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UKIP rears its ugly head again:






The girlfriend of the Ukip leader, Henry Bolton, has been suspended from the party after reportedly making racist remarks about Meghan Markle.


Jo Marney, 25, sent a series of messages to a friend in which she made highly offensive comments about Prince Harry’s fiancee and black people, according to the Mail on Sunday.

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UKIP rears its ugly head again:






The girlfriend of the Ukip leader, Henry Bolton, has been suspended from the party after reportedly making racist remarks about Meghan Markle.


Jo Marney, 25, sent a series of messages to a friend in which she made highly offensive comments about Prince Harry’s fiancee and black people, according to the Mail on Sunday.

they just cant stop the mask from slipping can they?

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Fun bunch aren’t they these extreme right wing nut jobs. Playing musical chairs with the Leadership.


Henry Bolton is staying put, he has booting the young girl into touch, maybe there wasn't much of a relationship anyway.


The media are making the most of it, a few text messages to a friend, which have nothing to do with Henry Bolton.

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they just cant stop the mask from slipping can they?
There's been a bad leak at the Front National in France recently, wherein it was proven that-


profiles were prepared by the FN head office about their MP candidates for the 2017 GE (and listing many of them as outright racists, xenophobes, anti-gays, thick <etc.>; examples quoted: "ancien skin, condamné pour violences", "connard de première catégorie", "fréquentations douteuses", "gros beauf homophobe de base, critique les 'mignons'", "catho intégriste = "ex skinhead, sentenced for violence", "first rate asshole", "dubious relations", "basic thick gay-basher, criticises fairies", "fundamentalist catholic"), and


the social media profiles of these FN MP candidates were 'cleaned' for the GE campaign by a small cadre of social media-savvy FN volunteers (dubbed 'cell 404', after the well-known '404' error message when web content has disappeared).


Wouldn't surprise me one bit to eventually learn of similar practices by the UKIP head office (and all similar populist parties stuffed to the gills with similarly-minded people), for the same PR management purposes.

Edited by L00b
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They (UKIP) quickly suspended the young lady when they heard about her tweets. What do you mean by mask slipping? There are racists in all the political parties.


oh come on, we ALL know UKIP are built on it, just like the BNP, they hide behind a veneer of respectability but its always there in the background and pops out occasionly, they are a bunch of self serving racists, liars and murderers

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They (UKIP) quickly suspended the young lady when they heard about her tweets. What do you mean by mask slipping? There are racists in all the political parties.


They are the home of most of the racists though.


I’m loving this one actually. Henry Bolton appears to be floating ideas for a new sitcom. It is the only possible explanation for his hilarious interview this lunchtime.


UKIP. The gift that keeps on giving.

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