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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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That said, I think Labour and the Lib Dems are going to struggle with their response.

Why do you think that Labour and Lib Dems will struggle to respond? They may be confident in their position and face that battle when it comes.


I've said this before - I don't support UKIP, but I like them fracturing politics. I like them splitting up the centre ground. Politics shouldn't be about everyone agreeing about core ideas and bickering about the colour of bus stops.


If I was a Labour strategist, I would write off the UKIP voters. Let them vote UKIP. At best, I think they could get one or two MPs.

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If UKIP are wise they will alter their attitude about the NHS and public services in general; I understand they believe in increased privatisation of aspects of the NHS and public services. This will ruin it for them at the election next year. A party that is anti federal Europe and mass immigration AND believes in the NHS and public services will romp home at a G E.

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If UKIP are wise they will alter their attitude about the NHS and public services in general; I understand they believe in increased privatisation of aspects of the NHS and public services. This will ruin it for them at the election next year. A party that is anti federal Europe and mass immigration AND believes in the NHS and public services will romp home at a G E.


Interesting turn of phrase this and very telling. It's like the NHS is a religion.

Everyone is so brainwashed to think that it's sacred.


Whilst those who work in it are spending much of the day working out their holiday entitlements, sick entitlements and flexitime down to the last 15 minutes. Oh and when is the next Union Meeting?

Have I had my 20 minute break yet? When's lunchtime?

Protest time this afternoon against "the cuts". :hihi::hihi:

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Why do you think that Labour and Lib Dems will struggle to respond? They may be confident in their position and face that battle when it comes.


I've said this before - I don't support UKIP, but I like them fracturing politics. I like them splitting up the centre ground. Politics shouldn't be about everyone agreeing about core ideas and bickering about the colour of bus stops.


If I was a Labour strategist, I would write off the UKIP voters. Let them vote UKIP. At best, I think they could get one or two MPs.


In a nutshell, there lies the problem with New Labour ..... arrogance and ignorance !

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In a nutshell, there lies the problem with New Labour ..... arrogance and ignorance !


How is it?.............conservatives and Labour both write off voters in each others heartlands,if UKIP voters want to vote for what they believe in,let them do so............more than 60% of the vote is up for grabs,these are the ones that the 3 main parties need to target.

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How is it?.............conservatives and Labour both write off voters in each others heartlands,if UKIP voters want to vote for what they believe in,let them do so............more than 60% of the vote is up for grabs,these are the ones that the 3 main parties need to target.


Do you not think that the 60% will have comparable levels of UKIP sympathisers, let me tell you something chalga I know loads :D

As for Labour, they have let down the white working class that UKIP can get on board !

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Its so refreshing to see so much sour grapes on here :hihi:

WE WON :hihi::hihi: We spanked everyone else's arses. The voting is over, the people have spoken and the biggest point to make here is that those who could be arsed to vote, went out and voted for UKIP because they like me are fed up of immigrants and the effect that they are having on this country. Bravo Mr Farage Bravo indeed sir :)


I'm somewhat puzzled by your jubilation.


UKIP does not control a single council anywhere in the country, it doesn't have a single MP at Westminster and it's share of the national vote has decreased from 23% in 2013 to 17% this time.


A few more wins like that and they'll disappear up their own rectums, which will be highly appropriate. :)

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Do you not think that the 60% will have comparable levels of UKIP sympathisers, let me tell you something chalga I know loads :D

As for Labour, they have let down the white working class that UKIP can get on board !


Let's see if they still have the same sympathy when they actually have a UKIP manifesto with some policies to look at,that's why the 60% plus votes are still up for grabs,UKIP never got them out,not even to vote against the EU.........that tells me that as soon as other parties leaders and activists actually start doing their jobs,things might start to swing more to the one that does his job the better.

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Let's see if they still have the same sympathy when they actually have a UKIP manifesto with some policies to look at,that's why the 60% plus votes are still up for grabs,UKIP never got them out,not even to vote against the EU.........that tells me that as soon as other parties leaders and activists actually start doing their jobs,things might start to swing more to the one that does his job the better.


Fair enough mystic meg, answer me this, why do you think 60% don't bother voting :roll:

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