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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Sign the petition.http://www.petitions24.com/signitures/standuptoukip/


You may have to go outside the Forum to sign the petition. NB. For any UKIP supporters. Don't bother starting an "argy-bargy " with me. You won't

draw me in. Argue as much as you like with everybody else. If anybody agrees with the sentiments of the petition-then sign it. If you don't-don't sign it. It's a "free country"- for now that is. "Innit bro."


NNB. Pause for thought. Someone at the City Hall -at the John Pilger

meeting- said about modern politics, " The flies my change. But the **** remains the same." Very philosophical . Worthy of deep contemplation !


You'll have to fill in the **** for yourself. A clue. it begins with "S" and ends with " t ." Ta rara for now ducks.

Edited by petemcewan
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total nonsense for anybody to suggest any Labour supporter would be ready to tactically vote Tory to keep out UKIP. A Labour supporter might tactically vote UKIP to keep out a Tory, but they would never vote Tory to keep out UKIP.


the less Tory MP's there are, the better as far as Labour is concerned. Labour would love it if UKIP return 10 MPs at the next GE provided those 10 UKIP gains are all (or nearly all) at the expense of the Tories. It would mean it would be much more likely that Labour would get into government. Labour could not care less if there was a rump of 10 UKIP MP's if those UKIP MP's replaced Tories in the House.

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total nonsense for anybody to suggest any Labour supporter would be ready to tactically vote Tory to keep out UKIP. A Labour supporter might tactically vote UKIP to keep out a Tory, but they would never vote Tory to keep out UKIP.


Unless you've spoken to every Labour voter and received assurances to that effect then you can't prove your point. I'm sure some Labour voters, and voters of other parties, would vote Tory if there were only Tory and UKIP to choose from. It reminds me of the French presidential run-off between Chirac and Le Pen when a lot of socialists voted for Chirac to keep Le Pen out.


Back to UKIP, I notice that the anti-establishment party is demanding more seats in the House Of Lords to prove how separate from the establishment it is;



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I would have thought the objective of any Labour supporter would be to want to see Labour in government. If Labour get an overall majority in parliament of five seats in the next general election where UKIP have made six gains from the Tories, I assure you Labour supporters would not care less that were six UKIP MP's in parliament. They would be laughing their heads off that those UKIP gains enabled Labour to win the election.

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I would have thought the objective of any Labour supporter would be to want to see Labour in government. If Labour get an overall majority in parliament of five seats in the next general election where UKIP have made six gains from the Tories, I assure you Labour supporters would not care less that were six UKIP MP's in parliament. They would be laughing their heads off that those UKIP gains enabled Labour to win the election.


What about the case where Labour voters in a seat Labour can't win only have the realistic choice of a Tory or UKIP MP? Regardless of who wins that seat it won't be to Labour's numerical advantage in the Commons. Some Labour voters may prefer a Tory to a UKIP MP.


There were claims that this happened in Newark last week, that with Labour out of the race some of their voters switched to voting Tory to keep UKIP out.

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What about the case where Labour voters in a seat Labour can't win only have the realistic choice of a Tory or UKIP MP?


much better for a Labour supporter to vote UKIP tactically in those circumstances, as if the UKIP candidate wins the seat, then the Tory loses. Labour's objective is to deny the Tories as many seats as they possibly can. It doesn't matter if the UKIP candidate is even more right wing than the Tory. Labour's opponent in the next general election is not UKIP. It is the Tories.

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much better for a Labour supporter to vote UKIP tactically in those circumstances, as if the UKIP candidate wins the seat, then the Tory loses. Labour's objective is to deny the Tories as many seats as they possibly can. It doesn't matter if the UKIP candidate is even more right wing than the Tory. Labour's opponent in the next general election is not UKIP. It is the Tories.


However a good number of people would prefer to vote for a tory than UKIP. Plenty of survey's have shown UKIP to be the most hated of the main parties.


Remember very few people in the UK vote for the person that would be best to represent them, but rather the party they think has the highest chance of defeating the party the hate.

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much better for a Labour supporter to vote UKIP tactically in those circumstances, as if the UKIP candidate wins the seat, then the Tory loses. Labour's objective is to deny the Tories as many seats as they possibly can. It doesn't matter if the UKIP candidate is even more right wing than the Tory. Labour's opponent in the next general election is not UKIP. It is the Tories.


UKIP will only do a deal with the Tories. Labour won't have anything to do with them as UKIP are more right-wing than the Tories. Labour voters may not like the Tories but they're more palatable to them than the Tories. A vote for UKIP would be a vote for a Tory-UKIP alliance that would be more right-wing than a Tory government.


---------- Post added 10-06-2014 at 18:06 ----------


Immigrants you mean.


Or people like you who live in Derbyshire.

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However a good number of people would prefer to vote for a tory than UKIP. Plenty of survey's have shown UKIP to be the most hated of the main parties.


Remember very few people in the UK vote for the person that would be best to represent them, but rather the party they think has the highest chance of defeating the party the hate.


wheres these surveys you speak of :)


Codswallop init?........

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