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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Their popularity won't last. Once the issues they have risen have been addressed by the main parties, they'll be propping up the bar with the BNP!:hihi:


The reaso why UKIP has gained so many votes is because the main parties refuse to deal with immigration and the EU , the are spineless politicians who ignore public feeling and refuse to give us an IN / OUT referendum on Europe because they know exactly what the result will be. spineless .

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UKIP and immigration?


"A restaurant run by the sons of one of Ukip's top candidates in next week's European elections was fined last year for employing illegal immigrants, it has emerged.


Amjad Bashir, Ukip's spokesman for small businesses and one of the party's few non-white members, confirmed on Friday that four workers at Zouk, his family's curry house in Manchester, were arrested last June for what he called minor immigration offences. The upmarket restaurant was subsequently fined, he said, insisting that the penalty was nowhere near the £70,000 reported by the Times.


However, Bashir would confirm neither exactly how much the restaurant was fined nor what the workers or firm had done to break immigration law. The 61-year-old, who is very likely to be elected in Yorkshire next Thursday, said the business was mounting a legal challenge against the sanctions. He blamed government bureaucracy for the legal breach, saying businesses were unfairly forced to do the job of the UK Border Agency."


Our borders are in safe hands with Mr Bashir and family it seems.


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What you need to understand is that the 'issue of immigration' is hardly an issue..


The issue of mass immigration is the MAIN issue to many, many people. It may not matter to you , but the British public have had enough of every tom ,dick and harry turning up over here. It has to stop once and for all.

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UKIP and immigration?


"A restaurant run by the sons of one of Ukip's top candidates in next week's European elections was fined last year for employing illegal immigrants, it has emerged.


Amjad Bashir, Ukip's spokesman for small businesses and one of the party's few non-white members, confirmed on Friday that four workers at Zouk, his family's curry house in Manchester, were arrested last June for what he called minor immigration offences. The upmarket restaurant was subsequently fined, he said, insisting that the penalty was nowhere near the £70,000 reported by the Times.


However, Bashir would confirm neither exactly how much the restaurant was fined nor what the workers or firm had done to break immigration law. The 61-year-old, who is very likely to be elected in Yorkshire next Thursday, said the business was mounting a legal challenge against the sanctions. He blamed government bureaucracy for the legal breach, saying businesses were unfairly forced to do the job of the UK Border Agency."


Our borders are in safe hands with Mr Bashir and family it seems.



During Labours term in office illegal immigrants were employed to clear parliament, apparently its not easy to to tell the difference between illegal and legal immigrants. Its appears this government have also made that error. Mark Harper has resigned as immigration minister after discovering that he was employing an illegal immigrant as a cleaner.


It appears to be a major problem.


Hundreds of rogue Midland firms have been fined a whopping £3 million for employing illegal immigrants over the last three years.


The UK Border Agency (UKBA) has penalised 328 companies for flouting the law and using cheap foreign labour from countries including India, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

The majority of the companies snared for hiring illegal immigrants were fast food restaurants or hand car washes.

Edited by ivanava
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What you need to understand is that the 'issue of immigration' is hardly an issue. Don't you find it odd that in the one city that 'suffers' more from immigration than any other UK city UKIP failed to gain any ground? Yes, that is London.


What Farage is doing is taking a populist theme and making it popular, that is what populism is. In doing so he is creating an environment in which it is fine to point fingers at a group that is under represented in democracy and media, EU immigrants. It is a repetitive pattern found all over democracies and it hardly ever leads to a pretty or even satisfactory outcome.


I know this is difficult to comprehend as it is a relatively new phenomena in the UK, but I have seen it in the Netherlands, first with Pim Fortuyn, arguably one of the most charismatic characters in the Dutch media scene before he decided to ride a populist anti-EU course and now with Geert Wilders, utterly uncharismatic 'but saying what the people are thinking' - so when he whips up his conference to chant: "Moroccans Out!" he gets away with it, except that he is the one pushing that agenda and he is accelerating that debate.


It isn't pretty and what is happening is that Farage is paving the way for more extreme elements to come through. That should be open to debate, because there are ample examples from the continent that prove that this is indeed what is happening here.


Saying he isn't preaching hate is sticking your head in the sand, he preaches a divisive message (us vs. them) and he is using the polarising effect to gain influence.



There is nothing extreme about wanting to stop mass immigration .

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Did I say Farage was extreme? I said he was paving the way for more extreme views. Tell me Penistone and in all honesty, would you like to live in Pagehall if it was full of just Pakistanis? Because that is the next line - Muslims will be openly sneered at by some politician and people will be cheering it on from the sidelines "He is saying what we have been thinking for years: They are changing our culture! End to halal! you are all terrorists! Out with muslims! Britain for the British!" etc. etc. etc.


And after the muslims it will be unionists/communists (easy line is drawn easily) - they are infringing the rights to our freedoms! And then it will be gay men "anal sex kills babies!" and then dog-owners "Boo to muck on our streets! Hang all dogs"


Don't believe me? Try reading all the EU immigrant bashing comments on here through the goggles I've got on my nose and tell me what the difference is.

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Did I say Farage was extreme? I said he was paving the way for more extreme views. Tell me Penistone and in all honesty, would you like to live in Pagehall if it was full of just Pakistanis? Because that is the next line - Muslims will be openly sneered at by some politician and people will be cheering it on from the sidelines "He is saying what we have been thinking for years: They are changing our culture! End to halal! you are all terrorists! Out with muslims! Britain for the British!" etc. etc. etc.


And after the muslims it will be unionists/communists (easy line is drawn easily) - they are infringing the rights to our freedoms! And then it will be gay men "anal sex kills babies!" and then dog-owners "Boo to muck on our streets! Hang all dogs"


Don't believe me? Try reading all the EU immigrant bashing comments on here through the goggles I've got on my nose and tell me what the difference is.


You have a vivid imagination. :hihi:

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