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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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What you have to remember is that these results have been achieved on the back of probably the most vicious media campaign ever against a political party.


Considering that you have to say the results are stunning.


Hopefully from now on the media will be far more even handed with UKIP, unless of course they want to start calling millions of their readers racist.


I normally buy the Sun on Sunday, but this week I think I'll spend my money somewhere else.





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What you have to remember is that these results have been achieved on the back of probably the most vicious media campaign ever against a political party.


Considering that you have to say the results are stunning.


Hopefully from now on the media will be far more even handed with UKIP, unless of course they want to start calling millions of their readers racist.


I normally buy the Sun on Sunday, but this week I think I'll spend my money somewhere else.






Agree 100%

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Don't be daft Doom, bad press is still press and I think UKIP got of lightly considering the number of false claims that went unchecked or parroted unnoticed and not to mention the complete lack of policies other than "leave the EU". None of the other parties got a foot in sideways - that is how much attention UKIP soaked up.


If you want to see a vicious media campaign, try to support Nick Clegg for a week.

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Don't talk daft!!!!


Why?!?! Fill us in!


---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 23:35 ----------


Don't be daft Doom, bad press is still press and I think UKIP got of lightly considering the number of false claims that went unchecked or parroted unnoticed and not to mention the complete lack of policies other than "leave the EU". None of the other parties got a foot in sideways - that is how much attention UKIP soaked up.


If you want to see a vicious media campaign, try to support Nick Clegg for a week.


Have you looked at UKIP policies? I would say NO! Read then re-post!

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Don't be daft Doom, bad press is still press and I think UKIP got of lightly considering the number of false claims that went unchecked or parroted unnoticed and not to mention the complete lack of policies other than "leave the EU". None of the other parties got a foot in sideways - that is how much attention UKIP soaked up.


If you want to see a vicious media campaign, try to support Nick Clegg for a week.


I actually quite like Nick Clegg, but the campaign against him pales into insignificance compared to that against UKIP.





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They haven't been fair with them at all.


As UKIP spokespeople pointed out, in the week before the election the other mainstream parties had 17 councillors arrested or charged for various offences, but none of these made it into the mainstream media.


There were cases of UKIP members making controversial comments in social media months ago, but this information was only released into the mainstream media a week before the election....You don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out why.


The campaign against them was a disgrace and intended to turn supporters, but for the main part it failed. I just hope the supporters of UKIP remember which newspapers stabbed them in the back and think about this when they're purchasing their daily/weekly.






Again I can not agree more!!!!!! Listen to Doom!!!

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UKIP have spoken what most people think, media have labelled them as racist which is probably why they haven't been more successful than they have in this election.

This is a wake up call, the more we pander the more votes they will get, people have opinions and I'm sure will quote this post, the more they do the more people will vote for UKIP

They've won in my ward what happens in the next 12 months will be interesting to secure the votes they have and even more.


I know absolutely nothing about politics and I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who also know nothing about politics. UKIP put their points in simple terms and got votes, as I said at the start of this post, they've said what a lot of people think and that's that.


You don't have to know about politics, you just have to think about why you vote for someone. Seems to me that, like the majority of people in your ward, you think voting for simple terms and parroting what a lot of people think constitutes good governance. It doesn't, but you will find that out over the coming years and vote for the next party with the same way of appealing to voters - populism.

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