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Empathy? Do you have any?

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I think I'm pretty strong on empathy. I've worked in the NHS for nearly 20 years and for the local authority for about five - both in jobs which rely quite heavily on understanding how other people feel.


Respect for working in the NHS, But ask yourself the same question when you jump down someone's throat who doesn't agree with what you believe. I'm not having a go, I'm just stating facts. I know some may appear to be anti Islamic or even racist but do you show Empathy for those who may have had bad experiences with it?


I can see why you have such a understanding and defensive role on the boards with your previous work.

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Respect for working in the NHS, But ask yourself the same question when you jump down someone's throat who doesn't agree with what you believe. I'm not having a go, I'm just stating facts. I know some may appear to be anti Islamic or even racist but do you show Empathy for those who may have had bad experiences with it?


Again, that's not lack of empathy, that's debating and arguing.


The next bit is a subtly disguised strawman, I think.


I can see why you have such a understanding and defensive role on the boards with your previous work.


... so why write the above? (unless it was unintentional)

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I think I'm fairly empathic. It was certainly a quality needed in some of the work I've done in the public sector. I link empathy to awareness. I never cease to be surprised at the lack of awareness and empathy shown by some folk.


In my opinion, those qualities should be top of the list when recruiting staff to caring and helping occupations. Unfortunately there are some people in those roles who appear unaware of how their clients/patients feel, and have little or no empathy for them.

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I link empathy to awareness. I never cease to be surprised at the lack of awareness and empathy shown by some folk.



I agree with this. I can never decide if I'm just becoming a' grumpy old woman' or whether people generally (of all ages) are becoming less considerate, especially to strangers they come across in public (on transport, in shops, restaurants, parks, etc). There seems to be much more airing of emotion and discussion/broadcasting of private lives (some of the stuff on the radio, e.g. 'I just want my wife to know how much I love her', etc) is a bit OTT...but my perception is that generally in society, rudeness and lack of empathy for others' feelings and needs is definitely on the increase.

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There's no room for empathy when it comes to business. Ask a home repossession judge or a traffic warden. So yes, I have empathy but not if someone else's circumstances are having a negative impact on my bottom line!

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?


I'll show empathy for people who deserve it but have little empathy for those who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and to seek to blame others for their mistakes..

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?


You are mistaken.


The greatest gift we possess is


Happiness, happiness…


(Cue Ken Dodd earworm for everyone, for the rest of the day!)

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I think I'm fairly empathic. It was certainly a quality needed in some of the work I've done in the public sector. I link empathy to awareness. I never cease to be surprised at the lack of awareness and empathy shown by some folk.


In my opinion, those qualities should be top of the list when recruiting staff to caring and helping occupations. Unfortunately there are some people in those roles who appear unaware of how their clients/patients feel, and have little or no empathy for them.

... so in that respect working in the public sector is very similar to say, running a local internet forum? :huh:

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