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Abu Hamza guilty

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Are you seriously concerned as to whether this vile piece of scum got a fair trial or not?


Absolutely i am. You should be too!




He should have never even have had the right to a trial - the whole world knows exactly what he's responsible for and has done for many years -

YES HE SHOULD <REMOVED>. So they dont give him a trial, that makes it ok for YOU not to have a trial should you be faced by one does it? Will it be ok for people to say, Pah, we know what he did. Hang him high!! Or are you special?

the disgusting excuse for a human should have been hanged, drawn and quartered in public and then fed to the vultures!!!




Prison is any city of any country is far far too good for him!!

He wont get the death penalty thats for sure.

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He wont get the death penalty thats for sure.


Hopefully not. Why make a martyr out of him when he could be spending the rest of his life in solitary.


What concerns me more than anything about all this is not the time it took to get him extradited to a country that had the bottle to deal with him. Nor is that we did lock him up for life years ago. He will find his sentence much less easier to serve in the US than he would here.


My main concern now is what should be done about the solicitors and other members of the legal team that helped him fight his extradition from the UK for so long; By agreeing to represent him should they not be treated as traitors lose their right to practice law and be charged and then imprisoned with something for crimes against the state?


I find it ironic that the very people we look to; solicitors barristers and judges etc. to uphold the law and see that things are done correctly, by the book and according to the law, appear to the very people who seem to care least about justice.


Little wonder the statue wears a blindfold.



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Absolutely i am. You should be too!




YES HE SHOULD <REMOVED>. So they dont give him a trial, that makes it ok for YOU not to have a trial should you be faced by one does it? Will it be ok for people to say, Pah, we know what he did. Hang him high!! Or are you special?





He wont get the death penalty thats for sure.


Well for a start you've got absolutely no right to call me a bloody idiot - I'm not the one defending a terrorist - I think that makes you the goody too shoes, politically correct, human rights nonsense, pathetic moron!


Also - you can hardly compare him with 99.9% of the world's population, and I have never been in trouble with the law in my life, and even though many people have been it's very rarely on this kind of level.


Ps. I'm female so no trouser movement here - you fool!!!

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Hopefully not. Why make a martyr out of him when he could be spending the rest of his life in solitary.


What concerns me more than anything about all this is not the time it took to get him extradited to a country that had the bottle to deal with him. Nor is that we did lock him up for life years ago. He will find his sentence much less easier to serve in the US than he would here.


My main concern now is what should be done about the solicitors and other members of the legal team that helped him fight his extradition from the UK for so long; By agreeing to represent him should they not be treated as traitors lose their right to practice law and be charged and then imprisoned with something for crimes against the state?


I find it ironic that the very people we look to; solicitors barristers and judges etc. to uphold the law and see that things are done correctly, by the book and according to the law, appear to the very people who seem to care least about justice.


Little wonder the statue wears a blindfold.




That's because the law does wear a blindfold. It should not favour nor discriminate against anyone. If you were accused of a crime you'd hope that your solicitor, lawyer and judge acted correctly as per the law and not from some prejudice (look it up) or from some pre-conceived view or from pressure from outside influences.


The law is the law. That is what makes law better than summary justice, kangaroo courts or vigilantism.


His lawyers weren't being traitors, they were upholding the oath they took when they became professionals. To try and do the very best for their client.


Indeed they would be more likely to be struck off from their professional body for refusing to represent him.


Everyone, no matter how odious they are, should have equal access to representation. That is justice.

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ll49 don't let people like Closet Guy get to you.


They resort to name calling through their frustration at not being able to counter other people's comments adequately. The bizarre little (and inappropriate) sexual reference only goes to highlight his own failings which may be far worse in the rest of his life than he reveals on here. It may well be that he gets some trouser movement of his own through this forum for some unimaginable reasons, which is what gave him the idea, and perhaps he does not know anything about female anatomy which may be why he thought his inane comment might apply to you.

His choice of user name may well be saying a lot about him.


Actually I'm surprised his <REMOVED> comment got past the censors.




Most sane and rational people I would think are of the opinion that what ever happens to Hamza now will be far too kind. He could and should have been extradited to the US years ago, though I imagine knowing that he eventually would be might well have provided him with a few sleepless nights as he moust have been aware the he was never going to be found not guilty in the US courts.



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Most sane and rational people I would think are of the opinion that what ever happens to Hamza now will be far too kind. He could and should have been extradited to the US years ago, though I imagine knowing that he eventually would be might well have provided him with a few sleepless nights as he moust have been aware the he was never going to be found not guilty in the US courts.




But why wasn't he prosecuted here? His actions led to the death of three Britons. Why did the authorities here not deem that worthy of prosecution? Then we could have knocked all the extradition palaver on the head.

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ll49 don't let people like Closet Guy get to you.





People like me? Ah yes, you mean people who want him to have had a fair trial. Have you stopped to ask youself why i may want this? Have you? No, course not well ill enlighten you.

Fair trial means less chance of appeal meaning less chance of him getting out on a technicality meaning he will rot in prison for much much longer.

Get it now do you?

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But why wasn't he prosecuted here? His actions led to the death of three Britons. Why did the authorities here not deem that worthy of prosecution? Then we could have knocked all the extradition palaver on the head.



I really don't know and any thought I might have on that would be purely speculative


Perhaps if the three had been deemed worthy enough by the state presumably like politicians, entertainers, royalty or the very wealthy for example, we might have prosecuted him here.


He will have a less pleasant experience serving his sentence in the US than he would here though I'm quite convinced of that.



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ll49 don't let people like Closet Guy get to you.


They resort to name calling through their frustration at not being able to counter other people's comments adequately. The bizarre little (and inappropriate) sexual reference only goes to highlight his own failings which may be far worse in the rest of his life than he reveals on here. It may well be that he gets some trouser movement of his own through this forum for some unimaginable reasons, which is what gave him the idea, and perhaps he does not know anything about female anatomy which may be why he thought his inane comment might apply to you.

His choice of user name may well be saying a lot about him.


Actually I'm surprised his <REMOVED> comment got past the censors.




Most sane and rational people I would think are of the opinion that what ever happens to Hamza now will be far too kind. He could and should have been extradited to the US years ago, though I imagine knowing that he eventually would be might well have provided him with a few sleepless nights as he moust have been aware the he was never going to be found not guilty in the US courts.




Thank you very much Tommo68!!


I did find the anatomy comment very strange myself.

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