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Sheffields Healthiest Distraction?


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Like music?


Need to get fitter but hate the thought of gyms or anything remotely sport related?


Been there, seen the light, got the black belt......and still want more?


Feel youre too old?


......or too young?


Too much money..too few friends?


Too littlte money...all the wrong friends?


Does the world class you as 'disabled'?



.....or do you just need a healthy distraction?




If any of the above strike a chord, or if you simply like to think of yourself as the adventurous type, then this may be the thing for you or someone you know.


Sheffields first dedicated Poi spinning sessions are now in full swing and all are invited to take part. To find out more about Poi or Poi Spinning, look it up in any good seach thingy and browse away. (not to be confused with the Hawaiian fruit that bares the same name)


TIME & PLACE......The Highfield Trinity Church..London Road (rear entrance) 7 - 9pm


COST.....Free! ..but small donations towards the ligts are always appreciated.


ps....bring a pair of white socks and tennis balls if you can....Ive only got limited spares........(intregued?)


pps...a poem about Poi..the way I see it...........enjoy...



The Art Of Keeping One Foot On The Ground.....by Kato


This is the art of making choices

and one where speaking becomes easy..only, without voices.


This is the art of noticing change

and one of learning to see beyond your choices..however strange.


This is the art of getting it wrong gracefully

One with which you will pummell out the 'me,me,me'


by youself




This is the art of keeping it real

One where you teach yourself how to feel.


This is the art of living in the here and now

and one where you soon figure out only you can overcome the 'how?'


This is the art of attaianing trancendant ability

and one of feeling unspeakable humilty.


This art shows the world around you the shape of your every thought.

This art displays a wealth that cant be bought.


This art is the epitome, and it is the embodyment of phrases like 'what goes around..comes around'


It is one where you can have your head in the clouds......

as well as one foot on the ground.


With this art you can mimic the movement of the planets..

expand and contract...be like the ebb and flow of the tide.


You can learn to handle an awesome ammount of power...

without an ounce of pride.




This is the art of knowing yourself..of having fun..and of being young.


This art can heal...


and make the proverbial serpent bite its toungue!


This art is an effective fear killer.

One that can be a real crowd thriller.


Whether with friends.....or on your tod...


for some........


this is the art of seeing God




See you there............Kato x





Just in case......there are toilet facilities on board along with tea and biccies and juice and stuff.........and good wheelchair access.

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Thousand apologies...in the middle of moving house at the mo...everything chaotic.....


.....yes..its on Monday nights. Sorry for the lack of info...only just got pc set up and wanted to plant the seed asap.


Got big plans for this but all in good time...I want people to feel like they are part of something special.



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Good luck with it. How many do you have going to this Monday night session? Is there an age limit (I would like to bring my 13 year old daughter).?

I've never done this before but it sounds fascinating.

I assume we can just turn up on Mondays then?

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Ayup...this is very much a turn up and see type of session. The only limits are the ones that you set yourself. The whole thing is in it infancy and the sessions are, at the moment, informal and relatively unstructured. In the future, I have plans to incorporate live music and a semi-structured approach to the spinning..giving people the feeling that they belong to something along with far greater scope for personal expression than in any other dance/martial art type scene..both being categories that this could fit into. Everyone who spins will find thier own level and there is no doctrine or dogma to worry about. Under my guidence, more experienced spinners help to coach less experienced ones...thats how it works in Poiland.


As for numbers...Im waiting to see how many people take up the challenge first. The hall under the church is huge and will accomodate fifteen to twenty spinners at once. If hundreds turn up (he hopes) then...........Ill cross that one when Im there.


I will be hunting for sponsors soon as well so anyone out there with a really open mind....gimme a shout. This could be bigger than yoga, tai chi and pilates put together if its worked the right way. I am willing to stake my reputation on that claim.


Thanks for the interest Eclaire...hope to see you there.. :-)



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Hi Kato!

Long time no see fella! Welcome to the forum BTW, nice to have you here.

Im well up for a bit of spinning, Ive let it slip over the last year or so but im sure it will come back to me in no time.

I missed this week but im sure ill be there for the next one.

Catch you soon bro......



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