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Independents and all other parties - discussion here please

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With the increase in threads about party politics, both local and national, on the forum we have decided that to create a level playing field we will allow one thread for each party to discuss policies. This thread is for discussing the policies of the Independents and all other parties.


Our normal rule of not posting links directly to the parties still applies so please respect this rule.

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Damn, you Ninja'd me. I was literally just about to start the same thread...


I'd never heard of this party before I looked at my postal vote ballot paper the other day, but they definitely deserve a thread dedicated to them.




They're quite new, and their most exciting policy is this


it campaigns for the establishment of a Yorkshire Parliament within the UK, similar to the Scottish Parliament or National Assembly of Wales.
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I can't actually see what they're trying to achieve under the current structure and system.


Fair enough to campaign for a devolved regional assembly, but as (I think) it's unlikely they've got much of a constituency at the present, they'd be better setting up as a lobbying group to directly challenge the Westminster politicians and the representatives in the EU parliament.

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So nobody's voting for the Anti-Cuts / Oppressed Workers coalition?


Why not? Don't British workers deserve a living wage?


If you want to get rid of these Eastern European immigrants that "are taking our jobs" then you must pay British workers a decent enough wage to make subsistence on benefits unjustifiable and give workers suitable employment rights to balance the owner / worker relationship.


You can't pay workers peanuts and treat them like animals, then wonder why no unemployed person wants to work and all new jobs are being taken by immigrants.


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Damn, you Ninja'd me. I was literally just about to start the same thread...


I'd never heard of this party before I looked at my postal vote ballot paper the other day, but they definitely deserve a thread dedicated to them.




They're quite new, and their most exciting policy is this


So despite being advised to create the Yorkshire First thread by Esme, it has been merged with "Independents and all other parties" :-(

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Just cast my vote, not sure if it is right that pakistani men are hovering over their ladies whilst they vote.


Looks like they've got a spot of bother down at Tower Hamlets too


"A Green Party activist was also unhappy about how the polling station was being run. She told Breitbart London: “The problem here is poverty and lack of education. A lot of the voters can’t read and have no idea who they are voting for, that’s why people are out telling them what to do"



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