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No Voters. All discussion here please.

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None of them represent my views 100%. I chose the one who was most closely aligned to my views. I cannot believe that anyone could say that the Racists, the Greens, the Tories and Labour all equally represent their views?


They all equally don't represent my views & I'd rather have my contribution to the low turnout figure than vote for any of them.


Surely it can't be that hard for a local election candidate to do a bit of door knocking? If they're not even putting the effort in to campaign then why should I put any effort in to support them? I understand the Euro constituencies are much larger than a local council ward, but what excuse do the local candidates have? Both Labour & Lib Dem councils have ruined this city over the last few years, and I don't like racists, greens or Tories. I almost voted socialist because at least he put the effort in to graffiti a derelict club at Manor Top, but they don't really represent me well either & it'd be a pointless wasted protest vote.

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They all equally don't represent my views & I'd rather have my contribution to the low turnout figure than vote for any of them.


So you are equally happy/angry with the current council than you were with the previous council? Taking this wider, are you equally happy with Cameron and Clegg as you were with Blair and Brown, and would be equally happy to have Nigel Farage as PM?

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I have not voted for a number of years, the two main parties have pretty much got the whole thing sown up with their control of the media that demonize any threat (look at the hatchet job on UKIP over the last few months), this don't vote, can't have an opinion nonsense is music to these parties ears and is of course total nonsense, my vote gives someone the chance of a very good and very lucrative life, I will not waste that privilege on the current crop of Tories or so called Labour (a disgrace to the name of the labour of old) and the fringe parties convince.


Another big reason for me not to vote are the party manifesto's which are basically a sales brochure that the issuer has got no intention of actually adhering to once they gain power yet people fall for the same spiel every election time.


No thanks.

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So ridiculous it doesn't warrant a reply.
It's both factual (from historical records) and logical (already amply explained in this thread).


Part of the left-wing working class turned to national socialism which in combination with the aforementioned reasons for declining votes is an ample explanation for the success of the nazis during elections.



I'm not surprised you can't find a worthy come back.


As regards your "democratic right not to vote", I don't have any problem with you exercising it. I agree entirely with Andy's earlier reply about it.

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So you are equally happy/angry with the current council than you were with the previous council? Taking this wider, are you equally happy with Cameron and Clegg as you were with Blair and Brown, and would be equally happy to have Nigel Farage as PM?


It was a local & euro election. Farage wont ever be PM & couldn't possibly become PM from yesterdays election, you weren't voting for that.


Maybe I should've voted in the Euros, but it seems distant. Locally I am equally as unhappy with this council as the last one, they seem to carry on the same policies & there's not much to choose between them, I'd probably have voted socialist, but I'm not really a hardcore trade unionist.


Did apathy win these elections again? I can't even be bothered to check the results.


L00b, another quote from that same source...

During National Socialism the lawful voting right was turned into an actual compulsory voting which was enforced by compelling people to go to the ballot.
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L00b, another quote from that same source...
Yes, I'm aware of that development and that section you quote :)


That came after voter apathy let (more and more of-) them in, and it's how a government manufactures unanimous plebiscites to justify its actions, part and parcel of how a democracy is progressively and 'respectfully' turned into a dictatorship.


Just ask those famous heads of states, routinely re-elected with 90+% of the votes, Bashar al-Assad and Kim Jong-un.

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It was a local & euro election. Farage wont ever be PM & couldn't possibly become PM from yesterdays election, you weren't voting for that.


I know that.. hence why I said "taking this wider..."


---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 09:58 ----------


I will not waste that privilege on the current crop of Tories or so called Labour (a disgrace to the name of the labour of old) and the fringe parties convince.


Surely a vote that isn't used is a wasted vote?


---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 09:59 ----------


I agree entirely with Andy's earlier reply about it.


There's a first, someone agreeing with me :hihi:

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I know nothing about history ! :hihi:


Also, and this is aimed all all the dissenters to my particular choice, you're not being very democratic are you, wanting to force people to vote. You really should question yourself, and what you believe "democracy" to be.


Show me where I have stated I want to "force" people to vote?


If you attend meetings at work where you are expected to vote on certain issues, and fewer and fewer people attend, then only the minority make decisions on behalf of the majority.


You let others make your decisions for you, hardly democratic!

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The nutters, the racists, the neo-nazis, the trouble makers and the extremists from both ends of the spectrum will always vote. Those people who are more reasonable are perhaps less likely to vote. We have a responsibility to use our votes wisely and if a bunch of racist thugs won the election, those who had not used their vote would have to hang their heads in shame.


Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb!


---------- Post added 23-05-2014 at 11:14 ----------


None of them represent my views 100%. I chose the one who was most closely aligned to my views. I cannot believe that anyone could say that the Racists, the Greens, the Tories and Labour all equally represent their views?


What price democracy then when you vote on that basis?

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