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Empathy? Do you have any?

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Now how would that look ey? I made a big girly song and dance about people not feeding you then you go and ask me a direct question. Im torn, do i go back on my word and not feed you or do i show politeness and reply? Well i may be a big girly stropper but im not ill mannered so ill bite.

I would describe me as me. I can be empathetic depending on the circumstances.


Is there something wrong with you?

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I'm surprised that you think of yourself as having empathy, Halibut, because your history on this site shows you in a whole other light, from what I've seen of you.


Just for starters the way you try to bait anybody who posts a view at odds with yours. And, given the sob stories on the Page Hall thread about how people's lives are being blighted there, what empathetic person would have a siggie with the slogan "Up the Roma!"?


Myself, not sure if I have true empathy, but I do feel some sympathy for others who are in situations not of their own making, whatever the cause.


Very unfair to Halibut.


And your last sentence is patently nonsense. First, you can rarely know all the facts about who or what created a situation, especially one reported in the media. Second, situations people find themselves in are almost always a mixture of 'their own making' and forces or influences beyond their control. So to say you only sympathise in principle with people who are in situations 'not of their own making' is pretty meaningless.

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I think empathy and compassion are two of the kindest qualities a person can posses. I have become more so the older I've become.

I work within a customer services role and have done so for over 20 years. I can't bear seeing people upset...not just at work but in general.


Being considerate towards others & being able to see things from a different perspective requires listening skills, there's always a reason someone is angry/upset, and if people took a few minutes to listen & empathise rather than react negatively or be judgemental, society would be a better place.

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?


That's a bit rich.

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I think its one of my greatest strengths, it can be a burden at times but I'd rather have it than not.


I agree with this. Sometimes feeling the weight of others misery can be overwhelming; but when you're going through tough times yourself having insight can be the greatest gift.

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Very unfair to Halibut.


And your last sentence is patently nonsense. First, you can rarely know all the facts about who or what created a situation, especially one reported in the media. Second, situations people find themselves in are almost always a mixture of 'their own making' and forces or influences beyond their control. So to say you only sympathise in principle with people who are in situations 'not of their own making' is pretty meaningless.


I think he has point. I've not read all the page hall threads (don't live there - don't have much to say frankly) but there doesn't seem to be much sympathy given to the people who live there who aren't Roma from the likes of halibut - from what I recall. Now he either thinks the complainants are lying racists or he doesn't care. It's worth pointing out not sides of that debate have attracted plenty of people who don't what's actually happening and just like stirring debates like that particular one.

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I think empathy is a hugely important element of what makes up decent human beings. I shouldn't be by now, but still find myself surprised and saddened sometimes by how little of this precious attribute some people possess.

How empathetic are you?


Personally, I think it is wrong to suggest that Empathy = good, No empathy = bad.


Whatever each one of us lacks in one aspect is made up by another. And it's using that "other" positively that makes us good or bad. For example, an overly empathetic person would never achieve anything involving others for fear of hurting someone (you can't please all of the people all of the time)


Some of the most influential people in history were low down on the empathy scale - Churchill, Brunell, Thatcher etc. If you require a person to drive a project or implement change, you need someone high on caring for task, low on caring for people.


In times of crisis (personal/organsiational/societal) you will need someone with low empathy to help overcome that crisis, so we shouldn't diss them because they are not "nice". Let us also celebrate the hard men

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