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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, said the surprise was Ukip's less than inspiring performance. Curtice said: "They did pretty well but we shouldn't exaggerate it. Actually the performance is not quite as good as last year's stupendous performance. Given that these elections were taking place at the same time as Euro elections, which we know from previous experience tends to help Ukip to win votes at local elections, one might say: good but not brilliant.

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John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, said the surprise was Ukip's less than inspiring performance. Curtice said: "They did pretty well but we shouldn't exaggerate it. Actually the performance is not quite as good as last year's stupendous performance. Given that these elections were taking place at the same time as Euro elections, which we know from previous experience tends to help Ukip to win votes at local elections, one might say: good but not brilliant.


They lost 6% of their vote. Despite increased media attention. They will lose big at the general elections unless Farage can come up with some other policies that actually appeal.

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John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, said the surprise was Ukip's less than inspiring performance. Curtice said: "They did pretty well but we shouldn't exaggerate it. Actually the performance is not quite as good as last year's stupendous performance. Given that these elections were taking place at the same time as Euro elections, which we know from previous experience tends to help Ukip to win votes at local elections, one might say: good but not brilliant.


Sour grapes chalga? it was so obvious that ukip was going to do well in the locals and the european elections,you cannot say they did badly,wait for the next results and see how well they have really done.

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Last night the big three parties got a bloody nose from UKIP ,but that is nowt compared to the kicking they are going to get come sunday when the Euro results are announced.


Makes no difference if UKIP do win the Euro election. UKIP never vote on anything anyway, they are just a protest party who are there for the bunts.

Won't make any difference if they win the Euro vote for UK.

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Sour grapes chalga? it was so obvious that ukip was going to do well in the locals and the european elections,you cannot say they did badly,wait for the next results and see how well they have really done.


How can it be sour grapes from me?,I didn't write it,an experienced number cruncher did.

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They lost 6% of their vote. Despite increased media attention. They will lose big at the general elections unless Farage can come up with some other policies that actually appeal.


The UKIP manifesto on which they fight the general election will be very interesting and eagerly awaited by the 3 main parties,especially given that the UKIP target voter has now been identified,white working class who feel they have no representation...............the policies that UKIP will have to come up with to look as if they are going to be the party to represent them while also backing business,dealing with the welfare state and what they will cut back on,how they will get people back to work and earning a living wage will have to be an act of brilliant tightrope walking.............I can see the other parties shaking that tightrope from both ends.

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Well at least the people of Nether Edge saved themselves from being represented by the forum UKIP moderator:



Results for the Nether Edge Ward 2014 local election.



Labour Party: Nasima Akther

Votes: 2479


Green Party: Anne Elizabeth Barr

Votes: 1417


Conservative Party: Marc Cooklin

Votes: 360


Liberal Democrat: Javid Khan

Votes: 1411


UK Independence Party (UKIP): Jeffrey Stephen Shaw

Votes: 448


Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts: James Peter Robert Williams

Votes: 113

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