascist and communist comment. I was making the point that holding right wing or left wing views is not a problem, everyone is entitled to their viewpoint.


However, in my opinion when either of those views strays into extremism then that's when they do become a problem.


In that case, all those people voting Labour and Conservative are giving their vote to dangerous extremist parties that have literally murdered thousands of men, women and children overseas in order to implement regime change.


You can't really get much more extreme than that.

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Is that acceptable behaviour from the kippers?


Please, let me know.


Because that's the mentality of ISIS and the other flag burners.


No it isn't acceptable, which is why he is no longer a member of UKIP.


Shooting opponents is not UKIP policy, just as fraud and kiddy-fiddling isn't Labour policy. It is pathetic to imply that the actions and beliefs of individuals can be taken as an indication of a hidden political agenda for the party they were associated with.


If anyone is in two minds about whether to vote UKIP they should read your posts. They tell us all we need to know about how those on the left truly regard those with concerns about immigration and EU membership. Don't give in to the bullying tactics of the left... vote for what you believe (UKIP or otherwise).

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Joker be careful. I support UKIP and my gun is probably a lot bigger than yours. Waiting for my son to come home from work today ( earns just above min wage but has self pride and wants to work. Still lives at home and we help him all we can, he claims no benefits unlike every person that freshly appears on our shores) and we are then all going to vote together, so there will be the block vote for UKIP. I still hope for some upsets,our labour MP Angela SMith only has 3000 majority. This can be easily overturned if all kippers vote. Come on UKIP.

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If anyone is in two minds about whether to vote UKIP they should read your posts. They tell us all we need to know about how those on the left truly regard those with concerns about immigration and EU membership. Don't give in to the bullying tactics of the left... vote for what you believe (UKIP or otherwise).


and yet. . . If you'd bothered to read through my post history you'd know that I too have concerns over immigration and EU membership.


The difference is, that I know the kippers won't do anything about those issues either. And why should they, when they're happy to stick their noses in the trough of EU expenses? All those £ millions from an organisation they claim to hate! Sure beats working for a living!


Given the poor attendance and voting record of the kippers in matters of national importance, do you think they'll do anything substantial?


No, me neither.


Which is why I'll be voting for a party that will at least look after my local interests instead.

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Joker be careful. I support UKIP and my gun is probably a lot bigger than yours. Waiting for my son to come home from work today ( earns just above min wage but has self pride and wants to work. Still lives at home and we help him all we can, he claims no benefits unlike every person that freshly appears on our shores) and we are then all going to vote together, so there will be the block vote for UKIP. I still hope for some upsets,our labour MP Angela SMith only has 3000 majority. This can be easily overturned if all kippers vote. Come on UKIP.


Can you point out where every person that freshly appears on our shores is claiming benefit?


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 09:22 ----------


Same old tactic by the left... If you agree with UKIP policy on immigration and having an EU referendum then you're a xenophobic, racist akin to the KKK.


People need to stay true to their beliefs and not allow left wing extremists to bully them into a different vote to prove they aren't racist. Voting UKIP is not racist but a vote for common sense where immigration results in a win-win. If you hate racism then reject the open door immigration policy of the main parties that fuels it.


An immigration policy doesn't fuel racism..........racists do.

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In that case, all those people voting Labour and Conservative are giving their vote to dangerous extremist parties that have literally murdered thousands of men, women and children overseas in order to implement regime change.


You can't really get much more extreme than that.


Can't really disagree, in my view both Blair and Bush should have been charged with war crimes.


But I made the point earlier with regard to leaving or remaining in the EU it is the Banks and international corporations that really run the capitalist world.


Do you think it coincidental that Dick Cheney the American Vice President at the time of the Iraq War was a former CEO of Halliburton, a company which made billions out of the war?


Do you think it coincidental that part of Blair's considerable income since he left office is a £2 million a year salary for a part time 'consultancy' from JP Morgan a foreign ( American ) bank which wound up running the Iraqi banking system and also made billions out of the war?


What we are getting today is effectively a 'dog and pony show' to appease the masses and give the illusion that we are living in a democracy and have some effect on it's future.


Yes politicians have power, but it's limited and when major decisions which can effect the country's economy are made Big Business will have it's - unelected - say.

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