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Empathy? Do you have any?

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?

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I think I'm pretty strong on empathy. I've worked in the NHS for nearly 20 years and for the local authority for about five - both in jobs which rely quite heavily on understanding how other people feel.

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I'm moving out of an area I've lived in for 30 years of my life because the schools my kids go to have been flooded with Roma gypsy whose parents spit and smoke in the playground both morning and afternoon, wear the same tracksuits morning and afternoon day in day out (none of them are ever dressed for work) while I and my partner are dressed for a day's work when dropping the kids off, they argue and swear at each in front of the kids, bring dogs with them that defecate in the school playground. 30-40% of the Roma kids barely speak English, have poor attendance, poor behaviour, form gangs that are picking on white kids (never their own), the smart kids are seated with the Roma to "bring them on" (but never mind pushing the smart ones to excel). This isn't the sort of education experience I want for my children but I'm fortunate enough to be able to move house to a nicer area less affected by the Roma, just a shame so many of my good friends are not so fortunate (I empathise with them) and their kids will carry on getting the crap education.


You are an empathetic person though OP, for that I receive your empathy with thanks.

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?


:hihi: All the people who usually take your bait will be along shortly and play right into your hands. Have you got your hand rub and evil genius laugh at the ready?


Dont Feed Him People!!!:hihi:

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I'm moving out of an area I've lived in for 30 years of my life because the schools my kids go to have been flooded with Roma gypsy whose parents spit and smoke in the playground both morning and afternoon, wear the same tracksuits morning and afternoon day in day out (none of them are ever dressed for work) while I and my partner are dressed for a day's work when dropping the kids off, they argue and swear at each in front of the kids, bring dogs with them that defecate in the school playground. 30-40% of the Roma kids barely speak English, have poor attendance, poor behaviour, form gangs that are picking on white kids (never their own), the smart kids are seated with the Roma to "bring them on" (but never mind pushing the smart ones to excel). This isn't the sort of education experience I want for my children but I'm fortunate enough to be able to move house to a nicer area less affected by the Roma, just a shame so many of my good friends are not so fortunate (I empathise with them) and their kids will carry on getting the crap education.


You are an empathetic person though OP, for that I receive your empathy with thanks.


I empathize with you and your friends.

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By my own admission i know i lack understanding of how to put myself in somebody elses shoes and try to understand how they feel.I look at everybody the same as me,and i am a person who never asks or goes looking for sympathy even though i have had a tough life medically i am strong willed and carry on with life.I am always determined to succeed and i never give up and walk away.I know i would make a bad psychologist and counsellor but we are all different.I always help somebody in the street if they need it and always help somebody if they ask me to.I do not like to see people suffer especially children.I have become a hard character as i have got older as i found out i used to get taken advantage of all the time for saying yes but i am now able to say no without feeling guilty.

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.


That's called narcissism not empathy.

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