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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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...the likes of which has been spouting forth from the frothy mouth of UKIP for the last five years, actually....using every scare tactic in its insidious aim of getting us to think the EU is an evil parasite, etc., etc.


Every party uses scare tactics to try and put voters off their opponents, it's nothing new !

UKIP have prompted others to look at our membership of the EU, and a referendum will give the British people the choice that they have not been given up to now, it is up to the relevant bodies to tell us all they can about the pros and cons of being in or out of the EU, that's democracy and democracy is not about silencing people you don't agree with ...... so well done Mr Farage and well done UKIP !

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My take on UKIP is this. They have probably caused the greatest shake up of the other parties since the war. The Labour Party will be much tougher on immigration after the election. I think its finally clicked that this is important to their traditional followers. The Conservatives have agreed to a EU referendum because of UKIP and they will become UKIP lite over the next five years..


I reckon that the reason UKIP didn't win more seats is because the electorate wouldn't be confident on them running the economy. People are more concerned with their own lives and jobs, their mortgages and the running of public services. UKIP have no experience. If you go for a job and are asked about some of the requirements in the job description and you replied, you'd never done it but you have ideas how to do it differently, chances are you'd be rejected. People like stability. UKIP would be a perceived risk.


The Tory Party are the only credible party who can run the country at the moment. There is no alternative. The others, for one reason of the other, don't have what's needed.


The Labour Party is a corpse and will become the new Lib Dems, who are finished.


The Greens have been rejected, their left wing ideas are for a different era. In fact I can't ever see a left wing party winning power again.


Politics are going right wing. This will increase when the Scots leave, which they will.


England rejects left wing politics these days, rightly.

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We're not upset, we're mocking Farage. He said that he was different from the other politicians, he said that unlike them when he made a statement he could be trusted.


When push came to shove he seems to be just like them. That is why he's being mocked.


I love it. Farage does as he said he would and hands in his resignation, but the party rejects it because he was a good leader and under his leadership the party made significant gains. Miliband and Clegg hand in their resignation which is accepted with open arms because they were useless and led their party to crushing and humiliating defeat. Cameron did not hand in his resignation because he has led the party to electoral success. I think I see a pattern emerging here. :hihi::hihi:

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I'm no UKIP voter but they did end the evening with 8 times as many councillors as they started with.


UKIP's website is saying they won 189 council seats, which would mean they only had about 24 to start with. I suspect your maths are wrong.


I'm no UKIP voter but they did end the evening with 8 times as many councillors as they started with.


And half the MPs.


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 11:27 ----------


....that's democracy and democracy is not about silencing people you don't agree with ...... so well done Mr Farage and well done UKIP !


The Kippers on here - SevenRivers, saunaman et al - have just returned after a few months off. The reason they disappeared was that UKIP told their members not to post because so many of them were posting stupid comments that were harmful to UKIP.


So if democracy is not about silencing people then UKIP is not democratic.


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 11:28 ----------


I love it. Farage does as he said he would and hands in his resignation, but the party rejects it because he was a good leader and under his leadership the party made significant gains.


Losing one of your two MPs is a significant gain?

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UKIP's website is saying they won 189 council seats, which would mean they only had about 24 to start with. I suspect your maths are wrong.





Or perhaps you should just check your own. :hihi:


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 11:38 ----------



The Kippers on here - SevenRivers, saunaman et al - have just returned after a few months off. The reason they disappeared was that UKIP told their members not to post because so many of them were posting stupid comments that were harmful to UKIP.



Or to look at it without the red tinted specs. I seem to remember for about 3 months running up to the election every thread regarding UKIP was removed from this forum along with any postings. Even the "one thread per party" UKIP discussion thread was blocked. It seems like the silencing was done by folk outside the UKIP party.

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We're not upset, we're mocking Farage. He said that he was different from the other politicians, he said that unlike them when he made a statement he could be trusted.


When push came to shove he seems to be just like them. That is why he's being mocked.


To be fair he did stand down as leader as promised. He has simply stood back up a little quicker than one might have anticipated! :hihi:


Mock away if it gives you some pleasure but ultimately it makes no difference to whether people will vote for UKIP in the future. The truth is that UKIP voters don't feel cheated out of their vote and that is the fundamental difference to the Clegg pledge u-turn. The only people feeling cheated are the UKIP haters... and they are of no concern to UKIP.


If the Tories deliver a fair referendum, and are able to get immigration under control, then that will kill UKIP off. If they don't then UKIP will continue to grow stronger as more people in England and Wales reject the mainstream parties who ignore them... just as the Scottish have. It is a bit ironic that the uber-liberal Left are now reliant on the 'nasty party' to save them from a UKIP future!

