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No Voters. All discussion here please.

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Well of course you can complain, just like I can complain about people not voting. Personally I think your complaint carries less weight if you ignored the opportunity to change things.


What does amuse me is whenever I hear that someone didn't vote, they always give a reason like "I don't believe any of the parties will do a good job". Nobody ever says "It was raining and I didn't want to go out", "I wanted to stay home and watch Eastenders" or just "I forgot there was an election".


What about someone who doesn't believe in the market economy or Capitalism?

What about someone who believes the system is a total corruption of what democracy is supposed to be?

What about someone who believes that politics is a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles...the pursuit of public affairs for private advantage?


That's just for starters Andy. Kinda blows your "always" out of the water!


AND...I've just been out in the rain! :cool:



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What about someone who doesn't believe in the market economy or Capitalism?

What about someone who believes the system is a total corruption of what democracy is supposed to be?

What about someone who believes that politics is a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles...the pursuit of public affairs for private advantage?


That's just for starters Andy. Kinda blows your "always" out of the water!


That's kind of the point though - people always give some reason which means they have considered it and chosen not to vote for political reasons rather than it being too difficult, too much hassle etc. This isn't aimed at people on here as obviously the person who can't be bothered is unlikely to come onto a thread about voting.


AND...I've just been out in the rain! :cool:


Please stay on topic; the going out in the rain thread is here :hihi:

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That's kind of the point though - people always give some reason which means they have considered it and chosen not to vote for political reasons rather than it being too difficult, too much hassle etc. This isn't aimed at people on here as obviously the person who can't be bothered is unlikely to come onto a thread about voting.




Please stay on topic; the going out in the rain thread is here :hihi:


Do those people who don't vote for political reasons have any right to complain?


Point taken...no more singing in the rain for me...

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Do those people who don't vote for political reasons have any right to complain?


Point taken...no more singing in the rain for me...


Honestly, it depends what they're complaining about. If they were complaining about tax increases, when this had been the stated policy of one party, then no they have no right to complain because they did nothing about it when they had the chance.


Of course when I say no right to complain, of course they can complain but really what I mean is they shouldn't be taken seriously...

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Honestly, it depends what they're complaining about. If they were complaining about tax increases, when this had been the stated policy of one party, then no they have no right to complain because they did nothing about it when they had the chance.


Of course when I say no right to complain, of course they can complain but really what I mean is they shouldn't be taken seriously...


So...if you don't vote you have no right to be taken seriously?

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What about someone who doesn't believe in the market economy or Capitalism?

What about someone who believes the system is a total corruption of what democracy is supposed to be?

What about someone who believes that politics is a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles...the pursuit of public affairs for private advantage?


That's just for starters Andy. Kinda blows your "always" out of the water!


AND...I've just been out in the rain! :cool:




I think it's time to start thinking about what you do want, and how it could be accomplished.


We are talking about massively complicated issues that are not going to be sorted out overnight. For instance, for the world we are entering into to work we all need to work together, yet we all seem to be coming more insular and be withdrawing into our own little countries and drawing up the drawbridge. Not good.


People have been wrestling with different systems of government trying to find what works best for thousands of years and still haven't cracked it. We are also living in a rapidly changing world that has no precedents, so it's not surprising things are in a state of flux.

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I think it's time to start thinking about what you do want, and how it could be accomplished.


We are talking about massively complicated issues that are not going to be sorted out overnight. For instance, for the world we are entering into to work we all need to work together, yet we all seem to be coming more insular and be withdrawing into our own little countries and drawing up the drawbridge. Not good.


People have been wrestling with different systems of government trying to find what works best for thousands of years and still haven't cracked it. We are also living in a rapidly changing world that has no precedents, so it's not surprising things are in a state of flux.


Let me assure you Anna I have thought long and often about what I want and how it could be accomplished.

The political journey of my life has been interesting to say the least and in the past I have been a card carrying member of three different parties from opposite ends of the spectrum. Over my 68 years I travelled from right to left and beyond and various stages in between to find where I "belonged."

Some time ago I came to the inescapable conclusion (for me) that political solutions to the world and the problems we face are non-existent.

What is needed before anything can change is a spiritual revolution not a political one. I don't see that as "massively complicated." A change of perception...of the way we look at the world is what's needed!

The tribalism you refer to in your reply will only get worse in the immediate future as the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

The current political system does not work in favour of the majority and in my view anyone who argues against the truth of that is fighting a losing battle and refusing to believe the evidence of their own eyes no matter how rose-tinted the lenses are.

As for things being in a state of flux...well...that is absolutely no surprise to me at all. We are always in a state of constant flux! That is the nature of the universe! You can never step in the same river twice...that is a scientific fact.

All change and all revolutions begin with the self. One cannot change the world without changing one's self...one's own world first!

And here is the answer to get the "mad dogs" of the forum frothing at the mouth and discounting everything I have said here...love is the answer.

Know yourself and love yourself and the world will change.

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Let me assure you Anna I have thought long and often about what I want and how it could be accomplished.

The political journey of my life has been interesting to say the least and in the past I have been a card carrying member of three different parties from opposite ends of the spectrum. Over my 68 years I travelled from right to left and beyond and various stages in between to find where I "belonged."

Some time ago I came to the inescapable conclusion (for me) that political solutions to the world and the problems we face are non-existent.

What is needed before anything can change is a spiritual revolution not a political one. I don't see that as "massively complicated." A change of perception...of the way we look at the world is what's needed!

The tribalism you refer to in your reply will only get worse in the immediate future as the gap between those who have and those who have not gets ever wider.

The current political system does not work in favour of the majority and in my view anyone who argues against the truth of that is fighting a losing battle and refusing to believe the evidence of their own eyes no matter how rose-tinted the lenses are.

As for things being in a state of flux...well...that is absolutely no surprise to me at all. We are always in a state of constant flux! That is the nature of the universe! You can never step in the same river twice...that is a scientific fact.

All change and all revolutions begin with the self. One cannot change the world without changing one's self...one's own world first!

And here is the answer to get the "mad dogs" of the forum frothing at the mouth and discounting everything I have said here...love is the answer.

Know yourself and love yourself and the world will change.


Excellent post. I agree.


I'd particularly like the greedy fat cats have a change of heart, but I can't see that happening. But as more and more of us slip towards third world status I can't see it ending well...

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Excellent post. I agree.


I'd particularly like the greedy fat cats have a change of heart, but I can't see that happening. But as more and more of us slip towards third world status I can't see it ending well...


The current rate of the growth of the gap between rich and poor has never been faster.

Food banks grow apace and at the same time we have never had more billionaires.

It's abhorrent and obscene!

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