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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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i'm voting for the kippers 'cos they wants to relax them gun laws and give upstanding members of society like me the right to carry guns around like it's an Afghan wedding party (now that is cultural sensitivity I wasn't expecting).


If Our Nige' gives me a handgun, next sonofabitch that cuts me up on the ring road is gonna be very, very sorry.


This is a perfect example of how things have been twisted. Nigel Farage said it's riddiculous for the GB Pistol Shooting team, while training for the Olympic Games, had to go to France to train, because of current regulation..


Go on tell us how UKIP are going to charge you to see your GP next :hihi:

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Go on tell us how UKIP are going to charge you to see your GP next :hihi:


I'd shoot Our Nige's other testicle off if he dared to try


(See what I did there? Free speech and humour! :hihi: Now this is the part where Our Nige calls the police, or you alert the mods)

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Chalga have a walk to the benefits offices situated on West Street and just off Bank Street, you can see them all there usually with an interpreter in tow claiming everything. My wife works for a major pharmacist, 80% of the clients come and tick the back saying they are on benefits yet she speaks to them and they cannot even answer her. The surgery next door employ 2 interpreters to speak with them. One speaks four different languages and other three. Your tax dollars at work

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Remember Thatcher? remember how she despised the poor and the working classes? Well Ukippers worship this vile woman and believe she did not go far enough in her campaign against the weak.


A vote for UKIP is a vote for the lasting legacy of this hated woman.

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Seems to me that some people are looking for a reason to be offended instead of taking a joke for what it is.

Is it wrong to refer to an homosexual person as a fag if the other term gay is used.

As Mr. Farage states no malice was intended.

What I find offensive is someone at a private event taking a recording to a newspaper without authority. Surely this person should be identified.


I'll give Nigel Farage the benefit of the doubt to say that no malice was intended.


In the video Farage says: "The good news for us who are smokers is that we are far better off here than if we had been at Michael Barrymore’s house.


"Because there they removed all the ashtrays on the basis that now they chuck all the fags in the pool."


Bearing in mind that at the party a young gay man died, and thousands of people in the UK are subject to homophobic abuse.


However the joke was in extremely bad taste, and ill advised given that he wants to become the leader of the UK. Whatever you think about David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Ed Miliband, they wouldn't have been so stupid as to say something so crass.

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Remember Thatcher? remember how she despised the poor and the working classes? Well Ukippers worship this vile woman and believe she did not go far enough in her campaign against the weak.
Whether she did or not, if kippers really worship her, then just file that under 'delicious irony' and smirk: most kippers are 'poor and the working classes' ;):hihi:
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An immigration policy doesn't fuel racism..........racists do.


Great soundbite... but complete crap. Racists can of course fuel racism but there are other drivers to.


The racial tensions in places like Page Hall are caused by mass, un-selective immigration that resulted in a win for the immigrants and a lose for those already there. The deterioration in the quality of life for those already there has lead to resentment and therefore fueled racial and cultural tensions. It is completely irrelevant whether you think the resentment is justified or not, it is nonetheless a real outcome of the policy.

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Thatcher stood up for the UK worldwide, against the EU and anybody else that came along. She was for the rich but carried the working class along with her. The benefits class hated her but she was the last politician with balls and she had the disadvantage that she was not born with them, she had to grow them.

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Great soundbite... but complete crap. Racists can of course fuel racism but there are other drivers to.


The racial tensions in places like Page Hall are caused by mass, un-selective immigration that resulted in a win for the immigrants and a lose for those already there. The deterioration in the quality of life for those already there has lead to resentment and therefore fueled racial and cultural tensions. It is completely irrelevant whether you think the resentment is justified or not, it is nonetheless a real outcome of the policy.


That's not racism,unless you are calling the people who don't like foreigners in Page Hall racists............that's up to you.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 10:20 ----------


Chalga have a walk to the benefits offices situated on West Street and just off Bank Street, you can see them all there usually with an interpreter in tow claiming everything. My wife works for a major pharmacist, 80% of the clients come and tick the back saying they are on benefits yet she speaks to them and they cannot even answer her. The surgery next door employ 2 interpreters to speak with them. One speaks four different languages and other three. Your tax dollars at work


Have you got the figures to back up your claims that you made that I asked for?

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Remember Thatcher? remember how she despised the poor and the working classes? Well Ukippers worship this vile woman and believe she did not go far enough in her campaign against the weak.


A vote for UKIP is a vote for the lasting legacy of this hated woman.


More union members voted for Thatcher than any of her Labour opponents, she did not despise the poor and working classes, she wanted them to aspire to be better, to own their own homes, to free them from the clutches of mindless union barons and the dead hand of socialism with its centralist controls and intolerance.


Thatcher changed this country, from being the sick man of Europe to the envy of the world.

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