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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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You are confusing voting for UKIP with a vote to leave Europe.
What is their political platform, again? The ironymeter is going off scale.

Let us know when there is a news story that might actually make a UKIP voter change their mind. The same old 'UKIP racists!' stuff really is yawn time.
Well, if a Clegg-beating political about-face mere weeks after swearing blind to the contrary is not enough to change at least some voters' minds, you'd have to seriously question the cognitive capacities of UKIP voters :roll:


Or maybe this cosying-up to wannabe Waffen SS is politically acceptable to you?

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What is their political platform, again? The ironymeter is going off scale.


As I said you are confusing things. There is ukip's agenda and then there is the voters. They are not necessarily one and the same. That is what the main parties need to get their heads around... stop attacking UKIP and their agenda and start addressing the issues driving people to vote UKIP.



Well, if a Clegg-beating political about-face mere weeks after swearing blind to the contrary is not enough to change at least some voters' minds, you'd have to seriously question the cognitive capacities of UKIP voters :roll:


Unfortunately the lib Dems are no longer a 'main party'. A vote for them is the new protest vote.


maybe this cosying-up to wannabe Waffen SS is politically acceptable to you?


Can't help yourself can you? Keep the UKIP votes coming. ;)

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Will the UKIP supporters on here still give them their support if this turns out to have substance?




My opinion of most politicians of whatever party is that the majority are simply there to get their snouts in the trough. It beats holding down a proper job and comes with a great pension.


UKIP are just another example of normal political behavior.


Their particular plan, get votes by appealing to the xenophobic little Englander bigots amongst us and then do sod all and get paid for it.


Their MEP's have the worst voting record of all the UK parties represented in Brussels.


So, presented with the opportunity to represent the people who put them there, they can't be arsed. Still don't let anyone dissuade you from voting for them, I'm sure it'll all turn out well in the end.


Yep I'll still be voting UKIP thanks.

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Yep I'll still be voting UKIP thanks.


They did the same thing to the BNP,jumped up charges and froze assests just before the 2005 elections.Predictactable stuff which says more about the main parties than it does UKIP.If anyone expected fair play,then they were being nieve.

Smells of desperation dont it?

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Yep I'll still be voting UKIP thanks.


Good for you, obviously you don't mind that you are wasting your vote.


---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 22:20 ----------


They did the same thing to the BNP,jumped up charges and froze assests just before the 2005 elections.Predictactable stuff which says more about the main parties than it does UKIP.If anyone expected fair play,then they were being nieve.

Smells of desperation dont it?


So you think the BNP are hard done by and we should have sympathy for them?


The BNP are comprised of scum, and supported by some of the stupidest people that inhabit this country.


Despite which, I would not ban them, it's nice to know who the morons are.

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Good for you, obviously you don't mind that you are wasting your vote.


The only people who waste their vote are those who can't be bothered to get off their backsides and make the effort.





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The only people who waste their vote are those who can't be bothered to get off their backsides and make the effort.








Do you actually understand the first past the post system of voting used in this country?


Because if you do, you will realise that lots of voters in this country are wasting their time getting off their backsides and voting.

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Do you actually understand the first past the post system of voting used in this country?


Because if you do, you will realise that lots of voters in this country are wasting their time getting off their backsides and voting.


Yes I do understand the system.


I also understand that there was a time in this city when a vote for the Liberals would have been considered a 'wasted' vote, because Labour were always guaranteed to win.


However, people 'wasted' their vote on the Liberals and over time their support grew as people realised they were in with a realistic chance of winning seats in the city. Eventually the Liberals did the unthinkable and kicked Labour out of power.


It's all about creating momentum, but that only happens if people vote for the party they believe in.





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Do you actually understand the first past the post system of voting used in this country?


Because if you do, you will realise that lots of voters in this country are wasting their time getting off their backsides and voting.


What you fail to understand is that voting patterns and public option shapes policy within all political parties. The huge vote currently sitting in the UKIP camo cannot be ignored and therefore nor can the issues that have driven them there. The main parties are going to have to give ground to win that support.


UKIP are a means to an end and they are serving their purpose well.

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So you think the BNP are hard done by and we should have sympathy for them?


I think they are and we should have sympathy for anyone that whilst trying to exercise their democratic right to air their views, or even stand for parliament, finds themselves being thwarted by a conspiracy that seeks only to surpress them rather than address their issues.


I don't hold with some of what they, or any other political party, says but we should all defend their right to say it. Otherwise we will eventually find any dissent from the status quo is illegal and no thinking person wants that.


Ironically it appears we are prepared to defend some people from abroad who whilst expressing their views here try to incite all kinds of negative things and yet some will actively strive to surpress british nationals from expresing a view.... Quite bizzare.




The BNP are comprised of scum, and supported by some of the stupidest people that inhabit this country.


Despite which, I would not ban them, it's nice to know who the morons are.


Very negative and unnecessarily insulting whilst at the same time adding nothing of merit to the debate. Does that mean you have nothing worthwhile to say?


As for being the BNP in your view being supported by some of the stupidest people in the country that can honestly be said about any party.


I can not think of anyone who's entire views I would dismiss out of hand or lower myself to insult because their views differ from mine.


At least your little outburst gives us all an little insight into you.


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