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UKIP haven't done badly considering they are a party with no MPs and had 10,000 votes. Compare that figure with LibDem votes of 1,000, and LibDems are in Government. It would be interesting if Newark, in future, became a Town of Sanctuary.

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Do you credit the Labour party with any credibility? As the party in power when the floodgates to immigration were opened how can they now say they will get tough on immigration and anyone take them seriously?


I don't know if anyone would take them seriously. I probably wouldn't but it might be enough for some. We'll have to wait and see if they do announce a new policy and what it says... at the moment it remains a prediction!

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"My lifelong Labour mum is voting Tory today to keep Ukip out of Newark," the author Matt Haig said on Twitter on Thursday. Haig's mum wasn't alone. Labour and Lib Dem campaigners in the constituency both claim to have picked up evidence that some of their supporters were going to vote Conservative to ensure Ukip lost, and some Tories said they were hearing the same story from people pledging support to them.



According to YouGov, 37% of people said they felt generally negative towards Ukip in 2009. That figure has now shot up to 53%.





Several Tories who worked on the party’s phone bank canvassing voters in Newark told me they came across the same phenomenon: voters who said they weren’t massive fans of the Conservatives but would vote Tory in the by-election to keep Ukip out.

It suggests that, for some voters at least, Ukip is reaching “pariah” status. Its success sends out a message about their community or their country that they’re not comfortable with.


I can't see Labour supporters voting tactically for the Tories at a general election because it might hand power to the Tories if it is as tight a things are now. I think Labour supporters would prefer a Labour government with some UKIP MPs to a Tory government with no UKIP MPs.


However, would Tory supporters vote tactically for UKIP to keep Labour out... oh yes!

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"My lifelong Labour mum is voting Tory today to keep Ukip out of Newark," the author Matt Haig said on Twitter on Thursday. Haig's mum wasn't alone. Labour and Lib Dem campaigners in the constituency both claim to have picked up evidence that some of their supporters were going to vote Conservative to ensure Ukip lost, and some Tories said they were hearing the same story from people pledging support to them.



If that is the case then UKIP are servings a very useful function, it will be interesting to see if Tory voters will vote UKIP to get Labour out of their safe seats at the next election.

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For a current BBC News website item re Newark, see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-27627305

Six days and counting (recounting?)


Recounting? I don't think so with a 7,400 majority but well done with the prediction.


There was a point made in the Guardian report that 37% of men voted UKIP but only 16% of women did. Booze, fags and right-wing authoritarianism have a gender divide apparently. That will seriously hamper UKIP in any election. Let's hope so.


Farage admitted UKIP didn't have the resources to fight a by-election. If they can't fight a by-election they won't do much at a general election.

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UKIP come second in newark.....so it looks like that place is leaning further to the right....wonder if its got anything to do with too many european scroungers flooding in...


Pretty contemptable, but not an unexpected contribution

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Originally Posted by eastbank viewpost.gif

UKIP come second in newark.....so it looks like that place is leaning further to the right....wonder if its got anything to do with too many european scroungers flooding in...


Pretty contemptable, but not an unexpected contribution


Why is eastbank's speculation contemptable in your opinion.

I think he has made a valid point.



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Originally Posted by eastbank viewpost.gif

UKIP come second in newark.....so it looks like that place is leaning further to the right....wonder if its got anything to do with too many european scroungers flooding in...




Why is eastbank's speculation contemptable in your opinion.

I think he has made a valid point.




Scroungers?.........I thought Farage said they were after your job?.

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I can't see Labour supporters voting tactically for the Tories at a general election because it might hand power to the Tories if it is as tight a things are now. I think Labour supporters would prefer a Labour government with some UKIP MPs to a Tory government with no UKIP MPs.


However, would Tory supporters vote tactically for UKIP to keep Labour out... oh yes!


I think you will find that only people with a certain degree of intelligence are prepared to vote for a party they don't really want in power but are willing to vote altruistically in a tactical attempt to prevent a party they think would be bad for the nation gaining any power.


Sadly too many people vote for X becaused they always have or their parents always did without any regard for the consequences.


Not that I'm saying any party should be either given or denied power.

I think they are all servants of the same masters no matter how you look at it.



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