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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Stephen Searle found guilty of murdering his wife



And there’s poor old me thinking that it were the Tory MPs that were the sexual deviants; ooh boy, was I ever wrong :blush:


Stephen Searle, aged in his 60s at the time, had an affair with his son’s girlfriend (!) who was a lass from Continental Europe (!!)


Looks like the kippers are all following Sir Nige’s example of having as many European mistresses as they can, whilst simultaneously trying to kick them out of the country :|

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No, Gerald Batten didn't.


He was busy at a rally for scumbag convict Tommy Robinson, slagging off Islam - “The founder of their cult was himself a paedophile who kept sex slaves. And he is held up to be a perfect model for them to follow for all time.


“But we, the infidels and kaffirs, are not supposed to talk about it. And people who do face possibly criminal prosecution under our so-called ‘hate laws’.”


What a tosser.

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I bet Farage is embarrassed about the current leader's support for the Robinson idiot. When he was UKIP leader he made a big point of pretending there was a difference between his party and BNP and EDL. That false claim has been destroyed now.

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No, Gerald Batten didn't.


Perhaps Batten shouldn't be too hasty describing the prophet Muhammad as a paedophile - look at the age of some of the English "Queen Consorts" when they married English kings.




Perhaps we need a new thread on English kings who were paedophiles.

Edited by Longcol
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I bet Farage is embarrassed about the current leader's support for the Robinson idiot. When he was UKIP leader he made a big point of pretending there was a difference between his party and BNP and EDL. That false claim has been destroyed now.


I'm not so sure:-




Farage sure spends a lot of time with people who're getting very upset about Tommy :suspect:

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always said the right wing really do think theyre revolutionaries and freedom fighters


well they arent, just scum


rats will hide out with rats

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I know that Wee Tommy is not the brightest but he would be nuts to go anywhere near this failing party.


Even if there is a resurgence in Ukippery, this lot are in such a mess that it will be kicked into touch and replaced by UKIP 2 led by Faridge.


Also the kippers would have to change their membership rules as correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't ex-BNP members banned from joining?

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