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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Do you know I've never heard a single UKIP member say they expected to get more than 4 or 5 seats at a general election. It seems to be an invention of non UKIP supporters. There again most of the other rumours about UKIP also seem to be inventions of their opponents. It seems to give out 2 messages.


1. Don't belive a word you hear attributed to UKIP unless you heard it yourself.

2. The opposition to UKIP are running scared; real scared.




It's a Nigel Farage boast.

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only a few months ago I thought that they would not even get a single Commons seat. But the timing has come right for them, there is a by-election in Newark coming up, safe Tory seat, where they will win many votes, but not the seat. I think they will come up short in Newark and do well, but not win it. But it would be so good for Farage, if UKIP could just sneak a by-election win in Newark by like 500 votes, to give him a single 'advance guard' in Westminster, so another 4 or 5 could join the UKIP MP for Newark next May after the GE. Not likely. But not out of the question. I have not been so interested in a by-election as this Newark one coming up, for a long time.

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I never said it did,there will be input into the policies of varying levels.


And its very unlikely that gun laws will be high up on UKIP list of things they want. My guess is that if UKIP do hold the balance of power and get into government, their only condition will be an in/out EU referendum.

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if I was UKIP and trying to manage my resources I would target only 20 seats really, at tops 30 and expect if I was lucky, to get 4 or 5.


obviously the Labour and Tory strategists know exactly what it is best for UKIP to do, as they know that is what they would do themselves, were they in their place.

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if I was UKIP and trying to manage my resources I would target only 20 seats really, at tops 30 and expect if I was lucky, to get 4 or 5.


obviously the Labour and Tory strategists know exactly what it is best for UKIP to do, as they know that is what they would do themselves, were they in their place.


If that was an educated guess, it was a good one.



Twenty parliamentary seats are to be targeted by the UK Independence Party at next year’s general election as it attempts to maintain momentum from its soaring support in the European and local elections.

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