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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I am not over 65 and i know a lot of other people who are young and professional people who voted for them.Knew i was going to get bites,as i said earlier why are you bothered about UKIP you do not think they can overturn the three main parties sorry two main parties so why worry about them and i still do not care what other people think.:hihi::hihi:


The word most does not mean the same as all.


The political surveys are easy to find, which break down the voters into things like genders, age groups and social classes, go and look yourself and you'll find that the largest group by age is the over 65.


I'm not worried about UKIP, I find them and their supporters hilarious, and a side effect of democracy. In fact, if you re-read my post, I was backing you up.

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The word most does not mean the same as all.


The political surveys are easy to find, which break down the voters into things like genders, age groups and social classes, go and look yourself and you'll find that the largest group by age is the over 65.


I'm not worried about UKIP, I find them and their supporters hilarious, and a side effect of democracy. In fact, if you re-read my post, I was backing you up.


Its alright i find socialists hilarious as well.

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Its alright i find socialists hilarious as well.



I wouldn't say hilarious................ sad maybe as in " My grandad always voted Labour, my dad voted Labour and I'll always vote Labour... choose what " !! :loopy:


But Hey Ho.................. everybody to their own.

Edited by francypants
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The Socialist pretenders of South Yorkshire are now looking over their shoulders running scared of the UKIP boom, they have had it too easy for a long time and ignored the concerns of 'working class' British people.

Listen to the luvvy socialist hypocrisy on here, name calling UKIP voters and posters alike, even Milliband has had to acknowledge his beloved Labour party 'got it wrong' on immigration ...... too bloody right they did !

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]The Socialist pretenders of South Yorkshire[/b] are now looking over their shoulders running scared of the UKIP boom, they have had it too easy for a long time and ignored the concerns of 'working class' British people.

Listen to the luvvy socialist hypocrisy on here, name calling UKIP voters and posters alike, even Milliband has had to acknowledge his beloved Labour party 'got it wrong' on immigration ...... too bloody right they did !


That's very emotive language Michael.

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Last night the big three parties got a bloody nose from UKIP ,but that is nowt compared to the kicking they are going to get come sunday when the Euro results are announced.


After the local results nothing is going to surprise me.

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