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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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i couldnt imagine the UK surviving very long with UKIP running it


I couldn't imaging UKIP surviving very long if they had to run the UK. They can hardly run a month long election campaign without falling into anarchy.

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No. The Liberal Party has been but it's not the same entity.


To be fair he said, they've been around in one form or another.

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Good. So it's not the same as 'democracy', espoused by UKIP, even though both words are of Greek origin.


No, but it's a fairly good description of a group of people purporting to work together, who keep arguing in public, keep bringing each other in to disrepute, and keep having to be kicked out for saying / doing things which damages the entire group.

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No. The Liberal Party has been but it's not the same entity.


The old Liberal Party formed the Alliance with the SDP. Some members left and set a new Liberal Party. When the Alliance had run its course the old Liberal Party and SDP merged into the Lib-Dems. There is an unbroken continuum from the Liberals to the Lib-Dems. It's not the same entity due to the merger but it's the same party in terms of policies and traditions as well as some members, David Steel for example.

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Are UKIP putting voters off Euro-scepticism?




By now, according to Ukipper orthodoxy, Britain should be halfway out the door at the EU. The supposed Eurosceptic tidal wave, which helped secure Ukip its victory recently in the European elections, should be rolling on, swamping the mainstream parties and creating a wasteland from which will emerge a new, proud, self-governing country liberated as if by magic from the monstrous tyranny that is the European Union, or something like that.


And yet, here's a poll this morning on British membership of the EU. Conducted by YouGov, it suggests that support for continued British membership has risen. If there was a vote, 44 per cent of those polled say they would vote to stay in while 36 per cent would choose the exit. The lead of 8 points for "in" is up on a fortnight ago, when the two camps were almost level pegging on 41 per cent and 39 per cent.


Support has also risen for the option of staying in after a potential renegotiation of our terms of membership by David Cameron. YouGov finds that 57pc would vote to remain an EU member in such circumstances, against 22pc opting to leave. A fortnight ago the equivalent figures were 53pc plays 24pc. The lead for "in" has extended from 29 points to 35 points in a fortnight.


I accept that many Ukip voters and activists are sincere. And if their party gets to 6pc, 7pc or 8pc at the general election they can, as I've been saying for years, make a big impact. But some of them do seem almost as intolerant of dissent or any alternative thinking, as the Scottish Nationalists are, or the ultra-liberal illiberal politically correct thought police (™ Ukip) that Ukippers claim to dislike above all else. It's not just that the party has race-related problems. All this being shouted at ("quisling", "traitor" and so on) is also rather off-putting. For some off reason, I simply don't find it persuasive. And I speak as a moderate Eurosceptic.

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