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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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They will get power (the balance of power) if the main parties do not start addressing the issues leading to the protest instead of pretending there are no issues to address and insulting people for their views.



If after the election next year UKIP had the balance of power, like the Libdems did, Labour or the Conservatives, whichever it was, shamefully wouldn't form a government with them, they would just recall the election.

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If after the election next year UKIP had the balance of power, like the Libdems did, Labour or the Conservatives, whichever it was, shamefully wouldn't form a government with them, they would just recall the election.



Nothing wrong with that,Farage has got ideas above his station,telling the Tories to sack Cameron if they want to win,which is in effect riding roughshod over thousands of people who have voted for Cameron in this and other elections,that their vote should be rubbished at his whim so that he has a better chance of getting a deal that gives him power...........This epitomises Farage.........me,me, me ,me...........and sod all of you that voted for Cameron.


---------- Post added 24-05-2014 at 08:37 ----------


What you have to remember is that these results have been achieved on the back of probably the most vicious media campaign ever against a political party.


Considering that you have to say the results are stunning.


Hopefully from now on the media will be far more even handed with UKIP, unless of course they want to start calling millions of their readers racist.


I normally buy the Sun on Sunday, but this week I think I'll spend my money somewhere else.






The hate campaign against Eastern Europeans that was and is run by UKIP legitimises anything said against them,what goes around comes around and it comes to UKIP, and will continue to come to them while they are running the politics of hate..........they like to dish it out,but when it comes back to them,all the arms go up in the air in horror.....people are saying the things that a lot of people are thinking about UKIP,and they will continue to say it until their stance is moderated and the fearmongering stops.

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The hate campaign against Eastern Europeans that was and is run by UKIP legitimises anything said against them,what goes around comes around and it comes to UKIP, and will continue to come to them while they are running the politics of hate..........they like to dish it out,but when it comes back to them,all the arms go up in the air in horror.....people are saying the things that a lot of people are thinking about UKIP,and they will continue to say it until their stance is moderated and the fearmongering stops.


It was hardly a hate campaign.


His wording in one interview was clumsy and he admits as much, but the point about Eastern Europe having certain issues and potentially bringing them over here with them was a good one and worth making.


No other party would dare discuss this, which is why people are voting for UKIP, because they're willing to talk about the issues that concern the common man.






---------- Post added 24-05-2014 at 10:02 ----------


Their popularity won't last. Once the issues they have risen have been addressed by the main parties, they'll be propping up the bar with the BNP!:hihi:


If the other parties do tackle the issues of EU and immigration I'll be more than happy to see UKIP disappear.





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Their popularity won't last. Once the issues they have risen have been addressed by the main parties, they'll be propping up the bar with the BNP!:hihi:


I remember you saying the same about the smoking ban. It appears your opinion of what will happen is rather clouded by your opinion of what you would like to happen. Therefore probably not worth a light. By the way, how is the campaign to get smoking back in public places going? Do you think it will be this month?


---------- Post added 24-05-2014 at 10:26 ----------


It was hardly a hate campaign.


His wording in one interview was clumsy and he admits as much, but the point about Eastern Europe having certain issues and potentially bringing them over here with them was a good one and worth making.


No other party would dare discuss this, which is why people are voting for UKIP, because they're willing to talk about the issues that concern the common man.






---------- Post added 24-05-2014 at 10:02 ----------



If the other parties do tackle the issues of EU and immigration I'll be more than happy to see UKIP disappear.






Correct. No hate just stating what the PC brigade keeps trying to make subversive conversation, and what is felt by a very large number of people. If the main parties do address the issues I imagine UKIP would be happy to disappear.

Edited by Anna Glypta
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It was hardly a hate campaign.


His wording in one interview was clumsy and he admits as much, but the point about Eastern Europe having certain issues and potentially bringing them over here with them was a good one and worth making.


No other party would dare discuss this, which is why people are voting for UKIP, because they're willing to talk about the issues that concern the common man.



And the people and media that are criticising UKIP are highlighting the genuine concerns about UKIP and their policies towards immigrants.If they want to run those policies,the stigma that UKIP wish to attach to immigrants and Eastern Europeans in particular,will in turn mean that the stigma the media and people are attributing to UKIP will always persist.

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UKIP have spoken what most people think, media have labelled them as racist which is probably why they haven't been more successful than they have in this election.

This is a wake up call, the more we pander the more votes they will get, people have opinions and I'm sure will quote this post, the more they do the more people will vote for UKIP

They've won in my ward what happens in the next 12 months will be interesting to secure the votes they have and even more.


I know absolutely nothing about politics and I'm sure I speak for a lot of people who also know nothing about politics. UKIP put their points in simple terms and got votes, as I said at the start of this post, they've said what a lot of people think and that's that.


Do you believe that most people want far greater spending cuts and to dramatically reduce the rate of tax for the high earners? Do most people want to cut the money given to the NHS and pensions? Do most people want to pay some sort of health insurance on top of their tax and national insurance when the NHS is privatised?


These are all UKIP aspirations, and this is what you'll be voting for when you vote UKIP.

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Do you believe that most people want far greater spending cuts and to dramatically reduce the rate of tax for the high earners? Do most people want to cut the money given to the NHS and pensions? Do most people want to pay some sort of health insurance on top of their tax and national insurance when the NHS is privatised?


These are all UKIP aspirations, and this is what you'll be voting for when you vote UKIP.


Just over half of Ukip Euro voters supported the Tories at the 2010 election. One in seven voted Labour, and a fifth were Lib Dems. As for next May, only half of them expect to stay with Ukip. One fifth already say they will go back to the Tories, one in ten will vote Labour, and 14 per cent say they don’t know what they will do.

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Do you believe that most people want far greater spending cuts and to dramatically reduce the rate of tax for the high earners? Do most people want to cut the money given to the NHS and pensions? Do most people want to pay some sort of health insurance on top of their tax and national insurance when the NHS is privatised?


These are all UKIP aspirations, and this is what you'll be voting for when you vote UKIP.


Are you saying the condems are doing a fantastic job then? Their backtracking on pensions is great, isnt it? Making us work longer. Brilliant! It may surprise you JFK, but the condems are actually worse, and as for Milliboon, well....he wears a blue tie in the bath. Its true that UKIP dont have ideas to suit everyone, but at the moment they are heads above the pillocks at No 10 today.

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Are you saying the condems are doing a fantastic job then? Their backtracking on pensions is great, isnt it? Making us work longer. Brilliant! It may surprise you JFK, but the condems are actually worse, and as for Milliboon, well....he wears a blue tie in the bath. Its true that UKIP dont have ideas to suit everyone, but at the moment they are heads above the pillocks at No 10 today.


If you think that the pensions backtracking is bad, the government is having to backtrack whilst increasing the spending on pensions, something that Farage has criticised the government for. Imagine what would happen if the government cut the amount of money going to pensions? Which is a UKIP aspiration.

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