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To be fair he did stand down as leader as promised. He has simply stood back up a little quicker than one might have anticipated! :hihi:


Mock away if it gives you some pleasure but ultimately it makes no difference to whether people will vote for UKIP in the future. The truth is that UKIP voters don't feel cheated out of their vote and that is the fundamental difference to the Clegg pledge u-turn. The only people feeling cheated are the UKIP haters... and they are of no concern to UKIP.


If the Tories deliver a fair referendum, and are able to get immigration under control, then that will kill UKIP off. If they don't then UKIP will continue to grow stronger as more people in England and Wales reject the mainstream parties who ignore them... just as the Scottish have. It is a bit ironic that the uber-liberal Left are now reliant on the 'nasty party' to save them from a UKIP future!


I don't think the referendum will kill UKIP off.

I think prior to Nigel Farage becoming leader UKIP was going for many years pretty much as a single issue party under the leadership of Alan Sked. Though really it was only when Farage became leader that they came to national prominence via the blue tops like the Express and the Mail, as well as the Sun. UKIP became a home for people with a lot of anger & axes to grind about what they thought England became. I don' think that anger will go away after the referendum.

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how on earth did they consult with all the members? Unless they all met in the pub which would imply that they don't have as many members as they claim.


How about those UKIP members on here, were you consulted, when and what was your reply?


A couple of months ago Members (like me) were asked who they would propose as Leader.

Farage's name appeared alongside a list of about half a dozen others.

It seems he topped the list.

The final decision is down to the National Executive Committee.


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:33 ----------


marrying a germanese bird? Each to his own I guess.


Bit of an insult is that really. Do you know how many of our forces married German lasses from the end of the war until now! I personally know a lot that also have settled in Germany.

Do you want to bar them from coming here as well?


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:40 ----------


After the upcoming referendum on our membership of the EU, what will be the point of UKIP? Surely the issue would have been solved one way or another by the next election?


Sorry JFK, I don't think you've seen through Cameron yet.

He promised a referendum for during them last parliament, then it changed to "renegotiation", then it became a referendum in 2017 when he knows quite well that on the 1st January that year there will be a new ruling in place which means they do not have to take any notice of the referendum. Very much like they did with Ireland!

Also, how many times does he have to be told that the "freedom of movement" is NOT negotiable?

Oh, and I don't think we'll get the referendum in 2017 anyway, he'll get out of it somehow!


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:45 ----------


Will never support UKIP but glad he's sticking around. He's going to be needed as a voice against the Tories.


So you (like me) have written off Labour?


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:47 ----------


If UKIP want to get any serious representation in Parliament, they need more than 10% of the vote.



They got MORE than 10%!


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:53 ----------


We're not upset, we're mocking Farage. He said that he was different from the other politicians, he said that unlike them when he made a statement he could be trusted.


When push came to shove he seems to be just like them. That is why he's being mocked.


What? Because he said what he would do and did it?

He tendered his resignation and it was rejected by the governing body.

It HAS happened, even in government you know.


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 12:58 ----------


The Kippers on here - SevenRivers, saunaman et al - have just returned after a few months off. The reason they disappeared was that UKIP told their members not to post because so many of them were posting stupid comments that were harmful to UKIP.



I received no such instructions LeMaquis! Have you "inside information"?

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I received no such instructions LeMaquis! Have you "inside information"?


"Ukip members have been warned not to use social media in an apparent attempt to stem the flood of inappropriate or bigoted comments from supporters and candidates.


As Nigel Farage’s party updated its rules aimed at controlling use of its logo on the internet, Steve Crowther, the Ukip chairman, said his approach to sites such as Facebook and Twitter was “just don’t”."



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I don't think the referendum will kill UKIP off.

I think prior to Nigel Farage becoming leader UKIP was going for many years pretty much as a single issue party under the leadership of Alan Sked. Though really it was only when Farage became leader that they came to national prominence via the blue tops like the Express and the Mail, as well as the Sun. UKIP became a home for people with a lot of anger & axes to grind about what they though England became. I don' think that anger will go away after the referendum.


I agree that Farage made a difference, which is why UKIP would have been mad to have accepted his resignation when he actually wanted to carry on.


I think a referendum would need to be delivered alongside effective immigration control to kill off UKIP... not enough on its own. The Tories have already had 5 years to sort immigration out (during which time nothing was done and things actually got worse) and I think they are on a final written warning with the electorate. Polls consistently show 70-80% of people want immigration controlled better or stopped entirely and that is a dangerous amount of people to ignore. The Tories need to deliver or they risk the English doing a Scotland and walking with their votes away from the arrogance and broken promises of the mainstream parties.


The way I look at it, if the Tories do deliver then UKIP will have won without ever actually winning. They have always been a means to an end for me.

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