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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Yet again you are trying to claim that everyone who is against mass immigration is Racist. This is the typical Leftie response to anyone who is anti mass immigration .


You are a racist, but that isn't what I said in the post you quoted, which makes you an illiterate racist, the worst kind.

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Did I say Farage was extreme? I said he was paving the way for more extreme views. Tell me Penistone and in all honesty, would you like to live in Pagehall if it was full of just Pakistanis? Because that is the next line - Muslims will be openly sneered at by some politician and people will be cheering it on from the sidelines "He is saying what we have been thinking for years: They are changing our culture! End to halal! you are all terrorists! Out with muslims! Britain for the British!" etc. etc. etc.


And after the muslims it will be unionists/communists (easy line is drawn easily) - they are infringing the rights to our freedoms! And then it will be gay men "anal sex kills babies!" and then dog-owners "Boo to muck on our streets! Hang all dogs"


Don't believe me? Try reading all the EU immigrant bashing comments on here through the goggles I've got on my nose and tell me what the difference is.




Where does he claim that?


He is claiming voting UKIP will lead to people having extreme views , IE Racist views, which of course is complete cobblers. There is nothing racist about being against mass immigration and wanting to end mass immigration.

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Oh,I know that,but I was just replying to your post asking what 'bad things said about immigrants had to do with UKIP'.................hope that link clears it up for you.


Yes but you had to take into consideration the context of that question, and you didn't. :)

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He is claiming voting UKIP will lead to people having extreme views , IE Racist views, which of course is complete cobblers.


The only person who brought racism into his post was you.


He was simply saying that having a mainstream party with such controversial views would open the doors for other parties with even more controversial views.


(Personally I disagree, the rise of UKIP has pretty much destroyed the BNP vote, who already were a more extreme version of UKIP. I think more likely is the Tories moving a bit further right, in turn destroying the UKIP vote, than some sort of renewed rise of the BNP / EDL).



There is nothing racist about being against mass immigration and wanting to end mass immigration.


Very few people have claimed that it is. However, most people acknowledge that racists are attracted to UKIP because of it's policies, including many of their supporters and leadership.


It's only people like you who keep bringing it up in an attempt to silence your critics.


---------- Post added 24-05-2014 at 19:25 ----------


So anyone who voted for UKIP is a Racist. ? Because that is what you are claiming.


Unless you were the only person who voted for UKIP, you're quite clearly wrong.


Or barking...

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