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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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I take it you don't talk to many people then, as for London, smarten yourself up fella, it's hardly representative for the rest of the UK !


The root of the problem with the mainstream political parties is that to there Metropolitan insularity London IS the UK and the rest of us are backward bigots or whatever term is fashionable to throw about to stifle any debate this week.

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I take it you don't talk to many people then, as for London, smarten yourself up fella, it's hardly representative for the rest of the UK !


Exactly,that's why UKIP have a London problem.


---------- Post added 26-05-2014 at 13:21 ----------


The root of the problem with the mainstream political parties is that to there Metropolitan insularity London IS the UK and the rest of us are backward bigots or whatever term is fashionable to throw about to stifle any debate this week.


It's not quite the term that UKIP used,but that is what they were suggesting.:D

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My hypothetical strategy is a problem with New Labour?




Your hypothetical strategy is not so hypothetical though is it ;)

The writing has been on the wall for a few years now, the rise of UKIP, the rise of FN in France etc etc ...... you have been on here long enough arguing in the same threads about the same issues, you know the score, your one of the fingers in the ears , shhhhhhh brigade !

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... the rest of us are backward bigots or whatever term is fashionable to throw about to stifle any debate this week.

"Ukip spokeswoman Suzanne Evans was asked to explain the party's poor performance in London. Speaking on Radio 4 Ms Evans admitted the party had difficulty appealing to the 'educated, cultured and young'." (Source)


We're all uneducated, uncultured and old, up here - those nasty people, stifling debate. :)


your one of the fingers in the ears , shhhhhhh brigade !

When I have I told you to "shhhhhh"?


Let's be blunt. I haven't. I just don't agree with you. That doesn't mean I have tried to silence you.

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"Ukip spokeswoman Suzanne Evans was asked to explain the party's poor performance in London.





She was on the BBC's election coverage last night & David Dimbleby questioned her about this, she was misquoted,


"London is very different from the rest of the country. Look at the social demographic; you have lots of the metropolitan elite that cannot really understand the heartache and pain that many people around the country are feeling. It's interesting because UKIP is increasingly attracting the cultural, educated and young, but there is work to do. We haven't really got our message across in London. They are more likely to have read some of the negative press about us and more likely to believe it. People outside London are far more cynical about the media."
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"Ukip spokeswoman Suzanne Evans was asked to explain the party's poor performance in London. Speaking on Radio 4 Ms Evans admitted the party had difficulty appealing to the 'educated, cultured and young'." (Source)


We're all uneducated, uncultured and old, up here - those nasty people, stifling debate. :)



When I have I told you to "shhhhhh"?


Let's be blunt. I haven't. I just don't agree with you. That doesn't mean I have tried to silence you.

Basically though you're credulous enough to have swallowed whole the media interpretation of what she said, and be promulgating it on here as truth. Probably because it speaks to your prejudices?


For a start London is around 55% foreign born or their descendants, they're not going to vote for any party that wants to limit immigration or unearned benefits, are they? Get real!


Although I'm one of those nasty LibDem voters, I don't really agree with their stance on the EU, but they've done all right for us in the past, so decided to stick with them this time. If they don't read the runes though, next time might be a whole different story.

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For a start London is around 55% foreign born or their descendants, they're not going to vote for any party that wants to limit immigration or unearned benefits, are they? Get real!



But Suzanne Evans said it was because they were educated and cultured,not because they wanted unearned benefits or unlimited immigration.

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London is actually 100% foreign-born or descendants thereof as humans originated in Africa.



I think after several generations of dwelling in a place you can over look the "foreign descent" bit....Though it is a good red herring to throw in to a debate I guess ;)

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