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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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No, because you are not denying the accusation, those reading skills striking again!


You will have to dig through my post-history to believe me, but I have never called all UKIP voters racists. I have however said that many racists and especially xenophobes find the UKIP message appealing, which is a statement I stand behind.


When it comes to Penistone, I am calling him a racist specifically, because I believe he is, based on previous posts and the fact that he is not denying it.


For the record , i am not ,nor have i ever been Racist. Yes, i am strongly against mass immigration , but that dosnt make me or anyone else who against mass immigration a racist.


The race card is thrown around like confetti by Lefties because they do not like anyone who dosnt conform to their way of thinking.

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For the record , i am not ,nor have i ever been Racist. Yes, i am strongly against mass immigration , but that dosnt make me or anyone else who against mass immigration a racist.


The race card is thrown around like confetti by Lefties because they do not like anyone who dosnt conform to their way of thinking.


What do you think of the Roma?

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For the record , i am not ,nor have i ever been Racist. Yes, i am strongly against mass immigration , but that dosnt make me or anyone else who against mass immigration a racist.


The race card is thrown around like confetti by Lefties because they do not like anyone who dosnt conform to their way of thinking.


Excellent, I am really pleased that you are not a racist. Not sure what took you so long to refute the claim.

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I've not read any of this yet, but let me guess.


UKIP supporters say it's been a complete victory and validates their narrative that UKIP are revolutionising UK politics.


UKIP detractors add context that it's not been a complete victory and they still have a long way to go.


Mix in a bit of name calling and MrSmith dragging us into some obscure distorted discussion.


Am I close?

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I've not read any of this yet, but let me guess.


UKIP supporters say it's been a complete victory and validates their narrative that UKIP are revolutionising UK politics.


UKIP detractors add context that it's not been a complete victory and they still have a long way to go.


Mix in a bit of name calling and MrSmith dragging us into some obscure distorted discussion.


Am I close?


Nope, they lost 6% of the voters share, if that is a victory than hurrah, but it isn't, MrSmith isn't around (yet) and I am doing the usual throwing around of the racism card. So, perhaps quite close?

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I've not read any of this yet, but let me guess.


UKIP supporters say it's been a complete victory and validates their narrative that UKIP are revolutionising UK politics.


UKIP detractors add context that it's not been a complete victory and they still have a long way to go.


Mix in a bit of name calling and MrSmith dragging us into some obscure distorted discussion.


Am I close?

It's no good asking anyone on here...



... nobody has read anyone else's posts either! :roll:

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So, perhaps quite close?

I enjoyed Farage's quote of "the UKIP fox is in the Westminster hen house".


If by being in Westminster you mean Rotherham council, you could say that.


I don't like to sneer but it's all so remarkably daft.

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Whats electioneeering? :)


The following are personal observations and not meant to either endorse or criticise any of the actions of the moderators.


Electioneering is almost impossible to avaid if the thread is politically based. To say something positive about a party or one of its policies may be construed as blatent electionerring on that party's behalf. To say something negative about a party or one of it s policies could be construed as being in a sense 'veiled' electioneering on behalf of any and all other parties that also hold or have been to seen to oppose that negative viewpoint.


One could argue that stay within the rules you may not say anything about anything that is potentially related to politics.


That someone has been Electioneering in this instance is one of the excuses the moderators give when deleting or editing a post or as has become far more frequent of late when they close a thread.


Typically a reason may be given for any of the above actions but rarely, if ever, has there actually been a detailed explanation of the transgression or cause given.


The rules are a little ambiguous presumably this means that they can be interpreted by the moderators as they think fit and there is no real way to appeal or argue about a decision. Presumably (again) this is so that the mods don't get drawn into arguement or debate about their decisions.


On some topics it appears to be that if the 'wrong' side is gaining the upper hand the thread will be closed for some reason or other. Whether this is actually correct or not is unlikely to be allowed to be discussed.


Some insults are allowed it would seem. I have not looked closely at which insults are allowed or the likelihood of an insult being allowed when it is done by a person with a particular apparent ideology to a person of another particular ideology. Its not important to me I do not go in for personal insults.


What veiled swearing is I have yet to determine. Whether one is actually swearing or not is determined by the moderators. Most of what is considered by some to be swearing in English is merely using a word that used to be in common useage, usually referring to a body part or physical action. I have no objection whatsover to people using so called swear words but usually there is better word or term that would provide a more precise explantion of meaning. I can't give an example as it would probably be moderated and thereby lose its meaning.


I appreciate that this is said to be a family forum but there is also a minimum age limit. I have seen far more usage of so called swear words being allowed in chat on MMRP games that have their lower age limit at 14 than I ever have on this forum. The same can be said for some other popular social media, to which I don't subscribe.


Hope this helps a little and you get the opportunity to read it.



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