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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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UKIP will continue to grow as will the arrogence of the other parties.


Correct............. this is the problem with the main parties. They continue to ignore what the public are saying , they ignore our concerns over Europe and Immigration , and this is the end result. The message to the Tories and Liebour is clear and simple............... continue to ignore the voters over the EU and immigration at your peril. Surely the Tories and Liebour arnt stupid enough to do that.Are they ?

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Fair enough mystic meg, answer me this, why do you think 60% don't bother voting :roll:


Well I'll tell you why I don't bother voting.


The voting system used in this country is undemocratic and unfit for purpose.


No British Government since WW2 has obtained 50% of the votes cast unless you count the current coalition which achieved 59.1% combined .



In 2005 the Labour Party & Tony Blair were returned to Office with 35.2% of the votes cast from a 61.4% turnout.


That gave them 355 seats which is 55% of the total seats available and represents a complete majority allowing them to enact whatever legislation they wished.


This despite the fact that 64.8% of the people who turned out to vote voted for other parties.


The voting system is ludicrously undemocratic, but it suits those in power as it got them elected and they have no intention of changing it to a fairer system.


I would suggest that a lot of people would agree with the above, and that it is that which explains low voter turnout at least as much as apathy.

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Correct............. this is the problem with the main parties. They continue to ignore what the public are saying , they ignore our concerns over Europe and Immigration , and this is the end result. The message to the Tories and Liebour is clear and simple............... continue to ignore the voters over the EU and immigration at your peril. Surely the Tories and Liebour arnt stupid enough to do that.Are they ?


Its all they know, that and dodge/spin questions and smear others like they have tried to by making ukip out to be purely a bunch of racists


Get the message lab/lib/con we are not happy with mass Immigration, and the strain its put on resources, we do not have the housing for one and WE were never asked just had it forced upon us and it got to p1$$ taking proportions


Oh and people are sick of being called racist etc for questioning the above by a bunch of clueless nutters, when clearly they are nothing of the sort for the most part (some are obviously)

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Its all they know, that and dodge/spin questions and smear others like they have tried to by making ukip out to be purely a bunch of racists



Just like UKIP have been happy to smear immigrants and Eastern Europeans in particular............if UKIP don't like being smeared,then they need to stop smearing,stigmatising,and fearmongering about others,otherwise,the stimatising that they do about others will always come back to them.

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According to this a third of Brits admit they are racist, a shock report has revealed.


So one would have expected UKIP to do better than they did, unless racists vote for all parties.


Back in 2002 51% said they felt Britain is a racist society.


No, what this suggests is that even some people that are stupid enough to be racist still aren't stupid enough to vote for UKIP!

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Got little idea yourself I take it, no surprise there :D


Why would I take it on myself to speak for others?..............Farage does that when he says that people feel uncomfortable taking the train from London and hearing foreign voices..................look where it got him in London.:D

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Why would I take it on myself to speak for others?..............Farage does that when he says that people feel uncomfortable taking the train from London and hearing foreign voices..................look where it got him in London.:D


I take it you don't talk to many people then, as for London, smarten yourself up fella, it's hardly representative for the rest of the UK !

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