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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Thatcher stood up for the UK worldwide, against the EU and anybody else that came along. She was for the rich but carried the working class along with her. The benefits class hated her but she was the last politician with balls and she had the disadvantage that she was not born with them, she had to grow them.


Your ignorance seems to know no bounds!


The EU wasn't around when Thatcher was PM. Also when Thatcher was PM she signed the Single European Act, which created the single European market - one of the biggest acts of European integration.

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Zamo, the local Slovak church has taken over the lease on the Hall on Holywell road just up from Tyler Street. They are paying 15k a year plus upkeep of building. And in order to fit in and integrate well with the local community their first acts are to throw out the youth club that has been there for 22 years and the dog club that has been there for 27 years. The dog club will relocate but when kids are hanging about on the street causing trouble this is part of the reason. Deprived area where local people try to help and the caring new immigrant community just fuel the dislike against them.

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Thatcher stood up for the UK worldwide, against the EU and anybody else that came along. She was for the rich but carried the working class along with her. The benefits class hated her but she was the last politician with balls and she had the disadvantage that she was not born with them, she had to grow them.


Well she certainly grew the benefits class!

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That's not racism,unless you are calling the people who don't like foreigners in Page Hall racists............that's up to you.


I think that not liking foreigners falls under the definition of racism.


The problem is that they have plenty of legitimate reasons for not liking the foreigners who have moved in and that is because our immigration policy didn't screen out people who will not make a positive financial and social contribution. The policy created the current situation and fuels the racial and cultural tension.

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I think that not liking foreigners falls under the definition of racism.


The problem is that they have plenty of legitimate reasons for not liking the foreigners who have moved in and that is because our immigration policy didn't screen out people who will not make a positive financial and social contribution. The policy created the current situation and fuels the racial and cultural tension.


If you want to call people in Page hall racists,that is up to you.

Maybe you can come up with the laws that need to be made against Gays so that homophobes and Gay haters will stop being like they are?..........it's the laws that are making them haters..........according to your theory on racists.

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Chalga cannot see where you have asked for any figures. The one I can see is your 2200 plus posts which I assume denotes you as some sort of professional agitator on this site. At a guess you are a leftie of some sort so to alleviate you trying to score points off me I will pre-empt your slurs/accusations/insults.

I am a white UK born Christian male who qualified as an engineer and retired last year at 51 due to sound financial investment over the previous 30 years from working class wages, never got any higher than engineer. I will be voting UKIP. Now to your possible attack on me.

1. I have no problem that people have other sexual tendencies ( not including animals or children ), if it is wrong they can answer to God when the time comes.

2. I have no problem with other races living here and have done for generations, they are Brits. I have a problem with people coming here from EU/anywhere and just sponging off taxpayers ( which I still pay ). We are full and it is time to stop immigration just to sponge. Of course you are going to bleat about refugees eg Syria, funny how most of those rescued are not arab but Ethiopian and Eirtrean.

3 Your religious view is welcome just do not shove it down my throat with your bright massive white Mosque at Heeley set within dark red brick building. Do not hurl abuse at me when I ignore you on fargate when you push YOUR religion in my face.

4. I am not a rich man, I live in a paid for terrace house and a reasonable income from investing in savings policies every year for 30 years rather than smoking or boozing. The only benefits I have had EVER was child benefit for one child.

5. I believe in God who gave us a lovely planet which we are poisoning. All evil in this world is a result of man not God.

6. I am voting UKIP because I believe that we are full and immigration should be controlled. I want a vote on the EU as I was too young for the common market one which has changed out of all recognition. I am voting for my childs future.

Right Chalga over to you, knock yourself out.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 11:50 ----------


Nixon seem to remember Thatcher getting a annual refund from the EU which we have recently given back so I think the EU did exist.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 11:52 ----------


As for her signing for single European market I agree but she did not sign up for the Federal states of Europe she signed up for a MARKET.

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Chalga cannot see where you have asked for any figures. The one I can see is your 2200 plus posts which I assume denotes you as some sort of professional agitator on this site. At a guess you are a leftie of some sort so to alleviate you trying to score points off me I will pre-empt your slurs/accusations/insults.

I am a white UK born Christian male who qualified as an engineer and retired last year at 51 due to sound financial investment over the previous 30 years from working class wages, never got any higher than engineer. I will be voting UKIP. Now to your possible attack on me.

1. I have no problem that people have other sexual tendencies ( not including animals or children ), if it is wrong they can answer to God when the time comes.

