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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I actually think we've grown up in this country when it comes to race relations.


Thankfully gone are the days when black footballers have to endure the ridiculous monkey chants and throwing of bananas from the terraces.


Ironically this does still seem to be an issue in many parts of Eastern Europe and to a lesser extent in the Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy.


I agree with rossyrooney, the use of the word racist is thrown around so much these days that it's lost some of it's meaning. People will lazily throw the word around to stop debate on subjects they're uncomfortable with.


I don't believe Farage is a racist and I don't believe the UKIP policies are racist, but I do think they will be the party that attracts most support from racists. As I mentioned previously, I don't see UKIP as being far right, they're just further right than the rest who have congregated arund the middle ground.





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How would you possibly know that?


Because I actually engage in dialogue with people of all political persuasion, including UKIP voters and particularly UKIP voters.


I didn't mean for anyone to think it was addressed personally at them Tim but I do think that if Farage gets much more of a foothold then he will take some shifting.


He has spotted a need for a spokesman for much of the population and as long as people demean him as a novelty or a one trick pony instead of seeing him as a threat to the established parties he will continue to grow.


He seems to have made short work of Clegg without breaking sweat, I think he is a clever man who is making the very most of the situation he is in, it would be dangerous to dismiss him as a crackpot because he is an extremely clever chap.


I agree entirely Ross, which is why I am not shirking away from the debate. I have said before that Clegg is taking the weak route out, but the real guilty parties here are Labour and the Tories - even Labour is now saying: "We need to become stricter on immigration because that is what the population want".


They are dragging themselves further and further down that path and the only winner there is UKIP - instead they should just start being brave and honest about the situation in this country - which is that immigration is necessary. I expect tories to toe an anti-immigration line, Labour should know better. There are increasingly only two parties that are not jerking into a 'let's follow UKIP because they are gaining votes' line and they are the LibDems and the Greens - the LibDems are failing to capitalise on that, which is a criminal deficiency in the strategy.

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According to this a third of Brits admit they are racist, a shock report has revealed.


So one would have expected UKIP to do better than they did, unless racists vote for all parties.


Back in 2002 51% said they felt Britain is a racist society.

It doesn't actually say that though, does it? :suspect:


It says

One in three admitted regularly making comments or being involved in discussions which could be considered racist.
Considered by who?


Perhaps this is a reflection of how some people are now just too eager to bandy the term around... :roll:


And as the report is already 2 years old, things have probably got a lot worse!

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I didn't mean for anyone to think it was addressed personally at them Tim but I do think that if Farage gets much more of a foothold then he will take some shifting.


He has spotted a need for a spokesman for much of the population and as long as people demean him as a novelty or a one trick pony instead of seeing him as a threat to the established parties he will continue to grow.


He seems to have made short work of Clegg without breaking sweat, I think he is a clever man who is making the very most of the situation he is in, it would be dangerous to dismiss him as a crackpot because he is an extremely clever chap.


Re my bold.


I think Clegg did more damage to himself than Farage could ever do!

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The owner of ukip spits on us and makes life harder for us. It is all around us the hate from English is there and that owner stirs the pot


There is nowhere in the world that the people have been so giving and that is why you are here isnt it?

Unlike us you have a choice if you dont like it.

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The owner of ukip spits on us and makes life harder for us. It is all around us the hate from English is there and that owner stirs the pot





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There is nowhere in the world that the people have been so giving and that is why you are here isnt it?

Unlike us you have a choice if you dont like it.[/QUOTgiving what giving ? My car is no good now and I was given a old clapped out car that is embarrassed to drive when I needed a bigger vehicle for my family instead I have to do two trips wasting dieselE]

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