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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Posts have been reported for referring to other party policies, so far this seems to have been used to compare or contrast them with UKIP policies and as such we'll allow this as long as it isn't used as a means of derailing the discussion.


However, please remember this thread is for discussions relating to UKIP and it's policies, while some comparison with other parties is inevitable please try to keep this to a minimum and discuss other party policies in their appropriate threads.


Common sense prevails. How can it be off topic to counter accusations made against one party and/or its supporters with an example of how other parties and/or its supporters are guilty of the same?


I'm not sure whether this one thread per party idea is good or not but we should at least give it a go. I don't believe it has been decided to further any particular political bias by mods... it is simply an attempt to tidy things up and make moderator life easier. Bit childish to be hitting the report button in order to waste mod time making a silly point.

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You're wasting your time. UKIP supporters simply put their fingers in their ears and claim they are being smeared by such stories. No amount of factual stuff will divert them.


You mean factual stuff as supplied by the forum's lefties? That's a great idea. Perhaps if you tried factual stuff and not stuff that you select because it supports your own political leaning you might be credible. As it is you are a mad dog baying in the wind.

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He also repeats the point I made earlier about the Tories, Liberals or Labour having 17 councillors arrested, charged or convicted, including 1 for child pornography, yet this hasn't made it into the national media.






The interesting point here is that many UKIP supporters actually support the views of what Farange calls nutters and champion their cause of free speech. Right up until they are thrown out from the party.

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The interesting point here is that many UKIP supporters actually support the views of what Farange calls nutters and champion their cause of free speech. Right up until they are thrown out from the party.


So a bit like the Labour Party throwing out the 6 MPs who were convicted of fraud then? I think they all had Gordon Brown's full support up until the moment they were charged.

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So a bit like the Labour Party throwing out the 6 MPs who were convicted of fraud then? I think they all had Gordon Brown's full support up until the moment they were charged.


No nothing like that at all. I didn't read much support of the MP's actions before and after they're caught. The difference is that very often the views of the Faragne's nutters are close to the views of many of UKIP's supporters.

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The good news is, the mud slinging will stop on Friday. I'm sick to the back teeth of all this pettiness - tbh if the next headline was UKIP eat babies I would still be voting for them on Thursday, just so that the political Cartel get a bloody nose, the country has been ruined by previous governments, they've proved how incapable they are of spending our taxes & running the country, so it's payback time.

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No nothing like that at all. I didn't read much support of the MP's actions before and after they're caught. The difference is that very often the views of the Faragne's nutters are close to the views of many of UKIP's supporters.


Oh right. So if Brown didn't support his MPs who were fraudulently claiming expenses why did he keep them in the party?

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The good news is, the mud slinging will stop on Friday. I'm sick to the back teeth of all this pettiness - tbh if the next headline was UKIP eat babies I would still be voting for them on Thursday, just so that the political Cartel get a bloody nose, the country has been ruined by previous governments, they've proved how incapable they are of spending our taxes & running the country, so it's payback time.
I presume that, by 'Cartel', you mean Lib/Lab/Con.


So, using your analogy, you'd still choose to vote for the 'baby eaters' rather than 'another party' (e.g. Greens or Yorkshire First) not in the 'Cartel'?


Care to explain that logic?


That's not meant as a trap, I'm genuinely puzzled.

Edited by L00b
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