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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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But they all offer things that are not reasonable and two parties have proven that they don't always deliver. UKIP's proposals aren't unreasonable and they haven't had the opportunity to deliver.





UKIP aren't offering to kick anyone out of the country and they haven't implied that they will.



No one as proposed their removal, even the BNP didn't suggest it and only the gullible would believe it.





That's right, there is also are large number of foreign born patients using the NHS which is why we need so many foreign born staff.









How many MP's aren't opportunists?


And unless the country takes leave of it's senses they won't get the chance to deliver.


The idea of a bunch of people the like of which comprise Ukip delivering on anything is hilarious, they couldn't deliver milk, because it would involve actual work which they appear allergic to, given their performances in Europe.


They aren't offering to kick people out of the country?


Have you actually been paying attention or do you simply like to argue for the sake of it and regard facts as minor inconveniences?




And then when Farage got cold feet and tried to change the story, this.




These people are incompetent clowns who apparently only open their mouths to change feet.


As small as the party is they can't manage to sing off the same hymn sheet.


It would almost be worth having them in charge for the fun factor. :)


As far as foreigners using the NHS goes you do realise that if they work here and pay taxes then they are as entitled as anyone else to use it?



There is also the fact that more British people get treated abroad than foreigners get treated here.




We don't get facts such as that bandied about by Ukip though do we?

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UKIP offer an alternative and if people genuinely believe in it they should vote for them.


UKIP getting a few more MPs is the only way we can really decide whether they can walk the walk. I doubt they can but let's get a chance to find out.

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I saw a poster today for one of their candidates. It read:


"If a surgeon can perform a sex change on a patient, why can't a Psychiatrist turn a consenting home sexual?"


Stupidity throughout the entire party!!

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And unless the country takes leave of it's senses they won't get the chance to deliver.


Most of the other parties can't deliver and the ones that can don't.

They aren't offering to kick people out of the country?


Have you actually been paying attention or do you simply like to argue for the sake of it and regard facts as minor inconveniences?


I assumed you meant immigrants that had become British citizens, and you are aware that the Tories have said EU jobseekers who don't pay in will no longer get anything out. And those who do come will no longer be able to stay if they can't find work. In other words they will be kicked out and that seams fair to me.


And then when Farage got cold feet and tried to change the story, this.
He should have stuck to his guns, some of them need kicking out.


As far as foreigners using the NHS goes you do realise that if they work here and pay taxes then they are as entitled as anyone else to use it?

They don't have to work here or pay tax's to get access to the NHS, and I just countered your claim that the NHS needs them, it only need them because we increased the population faster than we could train staff, had we not increased the population through immigration we wouldn't have needed them. I would also replace the word need with want, we don't need them but some people do want them.


There is also the fact that more British people get treated abroad than foreigners get treated here.


That isn't a fact and most that do get treated abroad pay for the privilege.


We don't get facts such as that bandied about by Ukip though do we?



They aren't facts.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 20:16 ----------


UKIP offer an alternative and if people genuinely believe in it they should vote for them.


UKIP getting a few more MPs is the only way we can really decide whether they can walk the walk. I doubt they can but let's get a chance to find out.


How will them getting a few seats give them the opportunity to walk the walk, the will be as redundant as any other minor MP powerless to do anything.

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Most of the other parties can't deliver and the ones that can don't.



I assumed you meant immigrants that had become British citizens, and you are aware that the Tories have said EU jobseekers who don't pay in will no longer get anything out. And those who do come will no longer be able to stay if they can't find work. In other words they will be kicked out and that seams fair to me.


He should have stuck to his guns, some of them need kicking out.



They don't have to work here or pay tax's to get access to the NHS, and I just countered your claim that the NHS needs them, it only need them because we increased the population faster than we could train staff, had we not increased the population through immigration we wouldn't have needed them. I would also replace the word need with want, we don't need them but some people do want them.




That isn't a fact and most that do get treated abroad pay for the privilege.





They aren't facts.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 20:16 ----------



How will them getting a few seats give them the opportunity to walk the walk, the will be as redundant as any other minor MP powerless to do anything.


My thinking is they get a few seats, become a bit more prominent, get found out and by that time people who voted for them will see that UKIP are not up to it.


Sometimes all that is needed in these situations is a bit more oxygen of publicity, Nick Griffin style.


That said, UKIP deserve a chance to state their case

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How do you know that? Got a crystal ball?


There are these things called opinion polls. http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/


UKIP is forecast to get about 3 seats, or about the same as Plaid Cymru.


---------- Post added 07-05-2015 at 21:01 ----------


How will you judge this ?

Number of seats won, number of votes, comparison with other parties ?


All 3 obviously. How else would you judge the outcome of an election?

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