2. I have no problem with other races living here and have done for generations, they are Brits. I have a problem with people coming here from EU/anywhere and just sponging off taxpayers ( which I still pay ). We are full and it is time to stop immigration just to sponge. Of course you are going to bleat about refugees eg Syria, funny how most of those rescued are not arab but Ethiopian and Eirtrean.

3 Your religious view is welcome just do not shove it down my throat with your bright massive white Mosque at Heeley set within dark red brick building. Do not hurl abuse at me when I ignore you on fargate when you push YOUR religion in my face.

4. I am not a rich man, I live in a paid for terrace house and a reasonable income from investing in savings policies every year for 30 years rather than smoking or boozing. The only benefits I have had EVER was child benefit for one child.

5. I believe in God who gave us a lovely planet which we are poisoning. All evil in this world is a result of man not God.

6. I am voting UKIP because I believe that we are full and immigration should be controlled. I want a vote on the EU as I was too young for the common market one which has changed out of all recognition. I am voting for my childs future.

Right Chalga over to you, knock yourself out.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 11:50 ----------


Nixon seem to remember Thatcher getting a annual refund from the EU which we have recently given back so I think the EU did exist.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 11:52 ----------


As for her signing for single European market I agree but she did not sign up for the Federal states of Europe she signed up for a MARKET.


I'm not asking for your life story,I am asking you to back up your claim...........with figures..........that all people pitching up on these shores are claiming benefits.

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I didn't say that the leadership wasn't xenophobic, I made an assumption that Farage probably wasn't as he married a foreigner.


That doesn't prevent him appealing to xenophobes, he's a chancer and will use whatever he can to get votes.


Your analogy is ridiculous 'shop in Tesco' Ukip are asking for you to vote for them, not buy a pack of streaky bacon. :rolleyes:


Other parties do have a share of undesirables but not in the same percentages as Ukip.


Two MEP's in prison for fraud, another under suspension for fraud, employing a small business spokesman who was employing illegal immigrants, employing another one who was mixed up with a kidnapping gang, appointing a candidate who threatens to kill a political opponent.


They are comedy gold and a disaster waiting to happen.




No you didn't answer the question, you came up with a pathetic ' How should I know? ' non answer.


Unless you are naive, or particularly dim, it shouldn't be hard to work out why someone would fail to attend 41 out of 42 meetings of a committee he was a member of when other peoples lives and income were at stake, but turn up for a vote effecting his personal income.


Leaving the country in the middle of an election campaign is a clear indication of his priorities, which are clearly himself and his personal welfare.


EU membership will be decided by the wishes of The City and Big Business, what they decide will be what happens.


Appealing to xenophobes doesn't make someone or the organization they belong to xenophobic.

By shopping in Tesco you are supporting Tesco, but if racists and xenophobes shop in Tesco or work for Tesco I wouldn't call Tesco a racist or xenophobic organisation. The same applies to UKIP just because some members and supporters might me racists or xenophobic doesn't make UKIP racist or xenophobic.

Edited by loraward
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Appealing to xenophobes doesn't make someone or the organization they belong to xenophobic.

By shopping in Tesco you are supporting Tesco, but if racists and xenophobes shop in Tesco or work for Tesco I would call Tesco a racist or xenophobic organisation. The same applies to UKIP just because some members and supporters might me racists or xenophobic doesn't make UKIP racist or xenophobic.


So if a xenophobe works at Tesco, you'd call them a racist or xenophobic organisation, however if a political party appeals to xenophobes it doesn't make the political party xenophobes! How does that work?


I think political parties and commercial organisations have different purposes. I'm sure Tescos wouldn't want xenophobes working inside their stores, but I would say it's more of an imperative for political parties not to have xenophobes. Wouldn't you agree?

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Can't really disagree, in my view both Blair and Bush should have been charged with war crimes.


But I made the point earlier with regard to leaving or remaining in the EU it is the Banks and international corporations that really run the capitalist world.


Do you think it coincidental that Dick Cheney the American Vice President at the time of the Iraq War was a former CEO of Halliburton, a company which made billions out of the war?


Do you think it coincidental that part of Blair's considerable income since he left office is a £2 million a year salary for a part time 'consultancy' from JP Morgan a foreign ( American ) bank which wound up running the Iraqi banking system and also made billions out of the war?


What we are getting today is effectively a 'dog and pony show' to appease the masses and give the illusion that we are living in a democracy and have some effect on it's future.


Yes politicians have power, but it's limited and when major decisions which can effect the country's economy are made Big Business will have it's - unelected - say.


I fear you are right. That being the case surely the best way for us to deal with them is by electing a government that knows how they work and can deal with them in our bests interests.


Surely that must be the Conservative party?

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