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Ukip. All discussion here please.

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Nigel is proposing that MPs get a pay rise from £67,000 to £90,000 or more. I assume that this rather whopping increase is to show the ordinary voter that Nigel feels their pain;




I think if the man manages to get us out of the EU he would be worth a salary of alot more.He will have earnt it.

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I think if the man manages to get us out of the EU he would be worth a salary of alot more.He will have earnt it.


It wouldn't just be him though. All MPs would get that. It would just be the latest snouts in a bigger trough.


You normally oppose Whitehall waste;


Ministers and officials ate £3 million worth of biscuits in 2011-2012 and spent £45 million on taxis to move prisoners and staff around the country.

More than £20 billion is lost through public sector fraud and £15 billion on duplicated procurement across Whitehall departments and councils.

The Home Office spent £427,000 on rubber bullets police are not even allowed tom use.

Edited by LeMaquis
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Nigel is proposing that MPs get a pay rise from £67,000 to £90,000 or more. I assume that this rather whopping increase is to show the ordinary voter that Nigel feels their pain;



Ukip MEPs currently treat their responsibilities to actually bother to vote in the European Parliament with contempt.


Why are we supposed to believe that they'll suddenly turn into workaholics if any of them get into Westminster?


In that link Farage says that 'Brussels has left Westminster toothless and powerless'.


Well, if his party members actually bothered to join in, perhaps we wouldn't be in that position.



Can you think of any other job where refusing to actually carry out the work which you were appointed to do not only does not lead to your dismissal, but enables you to carry on receiving your salary and expenses?

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Ukip MEPs currently treat their responsibilities to actually bother to vote in the European Parliament with contempt.


Why are we supposed to believe that they'll suddenly turn into workaholics if any of them get into Westminster?


In that link Farage says that 'Brussels has left Westminster toothless and powerless'.


Well, if his party members actually bothered to join in, perhaps we wouldn't be in that position.



Can you think of any other job where refusing to actually carry out the work which you were appointed to do not only does not lead to your dismissal, but enables you to carry on receiving your salary and expenses?


Which is true,Blair and his henchmen gave all our powers away.So what exactly are we paying them for?

Now if Nige was to get his way,power would be back here and they would then have a job to do,in looking after THIS country.A pay rise would seem right wouldnt it?

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Can you think of any other job where refusing to actually carry out the work which you were appointed to do not only does not lead to your dismissal, but enables you to carry on receiving your salary and expenses?


Might I venture to suggest


Local Councillor ?


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