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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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always said the right wing really do think theyre revolutionaries and freedom fighters


well they arent, just scum


rats will hide out with rats


Sadly that also applies to the left wing:


'hang the Tories' banner on Manchester bridge ahead of Conservative conference



And I just can't be bothered to list all the other Momentum and left wing threats and nefarious activities, but we all know they exist.



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Tommy Robinson deserves a voice in politics.

He has been proved right quite a few times in the past on various subjects.

Theres many who despise him, that's ok.

Lets see Mr TR, on the political stage. Let the left challenge him, lets hear the arguments.

However, I doubt that UKIP would ever allow him in.

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However, I doubt that UKIP would ever allow him in.


Well given that he is a former member of the BNP it could be a bit difficult.


What Brexit and Trump's election have shown us is that shouty blokes may win elections with infantile slogans and dog whistle politics but ultimately lead us down a dead end.


We need less Wee Tommy Robinsons and more articulate political figures who can string an argument together and convince people of their argument without resorting to abuse and appealing to the worst side of people's personalities.

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