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No Voters. All discussion here please.

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Personally I don't feel that I have enough knowledge on politics in order to make an informed decision on who to vote for, thus just don't bother. I have looked into their policies many times, but still don't feel I know enough. And then I also need to weed out what are and aren't lies, which isn't easy.


I don't think I have enough time on my hands that would get me up to a high enough standard of knowledge where I would feel comfortable and informed enough to vote.

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depends how you define the apathy, I'd have said its nothing to do with being content
Oh but Mel, think of those people in countries that are denied the vote and long for the freedom to do so.


Not that I wish compulsory voting to be introduced here as it is in so many other countries, but I feel we might be heading that way if low turn outs continue.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 15:36 ----------


Personally I don't feel that I have enough knowledge on politics in order to make an informed decision on who to vote for, thus just don't bother. I have looked into their policies many times, but still don't feel I know enough. And then I also need to weed out what are and aren't lies, which isn't easy.


I don't think I have enough time on my hands that would get me up to a high enough standard of knowledge where I would feel comfortable and informed enough to vote.

Blank vote if you're undecided.


Voting is vital.


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I am quite happy for people not to vote. That means that my vote is worth just a little bit more.


In fact I am going to campaign for everyone to stop voting - then I'll get to make all the decisions.


Then you'd all be moaning

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Perhaps you should stop perpetuating the myth that all non-voters are "apathetic"


Many are far from it, involved in grass roots campaigns, community initiatives, workplace organising, groups like the IWW etc..


FAR less apathetic than just sticking a cross in a box 60 times in an entire lifetime


I'm not! Far from it. As I've said if you re-read my posts.


It's the politicians who interpret it as apathy, or if it suits them - happy with things the way they are. They don't see it as a protest because it suits them not to do so. So spoil your ballot paper and they might see it as a protest, particularly if you write 'none of the above' or some such on it.


---------- Post added 21-05-2014 at 17:56 ----------


depends how you define the apathy, I'd have said its nothing to do with being content


I meant apathy to mean 'can't be bothered, or 'not interested.'


It was badly put. I should have made it clear I didn't mean it to be grouped with 'contented.'

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Personally I don't feel that I have enough knowledge on politics in order to make an informed decision on who to vote for, thus just don't bother. I have looked into their policies many times, but still don't feel I know enough. And then I also need to weed out what are and aren't lies, which isn't easy.


I don't think I have enough time on my hands that would get me up to a high enough standard of knowledge where I would feel comfortable and informed enough to vote.


Simples! Disraeli allegedly once made a comment about statistics, but attributed to 'Twain' and 'Lord Balfour' - "There are three kinds of lies/falsehoods: lies, damned lies, and statistics."




In response to this there are "Liars, Damned Liars, and Politicians" or how to be 'economical with the truth'. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Just been looking at the views of each political thread, if we were a Party we would replace the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats! UKIP is in front with the Greens in Second Place.


Now here's a novel idea, let's do a UKIP and form the 'No Voters Party' "Once in Power we will remove Central Government and place it in the hands of Regional Councils to raise there own taxes and employ the out of work MPs as Road sweepers!" - including Monsieur Farage!

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Personally I don't feel that I have enough knowledge on politics in order to make an informed decision on who to vote for, thus just don't bother. I have looked into their policies many times, but still don't feel I know enough. And then I also need to weed out what are and aren't lies, which isn't easy.


I don't think I have enough time on my hands that would get me up to a high enough standard of knowledge where I would feel comfortable and informed enough to vote.


That's a shame. You seem to be a person who has given this some thought and at least made an effort to understand.


The result, however, is that by not voting you will leave more of the decision to those who just think that Miliband is too weird or Cameron is too posh.

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That's a shame. You seem to be a person who has given this some thought and at least made an effort to understand.


The result, however, is that by not voting you will leave more of the decision to those who just think that Miliband is too weird or Cameron is too posh.


Well we are all entitled to an opinion - including yours! :wink:

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Personally I don't feel that I have enough knowledge on politics in order to make an informed decision on who to vote for, thus just don't bother. I have looked into their policies many times, but still don't feel I know enough. And then I also need to weed out what are and aren't lies, which isn't easy.


I don't think I have enough time on my hands that would get me up to a high enough standard of knowledge where I would feel comfortable and informed enough to vote.


I'm sure you're at least as well informed as most voters. I think many just go on gut instinct, and others vote along broad class divisions, (eg. 'I'm working class so I vote Labour' etc.) Others do their best to weigh up the options, but there's no right or wrong way to vote, just your opinion.


It's good that you take it so seriously, but to a lot of politicians it's all about image rather than substance these days anyway, and they tell lies too, so take your pick, or spoil your paper, but I do urge you to vote.

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By far the biggest voting group in the US are Senior Citizens, Old Age Pensioners to you. For that reason Congress makes sure they don't upset them. The others, who rarely vote get little, and love to moan about it. Perhaps if they were suddenly issued brains they might make a change. I can't comment on the UK. During the long years at sea, my Mother in Law had my proxy to vote for my choice, but she always voted Tory anyway. Not that that bothered me. Harold Wilson was in power. Nuff said.

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By far the biggest voting group in the US are Senior Citizens, Old Age Pensioners to you. For that reason Congress makes sure they don't upset them. The others, who rarely vote get little, and love to moan about it. Perhaps if they were suddenly issued brains they might make a change. I can't comment on the UK. During the long years at sea, my Mother in Law had my proxy to vote for my choice, but she always voted Tory anyway. Not that that bothered me. Harold Wilson was in power. Nuff said.


How's the US voting system work?


Ours is unfit for purpose, 'first past the post' has left us with a situation that no government since the war has obtained 50% of the votes cast.


Blair got in with 40.7% the first time and 35.2% the second time.


That means that in every election bar one since 1945 more people have voted for parties other than the one which got to form the government.


The exception being the present coalition with a combined vote of 59.1% from a 65.1% turnout.


That's why I stopped voting, as the same party has been returned in my constituency in the 32 years I've lived in my house.


This time I intend to vote and spoil my ballot paper with a suitable comment regarding the undemocratic system operated in this country.


Not that it'll make a blind bit of difference, the current system landed us with the bunch of shysters we have, and it's not in their interest to change it.

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